Display.exe: Posted to document the date of my invention

Bob Enyart

Staff member
Hello TheologyOnline.com!

I don't know if anyone else has ever invented this, so this post may help to answer that question. Over time I'll edit this post to describe more features of Display.exe, my software invention.

POSTED December 3, 2009 (publicly disclosed on television June 2, 1998 and before).

Software Feature #1: I've written a software program that displays the code of OTHER software programs. You don't have to have the other program available, neither the source (obviously), nor even the executable code. You just run Display and it will show the source code of any other program.

Software Feature #2: 12-6-09 My program also displays the pages of published books. Every book. And you don't have to have any such book available. The program itself displays the pages of any book.

Software Feature #3: 12-7-09 My program also displays published texts, translated into other languages.

Software Feature #4: 12-8-09 Display.exe presents a universal mathematical proof demonstrating that human creativity is not infinite but finite.

Software Feature #5: 12-11-09 Display.exe will display the text on scrolls.

Software Feature #6: 12-15-09 Yes, Display.exe will display sheet music. (A TOL'er called the radio studio, and I agreed to answer this here. I apologize that we've been too busy to keep up with this thread. On Jan. 1, 2010, we'll post to TOL either a typical output page from Display, or the program's own source code, depending upon interest.)

Software Feature #7: 1-3-10 Photos & Captions: In response to Stripe who wrote, "looks like it'll produce just about anything you want it to... in text only form... :)" Thanks Stripe for weighing in on this. It will display not only the text of books, but also their photos (with captions), graphs, and charts.

The startling implications of Display.exe are far beyond anything the Supreme Court may rule in their current intellectual property case.

-Bob Enyart
Battle Royale VII: Does God Exist? combatant

Display.exe Source Code

Public Class Form1
....Dim n As Integer
....Dim HistoryWritten As Boolean
....Dim upperbound As Integer = 10000001
....' Set binary array to needed length + 1
....Dim MBit(upperbound) As Boolean

....Sub ZeroOutArray()
........For n = 0 To upperbound - 1
............MBit(n) = 0
....End Sub

....Sub Count()
........n = 0
............If MBit(0) = False Then
................MBit(0) = True
................For n = 0 To 100000
............Else : HistoryWritten = True
................For n = 0 To upperbound - 1
....................If MBit(n) = False Then
........................HistoryWritten = False
....................End If
................If HistoryWritten = False Then
....................n = 0
....................MBit(n) = False
....................Label1.Visible = False
....................Do While MBit(n + 1) = True
........................n = n + 1
........................MBit(n) = False
....................MBit(n + 1) = True
....................n = n + 1
................End If
............End If
........Loop Until n = upperbound
....End Sub
....' History dump... world, that is.
End Class

To see this program run, go to kgov.com/Display.exe and click on Auto. Also, just click to download a Windows-executable version of Display.exe. In this "lite" version "upperbound" is reduced from its value of 10000001 down to only 101 and the size of the pixels is exaggerated. Display lite helps the user understand the method that the full program uses to demonstrate universally that human creativity is not infinite but finite.

Here's a sample output page from Display.exe. By the way, the program doesn't have to start from the beginning, but it could start from any point, for example, the user could begin with this image and have the program run forward to the see the next images. Or, it could run backward. Either way.

Updates, from posts below, to:
Granite: If I am not being honest, I will quit my daily radio show of 18 years running (now 24) on the most powerful U.S. Christian station.
csuguy: The source code is displayed in the program's native code, whether Lucid, C++, BASIC, Turbo Pascal, Java, PHP, Assembly, etc.
AMR: Over the years we've used Patton Boggs (Clinton's lawyers) for patent work. Your cost estimates of course are for after the USPTO reject your original application.
noguru: my software displays the source code for ANY program, written in any language, whether no longer available, proprietary, etc. I doubt there's another such program.
fool: fool, where could TOLers look to authenticate your challenge?
AMR: There's no cat in 'the bag' AMR, but Display can show you the cat in the hat
kmoney: "I don't think it's possible. This is some joke..." No joke. I've written the program, and yes, it makes a point.
MR & aa: To assuranceagent (see also entire post)...
Regarding MR's comment about Display.exe being perhaps a metaphor for open theism, the program is not a metaphor but a mathematical proof. But to the extent that philosophers or theologians could use it as an argument, assuranceagent has a point... An open theist... asked: "If by appearances, Display.exe will be more readily used as an argument for those who promote a settled future (as opposed to an open future), then why promote it?" I answered, because it is true. And acknowledging truth, regardless of how it cuts, brings us closer to the one who is Truth. -Bob
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Well-known member
Careful with that - Software Developers won't like their stuff being reverse engineered so easily ;)

