I will not vote for trump


New member
How do you define decline? Is the current Presidential campaign/election/display, an improvement or not?

The country isn't in decline. The Republican Party is. The decline is a bit noisy, but it's not a bad thing for the country. It would be nice to have two reasonable choices to pick from, but that will happen again eventually.

The Head of the F.B.I. confirmed before congressional hearing that Clinton private server did contain classified emails, although Clinton categorically said other wise, both in public and at her testimony before the F.B.I.. This seems to be two serious counts of Clinton actually breaking two serious U.S.A. laws and lying to the public.

Yes. And that's bad. But the demand for criminal charges goes too far.

She does not even resign, as was the accepted and common practice of past leaders who find themselves in similar circumstances.

She did resign....as secretary of state. But not because of this.


New member
Fortunately I will not have to vote for either Trump or Hilary because I am not an American. But I seem to remember him saying that Britain would be at the front of the queue for a trade deal with America, so I am a little bit biased in his favour.

The Berean

Well-known member
Every country that pushes God out, will ultimately be in decline.
America most certainly is a spiritual and moral decline. People think because we have nice tech toys everything is ok. But look at how prevalent fornication, homosexuality, abortion, greed, gluttony, avarice, anger, etc. are in our society. I see it more with the younger generation. I know a lot of millenials that are in a spiritually dark place. Oh, they may have nice material things like a good job, a car, tech toys, etc but for many that I've spoken that tell me they feel so empty inside. They hide this by putting on their "happy face" on social media. They have fallen victim to placing their faith and trust in themselves, or celebrities, or politicians, or in material things. They have treasure in this world but they don't understand their true treasure is in God's kingdom. Some young people are starting to see the light. I truly believe their will be a great spiritual awakening in the future that will be driven by the utter spiritual dispare of millions and millions of people. The church will stand like a beacon of light in these dark times as the Bible says it supposed to be and will.

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
America most certainly is a spiritual and moral decline. People think because we have nice tech toys everything is ok. But look at how prevalent fornication, homosexuality, abortion, greed, gluttony, avarice, anger, etc. are in our society. I see it more with the younger generation. I know a lot of millenials that are in a spiritually dark place. Oh, they may have nice material things like a good job, a car, tech toys, etc but for many that I've spoken that tell me they feel so empty inside. They hide this by putting on their "happy face" on social media. They have fallen victim to placing their faith and trust in themselves, or celebrities, or politicians, or in material things. They have treasure in this world but they don't understand their true treasure is in God's kingdom. Some young people are starting to see the light. I truly believe their will be a great spiritual awakening in the future that will be driven by the utter spiritual dispare of millions and millions of people. The church will stand like a beacon of light in these dark times as the Bible says it supposed to be and will.

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How is it effectively any different in that sense to how it was 100 years ago? What you list is hardly a modern phenomenon. Greed, fornication, avarice, anger and whatever have been around since the dawn of time. The only difference now is there's greater technology but the core remains the same. People still had their luxuries and at least society no longer accepts racism et al so if anything its improved.

The Berean

Well-known member
How is it effectively any different in that sense to how it was 100 years ago? What you list is hardly a modern phenomenon. Greed, fornication, avarice, anger and whatever have been around since the dawn of time. The only difference now is there's greater technology but the core remains the same. People still had their luxuries and at least society no longer accepts racism et al so if anything its improved.
A hundred years ago society wasn't embracing the murder of unborn babies or pushing that homosexuality was "normal". There was sin in the world then and there is still sin in the world today. That hasn't changed since the beginning of time, The world had not improved because we now have smart phones, fast food, and cable TV. If anything too much reliance on technology has made people weak in a physical, intellectual, and spiritual sense. Many people are addicted to their technology.


As for "racism" that will never go away. If people think it has gone away they are simply not paying attention. Oh, it's changed today. It's no longer in your face type of bigotry but a more insidious, more subtle, and patronizing form of racism as this video clearly shows. These students think they are "progressive" but are actually espousing true racism, that one group's superiority over another is race based.

The video is truly frightening. The patronizing, "we need to take care of black people", progressive white savior sentiment is beyond ridiculous.

The comments below the video are enlightening, and some angry, to say the least.

I can guarantee most that "liberals" in this video. Has little to no interaction with black people, or black culture. So for them to comment, on what is racist to for us is honestly obnoxious and nauseating.

...its like they see us as a inferior handicapped race dire need of their help...jeez

White liberals: "I watch Key and Peele and listen to hip hop music. I even go see Tyler Perry films with my black friend, so I'm well versed in black culture/issues."

Been saying this for years. Grew up in the San Fernando Valley, CA. Biggest racists in the world are white progressive liberals.

You can tell these people have never had contract with actual black people. They think our communities are like third world countries.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
A hundred years ago society wasn't embracing the murder of unborn babies or pushing that homosexuality was "normal". There was sin in the world then and there is still sin in the world today. That hasn't changed since the beginning of time, The world had not improved because we now have smart phones, fast food, and cable TV. If anything too much reliance on technology has made people weak in a physical, intellectual, and spiritual sense. Many people are addicted to their technology.

What do you mean by 'embracing' exactly? Abortion is no new phenomenon by any token and at least nowadays there are limits as to the terms of such legally whereas there weren't before. Homosexuality is normal for a lot of people and if it hadn't been for stupid laws that oppressed those you wouldn't see the likes of pride parades as of today. The black actors involved in 'Gone With The Wind' weren't allowed in cinemas to see the film they'd acted in for crying out loud so in all honesty, please get a grip. Technology is not to blame.

