Anybody know much about Islam?

God's Truth

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G T all NT is human work except the words of the tongue of Jesus is God's word .

NO. That is not what the Holy Bible says. The Holy Bible says all the scriptures are God breathed.

Now don't say it is not the words of God if the Bible says it is.

2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,

2 Peter 1:21
For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.


New member
What percent of Muslims in America, in Egypt, and the world, agree that the words of Jesus in the Gospels are reliable enough to live by? I reje:cted the doctrine of inerrant scriptures but still live by the words of Jesus in the Gospels, with the Sharia of Paul and the other apostles adding wisdom.
All informated muslims know that words of Jesus is more than enough .... ie pure christian is angel-like man.

Any muslim should not justify himself or others it is the work of God


New member
What percent of Muslims in America, in Egypt, and the world, agree that the words of Jesus in the Gospels are reliable enough to live by? I rejected the doctrine of inerrant scriptures but still live by the words of Jesus in the Gospels, with the Sharia of Paul and the other apostles adding wisdom.

NO. That is not what the Holy Bible says. The Holy Bible says all the scriptures are God breathed.

Now don't say it is not the words of God if the Bible says it is.

2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,

2 Peter 1:21
For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

I tell my islamic belief not your belief G T
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New member
Many Muslims accept Christians as fellow Muslims. Two of the largest Muslim organizations in the world (100 million members and 40 million members) consider anyone who worships God and is at peace with Muslims to be a Muslim. "Muslim" is just a generic term which means "faithful."

Well, they wouldn't consider me a Muslim, because I have no respect for Mohammed or his Quran. They would kill me.


New member
Kristo, Quran blames all his believers esp. Jews for not doing his commandments .. Quran is a book to human also Bible.
We should follow Quran but we we should not follow Mohammed literally in his own habits and methods because the time and place is different.... for instance JEHAD now should be in the field of technology and economy ... but not by sword.


New member
Kristo, Quran blames all his believers esp. Jews for not doing his commandments .. Quran is a book to human also Bible.
We should follow Quran but we we should not follow Mohammed literally in his own habits and methods because the time and place is different.... for instance JEHAD now should be in the field of technology and economy ... but not by sword.

You really need to convince your fellow Muslims of that.


Well-known member
All informated muslims know that words of Jesus is more than enough .... ie pure christian is angel-like man.

Any muslim should not justify himself or others it is the work of God

What percent of Muslims in America, in Egypt, and the world, agree that the words of Jesus in the Gospels are reliable enough to live by?


Well-known member
Kristo, Quran blames all his believers esp. Jews for not doing his commandments .. Quran is a book to human also Bible.
We should follow Quran but we we should not follow Mohammed literally in his own habits and methods because the time and place is different.... for instance JEHAD now should be in the field of technology and economy ... but not by sword.

I disagree. Muhammad had no knowledge of how Christianity was practiced in most of the world. I think a better way to paraphrase Mohammed: "The Christians and Jews I know about live like the pagans, here's what to do about it. If you follow the Gospel or Torah don't worry about it, but if the shoe fits, wear it. This will be a mercy to you, as to anyone on earth who needs it. Not all do."


New member
egyptianmuslim said:
6days, God's word is one in Quran and Bible...but we all who don't do it or misunderstand it.

Yes.... that is what the Qu'ran says. And the Qu'ran says that Allah protects his word from being changed.

So why do Muslims claim the Bible is corrupted? Why do the Qu'ran and the Bible contradict each other if they are given "step by step" by Allah?


New member
Yes.... that is what the Qu'ran says. And the Qu'ran says that Allah protects his word from being changed.

So why do Muslims claim the Bible is corrupted? Why do the Qu'ran and the Bible contradict each other if they are given "step by step" by Allah?

Words of God in Bible is not corrupted but there are some differences in stories of Quran and Bible but not related to our faith, for instance Bible says that God's messengers to Abraham did eat his food but Quran says that Abraham gave him the food but they didn't eat it because they are angels not human to eat

Quran 5:46
And We sent, following in their footsteps, Jesus, the son of Mary, confirming that which came before him in the Torah; and We gave him the Gospel, in which was guidance and light and confirming that which preceded it of the Torah as guidance and instruction for the righteous.


Well-known member
NO. That is not what the Holy Bible says. The Holy Bible says all the scriptures are God breathed.

Now don't say it is not the words of God if the Bible says it is.

2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,

2 Peter 1:21
For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

Oh please GT, when 2 Tim. 3:16 mentions the scriptures he was talking about the Old Testament only. Nobody at the time of that epistle knew which New Testament writings would be considered as approved by the church and which ones would be considered to have heretical teachings. That came later in the 4th Century. Also, neither of these scriptures quoted teaches God dictated word for word or there wouldn't be errors in them. "God breathed" just means inspired - nothing more, nothing less. For you to expect a Muslim, or even a Christian to think everything in the NT is exactly as God wanted it said is silly and you have no basis for such a belief.