What language do you have the source code displayed in?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I find your theories intriguing and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter...

Bob Enyart

Staff member
csuguy: What language do you have the source code displayed in?

Thanks for asking csug. It displays the code in it's own native language. That is, whatever programming language the code was written in, it will display that program in that native language. Lucid, C++, BASIC, Turbo Pascal, Assembly, etc. However, the program also displays the source code in machine language, and where possible, converted into other programming languages.


p.s. Somebody emailed me and asked what the joke was. It's no joke. I wrote this program in 2001, and it works.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Maybe you could loan it to chrysostom. He is in desperate need.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Now that you have made a public disclosure, you have one year to file for the patent. You are also now automatically barred from obtaining a patent in Europe.

Moreover, you will have to demonstrate that the private disclosure made several years ago was done under a stipulation of confidentiality. This will no doubt be challenged should you obtain a patent from the USPTO and attempt to assert it against potential infringers.

My advice: contact an intellectual property attorney as soon as possible and stop making any further comments about your invention, esp. related to the enablement of the same. You will be expected to disclose all the comments made herein as part of your patent application.

Expect to pay somewhere between $8K - $15K for prosecution (the effort an attorney expends dealing with the USPTO) of your patent application.

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Well-known member
There has been software out there that does the same thing for various languages for many years. I am not sure if there is a program that does that for the languages Bob mentioned.

Bob Enyart

Staff member
Software Feature #2: 12-6-09 My program also displays the pages of published books. Every book. And you don't have to have any such book available. The program itself displays the pages of any book.

-Bob Enyart

p.s. Btw, the startling implications of Display.exe are far beyond anything the Supreme Court may rule in their current intellectual property case.


New member
Hall of Fame
Software Feature #2: 12-6-09 My program also displays the pages of published books. Every book. And you don't have to have any such book available. The program itself displays the pages of any book.

-Bob Enyart

p.s. Btw, the startling implications of Display.exe are far beyond anything the Supreme Court may rule in their current intellectual property case.

I find all of this highly questionable...

Bob Enyart

Staff member
My pledge to Granite

My pledge to Granite

I find all of this highly questionable...

Granite, I make a pledge to you. If I am not being honest about the features of my program, I will quit my radio show.

-Bob Enyart
KGOV.com (at Denver's 50,000-watt AM 670 KLTT)
18-year veteran of daily talk radio


New member
Hall of Fame
Well you've already made some stupendous claims the likes of which I'm sure Google for one would be very interested in. If you single-handedly beat them to the punch, congratulations.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Software Feature #2: 12-6-09 My program also displays the pages of published books. Every book. And you don't have to have any such book available. The program itself displays the pages of any book.

-Bob Enyart

What's the text on page 1 of My Sledding Adventure by Maxwell Smith?


Well-known member
How can it reverse-engineer a software program you do not have access to? No executable needed? :confused: Does it just pull data out of the ether? What you're describing doesn't make sense to me, and doesn't seem possible.

I look forward to learning more about this, Bob.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
How can it reverse-engineer a software program you do not have access to? No executable needed? :confused: Does it just pull data out of the ether? What you're describing doesn't make sense to me, and doesn't seem possible.

I look forward to learning more about this, Bob.

He says he can display every page of every book.
Sounds like he thinks he found God's Kindle.


Well-known member
He says he can display every page of every book.

Without having access to the book in some form? :idunno:

How is that possible without access to data from somewhere? :idunno:

Maybe I'm just not understanding what exactly he's claiming.