Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Freelight is a bit of a "Wordsmith" however, what words and how he
uses them, is the problem! His intention is to spread; spiritualism,
gnosticism, new-age gobbledygook and a false addition to the Bible,
known as, "The Urantia Book!"

He is also a wee bit of a "UFOLOGIST!" You know, little green men
floating around the universe in late model flying saucers, and such!
Time for him and his ilk to mature and start wearing long pants!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Caino has been on vacation (banned) for quite awhile! Probably visiting
distant planets and solar systems no doubt? Freelight has tried his best
to hold down the fort in Caino's absence! As of late, I suspect that,
Freelight has been showing a lack of initiative, regarding his sole
purpose of guarding 'Caino's cosmic kingdom!' Well, such is life, as
they say!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
They can only hope that their, little green men friends will help them
out a bit? After all Freelight, Caino, and Zeke have been loyal to the
cause! And over zealous in their approach to find someone, anyone,
who'll let down their guard and forsake rationality and accept the
illogical! Got to hand it to them, they're at least, persistent!


Well-known member
Hopefully he's reading up on a degree in Thinkology and sprucing up on his sentence-writing skills.


Well-known member
Is God an omnipresent reality?
Simply because there is no one and nothing that can restrict God from attending anyone or anywhere He pleases; doesn't mean that He endorses everything. Just because He is present in hell doesn't mean that He wants anyone to have to spend eternity in flames. He doesn't. Just because He is present on earth doesn't mean that any false god you might read about IS God. They aren't. Only Jesus revealed Truth. Only Christ Jesus IS Truth. He is The One and ONLY Way into Heaven. He is The One and ONLY Eternal Life. Thinking that your gnosticism contains truths beyond Scripture is foolish and very dangerous. The things you've studied have jaded you to Truth. Everything that is called: "God," you reject. Every time a Christian tries to point you to Christ you find fault with them and ignore the Truths they share. You're more against Christ than most Satanists I've ever spoken with (one of which I actually led to salvation). You need to trust in the only one who can save you from your life of error: Jesus. He can help you get rid of all the demons you're serving every single day.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
These days, Freelight seems to be very 'touchy' about his
"Cultist associations?" He's even gone so far as to, complain
about GM in the Woodshed! I'm afraid he's starting to show
some tendencies towards frantic and hysterical behavior?


Eclectic Theosophist
To a great new year

To a great new year

You, Zeke, and Caino should show us "True Believers" how the "BOUF"
(Brotherhood of Urantia Fanatics) are able to control their emotions and
maintain their lack of hostility?

I'm my own person, and I've been pretty even handed, cool-headed and matter of fact with you, only slightly annoyed at times by your antics and MO. Other than that, people can read the dialogue and make their own contributions or judgments. Wonderful eh? There is no 'emotionalism' or 'hostility' in these observations. They must therefore be projections coming from elsewhere.

Btw,...Happy New Year :)



New member
Hall of Fame

First of all, the Urantia Papers have NOTHING to do with UFOs or aliens as typified by his term 'little green men', but is a collection of papers expounding a new and expanded cosmology building upon the religious, scientific and philosophical concepts of the era it was written in (early 20th century). Its authors or 'interpreters' identify themselves as various celestial personalities (angelics) and NOT 'aliens' as usually typified in the minds of pop-culture.

Right, its a form of witchcraft, and its authors and interpreters are celestial personalities called demons.


Eclectic Theosophist
Exposing 'demons'.......

Exposing 'demons'.......

Right, its a form of witchcraft, and its authors and interpreters are celestial personalities called demons.

Can you provide proof for the 'assumptions' above? Lets look at the facts -

The UB has nothing to do with witchcraft, and teaches against such.

For a clear paraphrase of what Jesus taught about the delusion of magic, go here. - its very clear in this passage, that even astrology is warned against, all forms of superstition, magic, fortune-telling, omens, numerology, etc.

Celestial personalities are just that, call them 'sons of God' as well, as many different orders of beings and catagories exist in the celestial hierarchy. Detailed descriptions of these different orders and classes of beings and their function are explained in Paper 2, The Local Universe here.

The heralding truths proclaimed in the UB include the Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man, the law of love and service to others, the goodnews of the kingdom of heaven revealing man's potential for immortality and eternal progress here, and in the mansion-worlds beyond, all brought to light by the bestowal of Jesus to this world, and sealed by his resurrection and ascension taking his rightful seat as the Planetary Prince of this world and Sovereign Ruler of his universe. This is all explained in the papers, but one must research and discover this information for himself, in order to 'relate' what is shared.

As far as 'demons' go, which some here apparently have an obsession for (go figure),...the papers only mention such 22 times here. The powers of demons, fallen angels, mid-wayers and other rebel entites has for the most part been completely defeated since Jesus arose from the tomb, ascended on high and assumed his rightful place as Sovereign Lord. Since the outpouring of the Spirit of truth at Pentecost, the powers of the fallen ones to possess or influence the souls of mortals has near diminished, while only those of inferior or retarded conditions or those who willingly choose to side with the powers of darkness, may be affected by such influences that are still uncontained or free to roam the earth-plane.

