ECT Do those who believe MAD believe the Apostle Paul was a liar ?

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Ah I see what you mean.
The truth was hidden in the word. This is what Peter was talking about. The Spirit of Christ is the Spirit of prophesy. The truth is there in the word, but not understood until the Spirit could enlighten the believer.


Made up.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Either Paul lied OR all the Apostles received the one GOSPEL the same way.


Eph 3:5
Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit;

all the Apostles

No-the apostles "post Paul."

john w

New member
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No one EVER mentioned two Gospels in scripture. Until the Mad's got deceived and confused and tried to change the TRUTH of scripture, which changes Jesus' truth and Gospel.You know a mystery that the 2 verses above explain and PROVE MAD's have it WRONG.
=None ever mentioned two pieces of good news in scripture.

Another clueless drone, that has no idea what the term "gospel" means.


Well-known member
So you believe Gal.2:7 negates what Paul taught in 1 cor.1:12 and 1Cor.1:13 ? Got ya.

Gal 2:7
But contrariwise, when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter;

Same Gospel different folks.

Hi and it is OBVIOUSLY , your definition of Circumcisio and Uncircumcision are the sames b BUT are not according to Eph 2:11 , SO you are wrong again , GRASSHOPPER and are vey CALLOW and it shows !!

By the ways you wrote that it is called the gospel of circumcision unto to Peter and that is FALSE because the Greek text reads , " just as Peter of THE Circumcision and you should check the Greek text !!

dan p

john w

New member
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That trans is not good on the time period. It's plain trans is 'long ages.'
NIV: long ages past
TEV: long ages in the past

Translated: My doctrine determines what the bible is, what it should say, how it should "read."If a passage(s) does not/do not, I will find a bible, or stack of bibles that does/do, or correct a bunch of passages/bibles, that lines up with what I believe.

Define bible believer.


Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
I will stay with what Paul taught and he taught you are dividing Christ Jesus !

You are not looking for the truth and that is why you did not even address the points which I made in my last post. According to your ridiculous ideas the Apostles were preaching that Christ died for our sins at (Lk. 9:6) at a time when they didn't even know that He was going to die (Lk.18:33-34).

You stand reason on its head in an effort to defend your man-made ideas, ideas that are directly contradicted by the Scriptures.

john w

New member
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The Greek word translated "gospel" means "good news." So the proper understanding is "the good news."
No really there is NOT more than one good news as good news specifically , in scripture, speaks to the D.B.R. of Jesus the Christ and the salvation He paid for in full for the sins committed against a Holy God.

1. One piece of good news in the book? Made up, and satanic.

2. For the "sake of argument, "let's assume that there is just one piece of good news in scripture, and it "speaks to the D.B.R. of Jesus the Christ and the salvation He paid for in full for the sins committed against a Holy God."

So, Judas preached the good news re. "the D.B.R. of Jesus the Christ and the salvation He paid for in full for the sins committed against a Holy God."

That is your satanic argument.
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john w

New member
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john w

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That language of course was later, but they were told he was the Lamb of God that takes away (justification) the sins of the world. Apparently they did not think that included his death; they conceived that that meant something else. But since John that language was there because that is how they first heard of him. No doubt they tried to synthesize it with their inborn Judaism.

The lamb was not the sin offering.

john w

New member
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Scripture goes on to say they remembered this saying AFTER Jesus resurrected, and that is how I know they preached THE one and only Gospel before Paul ever got saved.

The dbr was hid from the 12, prior to its occurrence. Why did you not know that?

God's Truth

New member
The dbr was hid from the 12, prior to its occurrence. Why did you not know that?

Just because they had trouble understanding does not mean Jesus did not teach it and it does not mean his teaching was in vain, for we are to this day to obey his teaching.

God's Truth

New member
You are not looking for the truth and that is why you did not even address the points which I made in my last post. According to your ridiculous ideas the Apostles were preaching that Christ died for our sins at (Lk. 9:6) at a time when they didn't even know that He was going to die (Lk.18:33-34).

You stand reason on its head in an effort to defend your man-made ideas, ideas that are directly contradicted by the Scriptures.

Jesus' words are for us today. You understand what Jesus was saying, so you say, so obey!

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You stickler for details, you!
Correctamundo, Mayor!

The Ephesians passage cited by Dodgeball, referencing "apostles and the prophets," is not referencing the prophets and the 12 apostles, OT through "pre-Paul"-the "argument." It is referencing the apostles and prophets, "Paul, and going forward.

Of course, since the details of the book, a book of details, are not important to most, they miss it, and miss most of the book. My evidence? Dodgeball's "posts."

Note, the chronological order, "pre Paul"=OT up until Paul:

Luke 11:49 Therefore also said the wisdom of God, I will send them prophets and apostles, and some of them they shall slay and persecute:

2 Peter 3:2 KJV

That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:

Prophets first, then the 12 apostles.


From Paul, on...

1 Corinthians 12:28 KJV

And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.

Chronological order-book of details....

"first apostles"

"secondarily prophets"

Memorize it. Details. Survey Acts...Paul, first, apostle...Barnabas, an apostle.....then prophets....

Confirmed-order-apostles, then prophets:

Ephesians 2:20 KJV

And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;

Ephesians 3:5 KJV

Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit;