Appeal to the Moderators: TOL is for Dialogue? Really?

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like marbles on glass
Surely you realize that man being made in the image and likeness of God has NOTHING to do with how a man looks or the color of his skin.

If that doesn't say something about your superiority complex, I don't know what does.

Or they simply don't see that their opinions about such "intense issues" have a single thing to do with their faith in God.

You aren't a believer, yourself, are you? :think:

Or you simply don't have a cogent answer. I don't think Trad will, either.

zoo nailed it, and you, as one of the nastiest Christians here, simply can't see it, because zoo hits too close to where you are.


Well-known member
Or you simply don't have a cogent answer. I don't think Trad will, either.

zoo nailed it, and you, as one of the nastiest Christians here, simply can't see it, because zoo hits too close to where you are.

Zoo has no answer, whatsoever, and the fact that you think he does only shows me that you don't know what it means to have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. You can't even see only project your own anger and hate onto me. I'm not surprised by that, Anna, it's a simple fact that those without faith and life have no understanding of those of us who do.

patrick jane

It's so easy to do, though :idunno:

Not so much to Reformed Christians- there's actually stacked logic to face. That's why yall don't like us :plain:

Just read some of john w's recent posts defining MAD, he explains it. Nothing you say comes anywhere close to disputing MAD.


like marbles on glass
Zoo has no answer, whatsoever, and the fact that you think he does only shows me that you don't know what it means to have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

He does, you just can't see it.

You can't even see only project your own anger and hate onto me. I'm not surprised by that, Anna, it's a simple fact that those without faith and life have no understanding of those of us who do.

I'm not angry, and I don't hate. I am repelled, however.

Repelled by your behavior, and the supposed Christian values you use to prop it up. It's really too bad for the forum that you have so much time on your hands. Between you and sod, you've pretty much got the 24 hours saturated.

Repelled by Trad's racism. And waiting for him to explain how his racism isn't more powerful than his faith.


Repelled by Trad's racism. And waiting for him to explain how his racism isn't more powerful than his faith.

From what I've seen on here, you few have simply conjured that out of nothing.

Racism is a belief of one's race being superior over another. Trad said, very plainly, that he does not see black people as inferior.

A lot of what he said may have something more to do with a reality that white people, particularly white men, have to deal with EVERYBODY'S PROBLEMS. And they have to do so while being attacked from all ends.


New member
Then stop with your mocking attempts. I heard how you harassed heir, and you constantly try correcting everybody while taking pot shots at MADs here. Maybe you should examine yourself and your motives.

Consider that you continue to fail to see that all that was/is just yours and or another's ever projecting your/their own personally unresolved issues into the words and or actions of another.

Why you do that is just as obvious in your condition - "Then stop."

"Then stop" is a condition for what it will take on another's part for you to accept them, leave them alone, or what have you.

There is no victory over that. None. Only Grace is the victory. None.

The pattern is "though the less I be loved" not "when another meets my demands."

That is the bondage of the law you are not only under, but that you would enmesh another into.

MAD? What MAD? The above bondage is your consistent pattern.

Quit living in YOUR past. Time to live in His PRESENT - the Grace that IS...

That is IN Christ Jesus.

If you must take this personally then do so through how Grace not only calls you to, but CAN enable you to.

You'll find your conditions for peace with others will no longer be based on their actions towards you. You'll find the unconditional grace that saved you being the same grace that saves you from this insistent foolishness of yours towards others.

If any of this bothers you; see it as He saw you when He died for you. See it as He has called you to see it - in the same He saw and sees you - unconditionlly.

You are just used to blabbing on about God's Unconditional Grace in the same breath you ignore its calling to be likewise toward others IN His stead.

Rationalize your words and or your actions contrary to this all you will; it is still not who you are in Christ.

The best to you in this...


New member
He does, you just can't see it.

I'm not angry, and I don't hate. I am repelled, however.

Repelled by your behavior, and the supposed Christian values you use to prop it up. It's really too bad for the forum that you have so much time on your hands. Between you and sod, you've pretty much got the 24 hours saturated.

Repelled by Trad's racism. and waiting for him to explain how his racism isn't more powerful than his faith.
You are a good woman Anna!


Just read some of john w's recent posts defining MAD, he explains it. Nothing you say comes anywhere close to disputing MAD.

I've never said much about MAD on here. All I've stated is that Reformed theology is the only route to go in Protestantism if one wants solid doctrine. It's in the name. MAD is in the name, too- it's mad :chuckle:


Unrealized Stockholm's Syndrome 101.

Exhibit A:



(That moment where they lie to each other to affirm a perception that they aren't what they exhibit)

#everythread #disturbing #Lollerskates


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
A while back, Cruciform received an infraction (resulting in his temporary ban) basically for spam. In my anger, I wrote a thread, not so much objecting to the moderator who administered the infraction, but in defense of the so-called "spam" that Cruciform writes.

The answer that the moderator who administered the infraction gave (nor should this thread, mind you, be seen as a protest against moderation; I offer my sincere respect and gratitude to the moderator in question, in general, for her service as a moderator), and one which I very much approve, was as follows:

TOL is for dialogue. Dialogue is what drives TOL.

I disagreed then, and I disagree now, that Cruciform's "spam" is anti-dialogue.

Nonetheless, there is a certain element on this website which is exceedingly anti-dialogue. These posters, in effect, are "hit and run" posters. Get in. Throw an insult. Put the ones who disagree with them on ignore. Continue mocking said person(s). And then abdicate the thread. All, of course, without engaging in dialogue in the least.

We see an extreme case of this with the Horn. I am, in fact, not fully convinced that he's even human. If he is human, I'm not convinced that he's not on somebody's dime, one of these "hit and run" propaganda people hired by political organizations. He certainly doesn't display any signs of actually reading the threads in which he posts.

But various other subscribers, in particular, many of those of the social liberal bent, certainly do not seem interested in dialogue. They seem interested in high-fiving each other and mocking, not dialoguing with those, who disagree with them.

Therefore, moderators, I issue this "challenge" in a spirit, not of defiance and disrespect, but of jovial encouragement:

Is TOL for dialogue or not?

Was Cruciform deserving of an infraction or not? And yet his "spam" at least reveals a willingness to engage with his opponents; he evidences at least the fact that he read what his opponents have said.

The liberals? Not so much.

Yes, Criciform richly deserved the infraction as Cruciform is incapable of dialog on this form. He posts an OP, people post replies. Cruciform replies without dialogue, he responds with links to Catholic sites and figures that he has wo the day. When anybody responds to his links he first replies with his quip about "man made sects" and after that hi posts nothing more than post, "see post#." And that is the extent of Cruciform's "dialogue". Sadly, he learned nothing from his vacation.
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