Most sin and evil, originates from the lower carnal nature and selfishness of humans themselves, and cannot be be blamed on the 'devil' or 'demons'. If the power of the fallen rebel angels has been almost completely suspended and rendered powerless by the triumph of Jesus in his bestowal here and victory of staying true to the Father's will, thru his resurrection and ascension on high, then giving undue merit or attention to 'demons' is unnecessary and misplaced. Humans probably fare well enough creating their own 'demons', instead of actual ones forcing any activity against their own will. This is the UB's analysis on the situation apart from any allowances or exceptions that have not been as of yet covered.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Can you provide proof for the 'assumptions' above? Lets look at the facts -

The UB has nothing to do with witchcraft, and teaches against such.

For a clear paraphrase of what Jesus taught about the delusion of magic, go here. - its very clear in this passage, that even astrology is warned against, all forms of superstition, magic, fortune-telling, omens, numerology, etc.

Celestial personalities are just that, call them 'sons of God' as well, as many different orders of beings and catagories exist in the celestial hierarchy. Detailed descriptions of these different orders and classes of beings and their function are explained in Paper 2, The Local Universe here.

The heralding truths proclaimed in the UB include the Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man, the law of love and service to others, the goodnews of the kingdom of heaven revealing man's potential for immortality and eternal progress here, and in the mansion-worlds beyond, all brought to light by the bestowal of Jesus to this world, and sealed by his resurrection and ascension taking his rightful seat as the Planetary Prince of this world and Sovereign Ruler of his universe. This is all explained in the papers, but one must research and discover this information for himself, in order to 'relate' what is shared.

As far as 'demons' go, which some here apparently have an obsession for (go figure),...the papers only mention such 22 times here. The powers of demons, fallen angels, mid-wayers and other rebel entites has for the most part been completely defeated since Jesus arose from the tomb, ascended on high and assumed his rightful place as Sovereign Lord. Since the outpouring of the Spirit of truth at Pentecost, the powers of the fallen ones to possess or influence the souls of mortals has near diminished, while only those of inferior or retarded conditions or those who willingly choose to side with the powers of darkness, may be affected by such influences that are still uncontained or free to roam the earth-plane.

Most sin and evil, originates from the lower carnal nature and selfishness of humans themselves, and cannot be be blamed on the 'devil' or 'demons'. If the power of the fallen rebel angels has been almost completely suspended and rendered powerless by the triumph of Jesus in his bestowal here and victory of staying true to the Father's will, thru his resurrection and ascension on high, then giving undue merit or attention to 'demons' is unnecessary and misplaced. Humans probably fare well enough creating their own 'demons', instead of actual ones forcing any activity against their own will. This is the UB's analysis on the situation apart from any allowances or exceptions that have not been as of yet covered.


How about the "Sleeping Human Conduit" that was used by
the Cosmic Entities to (more likely demonic entities) transmit
the "Urantia Book/papers" to an "ever-present" secretary, who
wrote down what these "Beings" said, regarding the Urantia
materials? Could you repeat the names of these beings and
there particular "positions in the universe?" You or Caino
had an entire listing of these "creatures" names many
months ago! You or he posted the whole "Cosmic set up"
awhile back! Could you repeat this information so that
ALL of us could get a clear understanding of what we're
dealing with?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I'm my own person, and I've been pretty even handed, cool-headed and matter of fact with you, only slightly annoyed at times by your antics and MO. Other than that, people can read the dialogue and make their own contributions or judgments. Wonderful eh? There is no 'emotionalism' or 'hostility' in these observations. They must therefore be projections coming from elsewhere.

Btw,...Happy New Year :)


That's probably why you tried to report me to the "Woodshed?"


Eclectic Theosophist


That's probably why you tried to report me to the "Woodshed?"

Others are reporting you as well. I wonder why? :dunce:

Served here.

The only misguided fanatic here is YOU.

Since your busy spreading around that the UB is associated with a UFO Cult....can you provide proof of this belief? Can you show in the UB where ufos are mentioned? Please show us. This is further disproved here.

You are in error. Do you have the moral fortitude and intellectual honesty to admit this? Do you have the dignity to respect the facts and man enough to admit them? Come on.....the worldwide web is watching. Have some integrity.



