For everyone who is concerned about my eternal soul


TOL Subscriber
I have carefully read and carefully studied the bible for 35 years, ever since I was 13 years old
What a complete waste of time unless you're saved. 1 Corinthians 2:14 KJV
and was told by my abusive stepfather that I will burn in agony in real fire for eternity. I believed it, and when I read the bible, I believed it even more.
Why would you allow yourself to go there when you don't have to?

The Atheistic Good News is
The fools good news is there is none.

Thanks for chiming in...
I can't speak for anyone else, but I personally spit in that god's face.
You'd have spit on Christ while He was dying for your sins. Anything other than accept the free gift of eternal life through Him (Romans 6:23 KJV) and His finished work on the cross (1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV) in your place. So why come on a Christian website if all you wish to do is scoff?


New member
It's not what you do, it's who you know.

Ah, thanks. It's kind of funny. I got myself into trouble in an atheist forum once, finding myself on the wrong side of the powerful.

This is quite a free-for-all here. I'm not really interested in the conversation about me. I put it there in the hopes that people would stop derailing the conversation on the real question I posted.

Oh well. I think my real question is answered anyway, with a resounding "no". Let the haters hate, my friend.


New member
You'd have spit on Christ while He was dying for your sins.

I must correct you there. I would not have waited until he was on the cross. If I heard him preaching that it's God's plan to have people sing to him while others suffer abominably, I would spit in his face right then.

Actually, as for spitting, I chose that merely symbolic gesture because God is supposedly infinite. But since Jesus would be here in human form, I'd be inclined to slap his face: a rude shock accompanied by some physical pain might be just what he would need to wake up and think about how bankrupt that philosophy is. Then he might go out and start teaching real compassion, not the kind that ends on Judgment Day.


Ah, thanks. It's kind of funny. I got myself into trouble in an atheist forum once, finding myself on the wrong side of the powerful.

This is quite a free-for-all here. I'm not really interested in the conversation about me. I put it there in the hopes that people would stop derailing the conversation on the real question I posted.

Oh well. I think my real question is answered anyway, with a resounding "no". Let the haters hate, my friend.
You really should take advantage of the half price sale and buy a year of bronze membership for $15. Then you will be able to monitor the woodshed reports made by others. But you have to act before midnight when the sale ends.

Knowing what is happening in the woodshed will give you some added perspective on site dynamics.


TOL Subscriber
Then he might go out and start teaching real compassion, not the kind that ends on Judgment Day.
real compassion:

Romans 4:25 Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.

Romans 5:6 For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.

Romans 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 5:10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.

Romans 5:18 Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.

1 Corinthians 15:3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;

1 Corinthians 15:4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

2 Corinthians 5:19 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.

2 Corinthians 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

1 Timothy 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

1 Timothy 2:6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame

GreatBigBore likes to think that he knows better than GOD.

He's the poster boy for arrogance and inflated ego.


Well-known member
Over the line for most respectful types in the LGBT community, since it is mostly used in a defamatory demeaning sense (even if a few die-hards try to convert it in another way). The word 'queer' is less incriminating and openly accepted by some, it doesnt carry as much harm and negativity as 'faggot'.


Oh, I guess horse show people aren't "respectful types".....oh, and college students aren't either....oh, and those who go to gay bars aren't either. Is that what you're saying? I didn't realize there was a class structure so clearly delineated in different sin communities. Honor among thieves, I guess.


Well-known member
Gods character and actions are open to criticism,


Really? But the character and actions of fags and dikes isn't. Is that what you're saying? :doh:

That's kinda like that "racist cop" is "open to criticism", but that "baby walking to grandma's house" isn't....robbery aside. :doh:

That's a double :doh: :doh: er. Cool


Well-known member
That might be because a mod thinks you have falsely reported a post as in violation of the forum rules when it does not actually read as such or that the mod likes the person that you reported more than he or she likes you. That is how a Christian Forum functions: It's not what you do, it's who you know. This kind of thing is closely tied to their religious philosophy. If you know Jesus, feel free to sin with impunity. The mafia functions under similar mores. So shaadap if you knows whats good for you ! Capeesh?

You just keep getting stupider and stupider. Capeesh?


Well-known member
Ah, thanks. It's kind of funny. I got myself into trouble in an atheist forum once, finding myself on the wrong side of the powerful.

This is quite a free-for-all here. I'm not really interested in the conversation about me. I put it there in the hopes that people would stop derailing the conversation on the real question I posted.

Oh well. I think my real question is answered anyway, with a resounding "no". Let the haters hate, my friend.

The "haters" are those who hate God. Those you call "haters" are those who care enough to try and get you to open your eyes and acknowledge Him.....for your own good, I might add.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
...I can't speak for anyone else, but if I can so unabashedly love a god's people more than they love me, I personally spit in that god's face.
I'm sorry for what that abusive monster of a stepfather did to you. As someone who loves the God whose grace and instruction informs me in the love of my neighbor, I pray that one day your lens will be clearer and your heart lighter and that you will find your place among His people.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
These people are not concerned with your immortal soul or your self-esteem for the evening. They are concerned with preserving their world view, and they don't mind overlooking obvious flaws. They chalk up the stupid, the contradictory, and the evil to being too complex for humans to understand. It's an easy out for them.

Why are you here? It is hard to imagine you cannot find a forum that supports your views?

You apparently do not like us, so why not leave us?


Why are you here? It is hard to imagine you cannot find a forum that supports your views?

You apparently do not like us, so why not leave us?

My motivations are not your business. Either respond to the content in my posts or move along.


Eclectic Theosophist
God's character.............

God's character.............

