Baltimore...a question of time

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
Yes I do, show me chapter and verse where Jesus mentions homosexuality?

Jesus spoke many times about the homosexual.

God said quite clearly to obey your government as well. They are to do His Bidding. He will Guide The Hand Of America.

You seem to not know the Word. Have you read the Bible?


Hall of Fame
You didn't say that either. You said rioters should be shot in sight. This is my favorite part, now you attempt to change the subject and feign innocence. :carryon:

The act of rioting in and of itself is violent. I prefer that no one gets shot either, however, what action do you believe would work to stop the rioting?


ACLU Briefing Paper Finds At Least 109 Police-Involved Killings Since 2010; Victims from Counties Across Maryland
March 18, 2015

The FBI’s 2012 data on “justifiable homicides” by law enforcement (which does not include all deaths at the hands of police) lists Maryland as having the 6th highest number of homicides by police out of 39 states reporting.

Key findings from the ACLU briefing paper:

1.At least 109 people died in police encounters in Maryland between 2010-2014. These deaths were dispersed throughout the state in 17 counties and Baltimore City.

2.Sixty-nine percent of those who died in a police encounter (75 people) were Black. Blacks make up 29 percent of Maryland’s population.

3.Five Black people died at the hands of police for every White person who died, when the size of the Black and White populations were taken into account.
Put another way, the rate at which Blacks died by a police encounter (deaths per population size) was five times that of Whites.

4.Forty-one percent of those who died (45 people) were not armed with a weapon of any kind.

5.The number of unarmed Blacks who died (36 people) exceeded the total number of all Whites who died (30 people), armed or not.

6.Ten unarmed Black people died for every unarmed White person who died, when the size of the Black and White populations were taken into account.
Put another way, the rate at which unarmed Blacks died by a police encounter (deaths per population size) was ten times that of Whites.

7.Thirty-eight percent of those who died (41 people) presented in a way that suggested a possible medical or mental health issue, disability, substance use or similar issue.

8.Seventy-nine percent of those who died (86 people) were killed by police gunfire.

9.Twenty-one percent of those who died (23 people) were not shot; in most of these cases police used handcuffs or other restraints, pepper spray, and/or a taser. Several individuals were killed in the course of a vehicle pursuit.

10.Police officers were criminally charged in less than two percent (2 cases) of the 109 incidents.

Go to the ACLU website to download the briefing paper, “Deaths in Police Encounters in Maryland, 2010-2014.”
This report was released by the ACLU approximately a month before Freddie Gray's death and the riot


New member
Hall of Fame
What do you think would happen if came out that black cops were systemically abusing there position of shooting and killing white suspects illegally in arrest and is custody?

Baltimore police are primarily black, the mayor is black, most of the city council is black, etc..

Freddie had a pre-existing spinal injury and could have easily harmed himself resisting arrest. Also yes, its suspicious to run from police in an area known for drugs, if he had not run or resisted, he would most likely be alive today (unless his surgery less than 2 weeks before caused issues)

This has nothing to do with black and white. Once again like ferguson (based on a lie from michael browns robbery sidekick darien) its not what people are trying to make it.