Answering old threads thread

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

So what definition is it.

Because I don't agree that my daughter forfeits her God given right to not be raped, just because she's married. She reserves that right always.
Since Anna's thread title specified scripture, in that thread we went back to scripture.

There is no mention of rape in marriage, in fact the way marriage is defined rape is impossible.

As you might imagine Anna was unhappy with that answer


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
That's okay
Good. So it stands, no wife forfeits her God given right against being raped, even against her own husband.

Rapists are violent criminals. If a woman marries a violent criminal she should divorce him. And marriage does not authorize a violent criminal to rape his wife.
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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
If one is "born gay" how do you explain ex-gays?

I don't know whether one is 'born gay' or not. The evidence I am aware of is not clear. And I don't mean 'practicing' I mean what conceptualizations evoke a physical response in you if any. Certain conceptualizations evoking a physical response in you would make you 'gay' is all I mean. It's not the same as 'practicing'. You can be a gay celibate or a celibate gay. Are you 'born gay' or not? I don't know.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
If one is "born gay" how do you explain ex-gays?

I don't know whether one is 'born gay' or not. The evidence I am aware of is not clear. And I don't mean 'practicing' I mean what conceptualizations evoke a physical response in you if any. Certain conceptualizations evoking a physical response in you would make you 'gay' is all I mean. It's not the same as 'practicing'. You can be a gay celibate or a celibate gay. Are you 'born gay' or not? I don't know.
Is one born "minor attracted" aka pedophile?

I would answer yes to my question.
I would answer yes to the question in your post that you were answering.

Yes we are ALL born (potentially) gay. We are ALL born (potentially) pedophiles. We are ALL born (potentially) murderers.

It is our sin nature.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Is one born "minor attracted"
I don't know.
aka pedophile?
Pedophiles are rapists, violent criminals. That's categorically dissimilar from being "attracted" to anything.
I would answer yes to my question.
I would answer yes to the question in your post that you were answering.
Yes we are ALL born (potentially) gay.
Town used to say he thought we were all born potentially 'bi-sex-ual' or something similar. If I were raped when I was a boy perhaps I would be 'gay' now. I just don't know.
We are ALL born (potentially) pedophiles.
I guess potentially murderers and potentially rapists then if you're going to go 'there'. I don't agree unless you just mean logically.
We are ALL born (potentially) murderers.
This is not the same category as certain conceptualizations evoking a physical response in you. A stimulating physical response. Which kinds of conceptualizations evoke stimulating physical response in you? There are kinds of conceptualizations which would render you 'gay'. Which kinds do that, might be something you're born with, and it might not be, like I said the evidence I'm aware of is not clear. It supports and conflicts with both.

Murder is a violent crime, a serious rights violation. Any apparent parallel between a man contemplating murder and a man contemplating 'gay' conceptualizations is categorically not a parallel.
It is our sin nature.
Original Sin is certainly a disorder, agreed. But 'gay-ness' is a distinct disorder from Original Sin. It could be said that without Original Sin there is no opportunity for the disorder of 'being gay' (not 'practicing'), but Original Sin and 'being gay' are not the same thing.

All temptations to violate biblical sexual purity or chastity are similar in that they are all temptations to be unchaste. Unchaste acts are the same for everyone whether 'gay', 'born gay', 'not born gay' and any other thing.

And rape is a whole other thing, it is a grave rights violation and a violent crime like murder. Temptation to commit rape is like temptation to commit murder----that is to say, it is categorically different from temptation to commit unchaste acts.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Pedophiles are rapists, violent criminals. That's categorically dissimilar from being "attracted" to anything.
I use the current APA DSM-V definition: ... adults who have sexual desire for prepubescent children.

This covers those who have acted on their desire/attraction only through pornography, which is believed to be the majority of pedophiles.


New member
Ephesians 5:28-30

So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loves his wife loves himself. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourishes and cherishes it, even as the Lord the church: For we are members of HIS body, of His flesh, and of His bones.

Raping a wife is an inexcusable failure to cherish her in something no man would want done to himself.

If she's saved she's a fellow member of Christ, so it also does outrage to Him.