Well-known member
The UB has nothing to do with witchcraft, and teaches against such.
The authors of the UB used witchcraft to write the book. Automatic writing and demonic possession (channeling) is witchcraft.
Celestial personalities are just that, call them 'sons of God'...
Demons, obviously, since the UB contradicts Scripture. Jesus' Blood is tossed out with the bathwater. Almost all false religions do away with Christ's Blood.
The heralding truths proclaimed in the UB include the Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man...
That's a lie and isn't in Scripture. God calls us sons of God only if we believe in Jesus. Without eating His Flesh and drinking His Blood we have NO LIFE in us. You have no life in you. You're not related to God. You're a child of hell.
As far as 'demons' go, which some here apparently have an obsession for (go figure),...the papers only mention such 22 times
I wonder why? They want people to think the origin of the UB is from above. It was written in hell and is being promoted by demons.
The powers of demons, fallen angels, mid-wayers and other rebel entites has for the most part been completely defeated since Jesus arose from the tomb, ascended on high and assumed his rightful place as Sovereign Lord.
Hasn't stopped them from bringing mankind to wars, anarchy and rebellion against God and His Truths. Homosexuality is one of the worst things there is in the earth. It isn't natural to men. It is promoted by demons, just as the UB is. Jesus did defeat Satan, but we have to enforce that victory over powers, principalities and rulers of the darkness of this world. Even over tiny little insignificant pipsqueak demons like the one you're possessed by.
Since the outpouring of the Spirit of truth at Pentecost, the powers of the fallen ones to possess or influence the souls of mortals has near diminished, while only those of inferior or retarded conditions or those who willingly choose to side with the powers of darkness, may be affected by such influences that are still uncontained or free to roam the earth-plane.
You shouldn't call your demon names like that, he might get offended and cause you to fall from his master's graces.
Most sin and evil, originates from the lower carnal nature and selfishness of humans themselves, and cannot be be blamed on the 'devil' or 'demons'.
Sin and evil originated in Satan, but men have copied and improved upon his hatred of God, just like you have done and continue to do.
If the power of the fallen rebel angels has been almost completely suspended and rendered powerless by the triumph of Jesus in his bestowal here and victory of staying true to the Father's will, thru his resurrection and ascension on high, then giving undue merit or attention to 'demons' is unnecessary and misplaced.
Smoke and mirrors cannot mask the works of demons. The UB originated in hell and you're promoting it because you love demonic doctrine. You cannot hold sound doctrine, since you're in rebellion against everything that is called: "God." Your sexual orientation, hatred of Christians, rejection of God's Holy Word and promotion of false gods is quite obvious.
Humans probably fare well enough creating their own 'demons', instead of actual ones forcing any activity against their own will.
Demons aren't about forcing anyone to do anything. They simply make it look like the wrong thing is right and the right thing is wrong. The things you post prove whose side you're on. You aren't FREELIGHT in truth, since you're bound by darkness. You couldn't help God if you tried, because you're in chains of darkness. There is freedom ONLY in Christ. You're outside of Him. You're anathema.


New member
Urantia UFO Cult

Urantia UFO Cult

Do a Google search for "Urantia UFO Cult" and read for days if you want to. You'll even find some sites that support this nonsense.



This fast growing cult is considered a "new age", UFO cult. It is based on a book called the "Urantia" book. The word "Urantia" is allegedly an ancient name for the Earth. This cult is also known as the "Urantia Society", "Urantia Foundation", "Urantia Fellowship" and the "Urantia Brotherhood". Like other cults that claim extra-Biblical revelations, it is claimed that the Urantia book compliments the Bible, and that Christians should not be wary of it. But in reality, the Urantia book is in direct conflict with the Bible on many important doctrines, including the most important one which is the issue of salvation from eternal damnation in Hell through faith in Jesus Christ."

Quoted from:
Click here to read much more.


"One of the older UFO groups represented was the Jesusonian Foundation, which follows the teachings of The Urantia Book. According to the foundation’s booklet, “Origins of The Urantia Book,” the 2,000-plus page book was penned by “numerous supermortal (angel-like) beings” working in accord with a small group of people headed by a Chicago psychiatrist in the 1920s. The Urantia Book teaches that God is a “trinity of trinities,” that the human race never had a fall, and that humans are moving forward through progressive revelation to become fused with God. The book also gives a derailed “account” (or gospel) of the life of Christ which declares that Jesus did not die to satisfy the Father’s justice and wrath."

Quoted from:


Others are reporting you as well. I wonder why? :dunce:

Served here.

The only misguided fanatic here is YOU.

Since your busy spreading around that the UB is associated with a UFO Cult....can you provide proof of this belief? Can you show in the UB where ufos are mentioned? Please show us. This is further disproved here.

You are in error. Do you have the moral fortitude and intellectual honesty to admit this? Do you have the dignity to respect the facts and man enough to admit them? Come on.....the worldwide web is watching. Have some integrity.


I don't think his forum can have too many trolls here. Think of what the middle east is doing the France. Everyone here has packet ID numbers leading them right back to each houses. This a very big responsibly for all of us not to be bullies here for the sake of other lives. No one take kindness seriously.

LOVE is the key

Trolls kills