Really? But the character and actions of fags and dikes isn't. Is that what you're saying? :doh:

I meant God's actions are naturally open to be evaluated, proving what his character/nature is. If God is just, merciful, truly good, loving, will be evident in his actions. In the scenario of God imposing eternal conscious torment (endless punishment meted out to no end) upon souls, this would be unjust, insane, unloving, heinous. I too find this kind of 'God', if one assumes he exists, to be a monster.


The insanity of ECT

This thread might be more appropriate moved to the 'Religion' section, if a moderator could assist in that endeavor.


Desert Reign

I meant God's actions are naturally open to be evaluated, proving what his character/nature is. If God is just, merciful, truly good, loving, will be evident in his actions. In the scenario of God imposing eternal conscious torment (endless punishment meted out to no end) upon souls, this would be unjust, insane, unloving, heinous. I too find this kind of 'God', if one assumes he exists, to be a monster.


The insanity of ECT

This thread might be more appropriate moved to the 'Religion' section, if a moderator could assist in that endeavor.

That's fair enough in itself. However, as other posters have already stated in different ways, agreeing what is not X is all very lovely but doesn't really advance matters. It's like diplomatic speak where they all agree on a wording of some motion. And they know full well that it means different things to different people. And they go home to their own citizens and say, 'aren't I great: got all the foreigners to agree on this compromise that has eluded all my predecessors for the last 57 and a half generations?' There's no applause for saying that if God likes hamburgers, then I would rather be a vegetarian in hell even there are no vegetables there. I am sure there are many versions of God that we could agree on that we don't like. This is not the sort of thing that unites people.

If anyone wants to be united to someone else or some group, one of the best ways to achieve this is to suffer together. Having the same doctrines or personality types comes several places down the list. Being born in the same earthly family is even further down the list. By suffering together I mean either suffering the same things together or else voluntarily taking on the suffering of the other. That could take on various forms like cooking for them when they are ill or supporting them financially when they are out of work. It's about sacrifice. This is fundamentally what unites Christians. It is a unity in the body of Christ who suffered for us all. It is a sharing in his own sufferings and his own death. Feel free to join us anytime you like!
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New member
Hi everyone, I didn't plan on doing this, but when I posted a question in the Religion forum I got a bunch of people wanting to argue with me about my eternal soul, about whether I have read the bible properly, whether I have the right spirit, etc. I really didn't feel like discussing it in that thread, and I really didn't feel like discussing it at all, but since so many people are asking about me personally rather than having something helpful to say in answer to my question, here goes.

I have carefully read and carefully studied the bible for 35 years, ever since I was 13 years old and was told by my abusive stepfather that I will burn in agony in real fire for eternity. I believed it, and when I read the bible, I believed it even more. After many years of terror, when I was about 30 years old, a still, small voice came to me and said, "Torture is wrong."

I have studied science, history, literature, archaeology, biblical scholarship, and many other very nerdy related scholarly fields my whole life, because I am a total nerd. I can point to many, many reasons why I find the bible to be implausible from many, many scholarly vantage points. But none of that matters to me on a personal level, because all I need to know is one thing, and I discovered it independent of all my decades of research: Torture is wrong.

The only way to have an argument about something is to find some common philosophical ground. If you think torture can ever be morally justified, then you and I simply have nothing to talk about. I will not discuss it. I openly and freely admit that I am absolutely closed to any discussion on the matter.

Call me religious. Here's my creed.

A god that wants people to sing joyfully to it while other people burn in agony for eternity is a demon that does not know the first thing about compassion or morality.

A god that can't stomach fire torture but cowardly falls back on some lesser horror like eternal despair is a demon that does not know the first thing about compassion or morality.

The Atheistic Good News is that even without supernatural help, almost every atheist in the world would BEG God to release you, or any human, or any living thing, from such horror. We would never sing. We could never sing, even if we wanted to, because we would be instinctively compelled to beg for your release. Even without supernatural help, just at an animal-instinct level, we love all living things more than eternal-suffering people love their fellow humans.

I can't speak for anyone else, but if I can so unabashedly love a god's people more than they love me, I personally spit in that god's face.

Wow, you are really hurting and I am really sorry. It's very hard for people to understand that there are consequences for sin. Not because God is mean and hateful but for the simple fact that He is pure and undefiled and will not stand with sin. Sin was our choice, not His. We can choose to stay in it or we can choose to stay in the One He provided to make us clean before Him. You have great love in your heart because He put it there and so you hurt for those who have chosen the alternative to Yeshua. Every human being on this earth, past, present and future is His child. For a moment, imagine how He feels having provided a way for His children to be with Him and they chose sin instead. You can't blame Him for the choices people make. He gave them the right to choose rather than force Himself on people. I don't know what else to tell you. I understand why you feel the way you do but I can't do anything to change it. Only you can do that. I can be your friend and I can pray for you and try to answer any other questions you have but that's it. Faith is a One on one thing for each person and that's the truth of it.


Wow, you are really hurting and I am really sorry. It's very hard for people to understand that there are consequences for sin. Not because God is mean and hateful but for the simple fact that He is pure and undefiled and will not stand with sin. Sin was our choice, not His. We can choose to stay in it or we can choose to stay in the One He provided to make us clean before Him. You have great love in your heart because He put it there and so you hurt for those who have chosen the alternative to Yeshua. Every human being on this earth, past, present and future is His child. For a moment, imagine how He feels having provided a way for His children to be with Him and they chose sin instead. You can't blame Him for the choices people make. He gave them the right to choose rather than force Himself on people. I don't know what else to tell you. I understand why you feel the way you do but I can't do anything to change it. Only you can do that. I can be your friend and I can pray for you and try to answer any other questions you have but that's it. Faith is a One on one thing for each person and that's the truth of it.
It makes me chuckle each time some foolish person comes to a Christian Theology site to say that GOD is an unjust meanie.

Wow - what are you guys doing -- playing good puritan, bad prude on us?