Jesus is God !


Well-known member
Glorydazed says the Father is a Person but is not Spirit.

She says the Holy Spirit is His SEPARATE PERSON AND SPIRIT.

There is no such thing.

A Person is their Spirit.

The Father is not an unknown entity.

He is Spirit.

I'm about to report you for trolling this thread.

Stay on topic or start your own stupid thread where you can ramble on and on about nothing.

God's Truth

New member
Okay, you're getting worse and worse with each passing day. :hammer:

You dare to talk about common sense, when you can't even write a sentence that makes regular sense. :nono:

God in Three Persons, Blessed Trinity.:tunes:

You don't understand what you have said?

You told me the Father is a Person and not a Spirit.

You said the Holy Spirit is His Spirit and is another Person.


Well-known member
You don't understand what you have said?

Oh, I understand what I have said.

You told me the Father is a Person and not a Spirit.

No, I said the Father is not the Holy Spirit.

God in three persons, Blessed Trinity. :tunes:

You said the Holy Spirit is His Spirit and is another Person.

No, I said, God in three persons, Blessed Trinity. :tunes:

God's Truth

New member
Oh, I understand what I have said.

No, I said the Father is not the Holy Spirit.

So is the Father a Spirit?

It seems you trinitarians can't keep your stories straight.

How many Spirits are there?

God in three persons, Blessed Trinity. :tunes:

So the Father is a Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is another Spirit?

No, I said, God in three persons, Blessed Trinity. :tunes:

Yeah I know what you said.


Active member
still awaiting answers for questions 1-100 with you.....

But I will ask the oldest one first...

Was (Is) Jesus a created being to you?

I'll answer on meshak's behalf, yes Jesus was, scripture makes it clear he was.

Col 1:15, Rev 3:14, Pro 8:22.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I'll answer on meshak's behalf, yes Jesus was, scripture makes it clear he was.

Col 1:15, Rev 3:14, Pro 8:22.


Revelation 2:8 New Living Translation (NLT)

The Message to the Church in Smyrna
8 “Write this letter to the angel of the church in Smyrna. This is the message from the one who is the First and the Last, who was dead but is now alive:


Active member

Revelation 2:8 New Living Translation (NLT)

The Message to the Church in Smyrna
8 “Write this letter to the angel of the church in Smyrna. This is the message from the one who is the First and the Last, who was dead but is now alive:

How does Rev 2:8 negate Jesus being part of the created order as spoken of in the texts I mentioned?


Well-known member
So is the Father a Spirit?

It seems you trinitarians can't keep your stories straight.

How many Spirits are there?

So the Father is a Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is another Spirit?

Yeah I know what you said.

Poor woman. :nono:

That you can't figure out the difference between a spirit being and a member of the Godhead (Holy Spirit) is both sad and humorous. Sad in a funny sort of way.


Well-known member
The topic is Jesus is God.

I am proving with scripture that there is only one God and He is the Spirit.

Jesus is God.

So when the Spirit descended like a dove onto the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Father spoke from heaven, it was the Spirit that was God, and Jesus that was God? What about the Father, wasn't He God, too? :popcorn:

Luke 3:22 And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased.​

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Hall of Fame
So when the Spirit descended like a dove onto the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Father spoke from heaven, it was the Spirit that was God, and Jesus that was God? What about the Father, wasn't He God, too? :popcorn:
Luke 3:22 And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased.​
Blessedly, she (GT) is now removed from this thread.



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Either Jesus is a liar, he's a lunatic, or he's God. God makes the claim that He is the First and Last, Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End. Only God has the right to call Himself that.

Jesus makes the claim that he is the First and Last. That leaves only three options:

Jesus is a liar, in which case, nothing he says can be trusted.

Jesus is a lunatic, in which case, we can dismiss everything he said.

Jesus is LORD (YHWH), in which case, any arguments against Him being God are blasphemous.


