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Those whose opinions matter to me won't find it damaged, and those who are misogynists won't change their mind. Somehow we'll all find a way to carry on. :)

Feminists use this word religiously. Even after they have been corrected on the true meaning of the word. When they can not defend what they said, name calling is all they have left.

See pdf. --> LINK to PDF


like marbles on glass
Feminists use this word religiously. Even after they have been corrected on the true meaning of the word. When they can not defend what they said, name calling is all they have left.

See pdf. --> LINK to PDF

Oh, it's those hilarious codes again.... :chuckle:


"Hey Larry, I tried code black but it didn't work. What do you think? Should I go with code gray next time?"


New member
I was referring to the past several posts in which you and anna decided to sabotage whatever remotely good standing feminists may have had on this site :up:

I don't get it. What's the point of feminist posturing? Women already have equality before God and man.

The 5 solas

New member
I don't get it. What's the point of feminist posturing? Women already have equality before God and man.

Equality with role distinctions, I have to say it again!

I agree with you, IMJerusha....and I had chicken for dinner, just so you know it wasn't canned tuna! lol

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You basically are admitting that you are openly a liar and that you beat straw men, and are pressing on with it!

You are the belligerent one, always have been. Every time this subject comes around, you are one of the select few who act like kids.

And yes, I can and will be ignoring you throughout the rest of this thread.

I suppose you reckon Jabin had things right on the money with his quote on the first page of this thread?

Else, you're full of it. The ones who throw their toys out of the pram are usually the ones who project it onto others as anna can scarcely be regarded as belligerent or acting like a child, like you are right here. Somehow I suspect it's rather her reasoned and intelligent approach - along with her refutations of misinformed and ill thought out biases that causes you and others to be reduced to hurling out the above, because it's all you have left...

Supporting women having equal standing under the law doesn't equate to some militant brand variety of 'feminist' man hating, but just the above. Before women had a voice they were deprived of the same rights as you. In patriarchal societies (not that long past) they could suffer rape and abuse within the marital home and had nary any power to protest never mind see justice served for their violation. Does that sit right with you?

In short, grow up and debate like something resembling an adult, if at all possible.

Desert Reign

I was referring to the past several posts in which you and anna decided to sabotage whatever remotely good standing feminists may have had on this site :up:

I never thought of the women you have been speaking about on this site as feminists. They are just women. Trying to get them all to look guilty by association is a crude tactic especially considering how different they each are. Each has their particular personality and views. Calling someone a feminist is a bit like calling them a righty or a lefty or a libbo. They are words that are meant to sound negative but really don't have much substantial meaning. They are the sort of words that your unsuspecting victim will respond 'Oh no, I am not a feminist/righty/lefty... I'm not like that at all' to.
But it seems to me that you go out of your way to confront at a personal level and lack generosity. You are looking for victims...
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Desert Reign

Yes, the difference in culture is quite significant.

Haven't got the time to go into a somewhat off-topic conversation now. I will just say that I actually agree with 5 solas more than you in terms of what we are supposed to do with the Bible. It isn't a cultural artefact waiting to be decoded with the inevitable result that it supports whatever modern cultural norms we fancy. Even though I entirely disagree with him about what the Bible actually says on the subject and am probably much nearer to you on sex role ethics than he is.


New member
I saw this being discussed within another thread and thought it would be interesting to get it out in the open, so others can participate as well.

People seem to have varying definitions of what feminism is, in their minds and how they apply it to their lives. I would be interested to hear some of the various views by the men and women of this forum and how they live it out.

I am personally opposed to the secular concept of feminism and what is being pushed in our society. It is representative of a lust for power, usurping of authority and emasculation of the men. It has helped destroy the family unit by making women dissatisfied with their roles as wives and mothers, leading to the disintegration of society overall.

For me, it is a matter of equality with role distinctions, as laid out in the Scriptures.

Nothing like Godless
lesbians and women
with a control complex
to brighten your day!
Go Feminists!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
I never thought of the women you have been speaking about on this site as feminists. They are just women. Trying to get them all to look guilty by association is a crue tactic especially considering how different they each are. Each has their particular personality and views. Calling someone a feminist is a bit like calling them a righty or a lefty or a libbo. They are words that are meant to sound negative but really don't have much substantial meaning. They are the sort of words that your unsuspecting victim will respond 'Oh no, I am not a feminist/righty/lefty... I'm not like that at all' to.
But it seems to me that you go out of your way to confront at a personal level and lack generosity. You are looking for victims...



I suppose you reckon Jabin had things right on the money with his quote on the first page of this thread?