As for "racism" that will never go away. If people think it has gone away they are simply not paying attention. Oh, it's changed today. It's no longer in your face type of bigotry but a more insidious, more subtle, and patronizing form of racism as this video clearly shows. These students think they are "progressive" but are actually espousing true racism, that one group's superiority over another is race based.

Oh for sure, there'll be racism going on, from the bat crazy white supremacist wingnuts to the opposite end of the spectrum, but at least these days it's recognized for what it is, and nothing akin to times past where blacks were expected to know their place - at the back of a bus.

The video is truly frightening. The patronizing, "we need to take care of black people", progressive white savior sentiment is beyond ridiculous.

The comments below the video are enlightening, and some angry, to say the least.

I can guarantee most that "liberals" in this video. Has little to no interaction with black people, or black culture. So for them to comment, on what is racist to for us is honestly obnoxious and nauseating.

...its like they see us as a inferior handicapped race dire need of their help...jeez

White liberals: "I watch Key and Peele and listen to hip hop music. I even go see Tyler Perry films with my black friend, so I'm well versed in black culture/issues."

Been saying this for years. Grew up in the San Fernando Valley, CA. Biggest racists in the world are white progressive liberals.

You can tell these people have never had contract with actual black people. They think our communities are like third world countries.

So you have some kids who aren't that well versed in the world yet. Better that than white rabid morons who would still have black people sitting at the end of the bus if they had their way. I think you're being pretty selective in your choice of examples also quite frankly, unless you're a fan of Traditio on here?


Better that than white rabid morons who would still have black people sitting at the end of the bus if they had their way.

Liberals argue that they can't even get on a bus to go get an ID- but can somehow miracle their way to the voting booth. They argue that they cannot obtain an ID, but if they don't have an ID then they don't have a job because guess what? You need one to get a job or go to a bank.

The justifications they make to be against voting security is weak. They want to CHALK IT UP TO RACISM just like they do with everything else. That is ALL liberals do now, period- that's racist, that's sexist, that's bigoted, that's xenophobic, that's HOMOphobic.
Get a grip :AMR:

The 'Democratic Party' transformed into 'Infant Inc.'


New member
A hundred years ago society wasn't embracing the murder of unborn babies or pushing that homosexuality was "normal". There was sin in the world then and there is still sin in the world today. That hasn't changed since the beginning of time, The world had not improved because we now have smart phones, fast food, and cable TV. If anything too much reliance on technology has made people weak in a physical, intellectual, and spiritual sense. Many people are addicted to their technology.


As for "racism" that will never go away. If people think it has gone away they are simply not paying attention. Oh, it's changed today. It's no longer in your face type of bigotry but a more insidious, more subtle, and patronizing form of racism as this video clearly shows. These students think they are "progressive" but are actually espousing true racism, that one group's superiority over another is race based.

The video is truly frightening. The patronizing, "we need to take care of black people", progressive white savior sentiment is beyond ridiculous.

The comments below the video are enlightening, and some angry, to say the least.

I can guarantee most that "liberals" in this video. Has little to no interaction with black people, or black culture. So for them to comment, on what is racist to for us is honestly obnoxious and nauseating.

...its like they see us as a inferior handicapped race dire need of their help...jeez

White liberals: "I watch Key and Peele and listen to hip hop music. I even go see Tyler Perry films with my black friend, so I'm well versed in black culture/issues."

Been saying this for years. Grew up in the San Fernando Valley, CA. Biggest racists in the world are white progressive liberals.

You can tell these people have never had contract with actual black people. They think our communities are like third world countries.

That kind of thing is prevalent where ever some sort of a melting pot of class structures and or different cultures are prevalent.

Ask the everyday Cuban if he is Puerto Rican.

Ask the everyday Korean if she is Japanese.

Ask the person from India if he is from Pakistan.

And then there are people who go around asserting an ethnicity and or a class structure other than their actual one.

Fact is, that piece was one-sided. He could just as easily have asked that second group questions that might have revealed their own collection of bias' against that first group.

People being...people.

Trump has basically made such things the acceptable, blame the other side for it all...path to the train wreck between people such things always end up.

But it is nothing new...under the sun.

John 4:9 Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Liberals argue that they can't even get on a bus to go get an ID- but can somehow miracle their way to the voting booth. They argue that they cannot obtain an ID, but if they don't have an ID then they don't have a job because guess what? You need one to get a job or go to a bank.

The justifications they make to be against voting security is weak. They want to CHALK IT UP TO RACISM just like they do with everything else. That is ALL liberals do now, period- that's racist, that's sexist, that's bigoted, that's xenophobic, that's HOMOphobic.
Get a grip :AMR:

The 'Democratic Party' transformed into 'Infant Inc.'

I thought you were ignoring me kid?

That's ignoreophobic' dude.



New member
Fortunately I will not have to vote for either Trump or Hilary because I am not an American. But I seem to remember him saying that Britain would be at the front of the queue for a trade deal with America, so I am a little bit biased in his favour.

Think again...the following old video is not even the tip of the iceberg of an expose on what Trump is actually all about.



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I don't have a horse in this race -
I have always wanted to say this -
that dog won't hunt -
always wanted to say that -
it is pathetic that I can now say both -
regardless of who wins -
you will have to take care of yourself -
they can't -
regardless of what they promised -
you're angry -
we get that -
there will be no more rallies to go to -
get back to work -
just try it -
it might work



The only thing that should be gathered from this video is that you can be in college and still be dumb as a brick.
I seriously don't understand how anyone could be bought by that sort of bias :chuckle:

It's not 'racism' they are perpetuating, they are simply doing what liberals do best when they don't like something of conservative notions- pulling the oppression card. Chalking it up to race or sex- hell, they'll manage to make this about rape if you let them simmer long enough.