Well-known member
You won't. No worries there :e4e:

:think: John 1:14 It's like you've never read that before... :think:

At times, I wonder if you are even aware of any of the Creeds :(
...Or John 1:14

:nono: A reflection of what is already there. You are confusing 'image' with 'mirror' (noun).

All of them. It is an 'appearing' from what is already there, come together. The river? Already there. Your reflection? Already you. "Expression," already you.

I noticed you are pondering another's post over this. John 10:10 "I came." John 1:14 'became'

I noticed this too you are working on from the other post. John 17:5
Such can be both. You and I were 'created.' Jesus existed before the world and 'had' the Father's Glory - shared. Read it. It is that clear. John 17:5

Because God, in a man's brain HAD to Philippians 2:7 Read it: "He" laid it aside and 'took on the nature' of a human.

Great! We agree on this. John 1:18

If all you ever see is that somehow Jesus AND the Father are God, you'll be very close to what it means to be "Triune"

You've changed since your time on TOL AND have become more orthodox than you were. THAT is a good thing. It means, I believe, that you are correct, you've been given something by me, thus God. The more you receive from Him? The more triune you are going to be. Scriptures are this clear. In Him -Lon
Your so in the dark Lon.

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Well-known member
Keypurr, in the meantime, could you answer the questions I asked in my post?

As for the rest of your post:

No, Keypurr, it's not a stumbling block.

Let's look at the verse and the surrounding passage:

For the law, having a shadow of the good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with these same sacrifices, which they offer continually year by year, make those who approach perfect.For then would they not have ceased to be offered? For the worshipers, once purified, would have had no more consciousness of sins.But in those sacrifices there is a reminder of sins every year.For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins.Therefore, when He came into the world, He said: “Sacrifice and offering You did not desire, But a body You have prepared for Me.In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin You had no pleasure.Then I said, ‘Behold, I have come— In the volume of the book it is written of Me— To do Your will, O God.’”Previously saying, “Sacrifice and offering, burnt offerings, and offerings for sin You did not desire, nor had pleasure in them ” (which are offered according to the law),then He said, “Behold, I have come to do Your will, O God.” He takes away the first that He may establish the second.By that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. - Hebrews 10:1-10

Keypurr, this passage is talking about how animal sacrifices are insufficient for purification, as it says in verse 2, if the ones who offer the sacrifice were made perfect through the sacrifices, then they wouldn't have had the "consciousness of sins," or in other words, their sin would be taken away.

Thus, a different offering had to be made, so that man could be purified. This offering had to be perfect, for only a perfect offering can make one perfect.

Verse 5 clarifies this, when Jesus (yes, Jesus is the one speaking) said, “Sacrifice and offering You did not desire, But a body You have prepared for Me.In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin You had no pleasure.Then I said, ‘Behold, I have come— In the volume of the book it is written of Me— To do Your will, O God.’”

Keypurr, in oder for a spirit to live in a physical universe for an extended period of time, the spirit would need a physical body. Thus, when the Word (John 1:1) came to Earth (John 1:14), he needed a body to live in. So before He came to Earth, the Father prepared a body for Him, by "coming upon" Mary (Luke 1:35), and thus Jesus (the Word, the Holy One, the Son of God) was conceived (became flesh) in Mary's womb. (John 1:1,14, Luke 1:35)

The Word Himself, who is God, is the perfect sacrifice, because the only one who is perfect is God, therefore God Himself had to come to pay for the redemption of mankind. No man could do it, but a Man had to be the sacrifice to save mankind. So God came as a man, the Man, Christ Jesus, and died on the cross to pay for our sins. Any other sacrifice would not have been sufficient to pay for his own sin, let alone the sin of the whole world. Jesus Christ, the Word, God, the Son of God, the Son of Man, is the perfect mediator between God and man, because He is both fully God and fully man.

Therefore the body of Jesus Christ was the offering, that the Word who became flesh might die so that we could live, being sanctified by His offering, "once for all."[/QUOTE]So your agreeing that the logos needed a body?

That Jesus from being the logos then.

The logos is a SPIRIT, not a man. The logos was IN Jesus.

Case dismissed.

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