Else, you're full of it. The ones who throw their toys out of the pram are usually the ones who project it onto others as anna can scarcely be regarded as belligerent or acting like a child, like you are right here. Somehow I suspect it's rather her reasoned and intelligent approach - along with her refutations of misinformed and ill thought out biases that causes you and others to be reduced to hurling out the above, because it's all you have left...

Supporting women having equal standing under the law doesn't equate to some militant brand variety of 'feminist' man hating, but just the above. Before women had a voice they were deprived of the same rights as you. In patriarchal societies (not that long past) they could suffer rape and abuse within the marital home and had nary any power to protest never mind see justice served for their violation. Does that sit right with you?

In short, grow up and debate like something resembling an adult, if at all possible.

Women have equal rights under the law. I don't want to hear anything else of that until the issue of men in domestic courts is resolved- the horrible inequality that rests there which goes basically ignored.. because everyone's worried about the imaginary injustices of women!

I have been debating like an adult. I give my two cents on the matter, and the kids come screaming like the ice cream truck just turned around the corner with the siren blazing.

I don't put you all in the same boat, you all ARE in the same boat. You taking side with what I just argued against does not help your case in the slightest, in fact it sort of makes the point.

"Equal rights with different gender roles" is an oxymoron by the way. Just figured you should know that the only equation to that is 'equal results', which makes it definitively unequal. One may as well say being female is a handicap.
The whole idea of this thread is a fallacy.

The 5 solas

New member
"Equal rights with different gender roles" is an oxymoron by the way. Just figured you should know that the only equation to that is 'equal results', which makes it definitively unequal. One may as well say being female is a handicap.
The whole idea of this thread is a fallacy.

You seem to have a chip on your shoulder....kinda the opposite one of a feminist though, kinda ironic.

The idea of this thread is no fallacy, I started the thread and was interested in hearing different people's points of view. No one said we all had to agree. In fact, my ideas are very conservative compared to Rusha and Ann but they have both been gracious to me and I hope they think the same of me. I think that sometimes it is the way people express their thoughts/ideas/opinions that gets the other person's back up more than the idea itself.

I do believe we have equality with role distinction because that is what the Bible says. How it is played out in a marriage, a family, a church, a town, a country, etc....is up to those involved and whether or not they are Christians and embrace this teaching.

Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free,
there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.


TOL Subscriber
I would hope that we really do not have any misogynists on the board. That would go against any of the liberals ideals to be so minded...and it should be a smack in the face to anyone bearing the name Christian.

I wonder how many Lesbians are TOL members.

And if any, how many advocate feminism, and how many would openly admit Lesbianism is the basis for their feminist views.

The 5 solas

New member
I wonder how many Lesbians are TOL members.

And if any, how many advocate feminism, and how many would openly admit Lesbianism is the basis for their feminist views.

I do not know how many there are or if there are any here at TOL...there does seem to be a bit of everything. I am sure all lesbians advocate feminism though there might be different reasons they chose to adopt it.

I would say that my concern would be for the souls of any who struggle in this way or embrace that lifestyle. I would want to come along side of them, share the love of Christ with them and not worry about their worldview. The heart needs to be changed first, then these things will come afterwards. I think of lovemeorhateme on this forum...He has such an amazing testimony of how God delivered him out of the homosexual lifestyle. I praised God as I read it, have you seen it?


I do believe we have equality with role distinction because that is what the Bible says.

The Bible doesn't say that at all. The Bible is utterly against feminism, and one is a fool to think otherwise.

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, male or female- that's nice, but it doesn't support equality.
Men are leaders, and are the head of the wives. That is that, and when you see all these feminists making fun of that or downplaying it, you're just seeing that sad mistake of Eve in the Garden and an Antichrist, pro-secular standing.

Everyone says to those like me 'I have a hip on my shoulder'.
Well, yeah I do, if one wants to play it that way. I have a chip on my shoulder about so many idiots coming out the woodwork having so much pull with morals they ruin with their lazy minds and foolish actions.


TOL Subscriber
I do not know how many there are or if there are any here at TOL...there does seem to be a bit of everything. I am sure all lesbians advocate feminism though there might be different reasons they chose to adopt it.

I would say that my concern would be for the souls of any who struggle in this way or embrace that lifestyle. I would want to come along side of them, share the love of Christ with them and not worry about their worldview. The heart needs to be changed first, then these things will come afterwards. I think of lovemeorhateme on this forum...He has such an amazing testimony of how God delivered him out of the homosexual lifestyle. I praised God as I read it, have you seen it?

My question only has to do with how openly and volitionally feminists post their secular, societal, political, and ungodly views on this (supposedly) theological website, but if any are also sexually deviant, why that is not openly declared also.

If they are not ashamed of rebelling against God's order for women on all the above levels, why there would be any hesitation on their part to also disclose their secret sexual deviations?
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