ECT Acts 13-Interplanner's Continuous Rebellion


Well-known member
...and on how Hebrews ends about the land.

They did go through the experience of finally being in it, and a kingdom, so both outcomes are true even then. but Acts 13 says that purpose was all completed in David's generation. Does anyone deny that David wondered if something beyond for the nations was intended all along when he dedicated the temple and prayed that the nations would come there and pray? Or is that the only place God can possibly work, God's whose footstool is earth and throne is above the heavens?


Well-known member
Abraham did not receive the promises

Act 7:5 And he gave him none inheritance in it, no, not so much as to set his foot on: yet he promised that he would give it to him for a possession

. . his seed did.

Not for an everlasting possession as GOD promised.

Do a word study on the promised Seed, and biological seeds, please.

Done so many times and likely will again, since I revisit subjects again and again.


Well-known member
Act 7:5 And he gave him none inheritance in it, no, not so much as to set his foot on: yet he promised that he would give it to him for a possession

Not for an everlasting possession as GOD promised.

Done so many times and likely will again, since I revisit subjects again and again.

Is there a reason for going with Acts 7 but not with Hebrews 11-13?

How does anything on this earth last forever?


TOL Subscriber
Act 7:5 And he gave him none inheritance in it, no, not so much as to set his foot on: yet he promised that he would give it to him for a possession

Not for an everlasting possession as GOD promised.

Done so many times and likely will again, since I revisit subjects again and again.

Well then, you should know better.

But you have no definitive or scriptural answers to contribute to this subject, other than trying to convolute earthly dirt to describe heavenly mansions . . . do you?


Well-known member
I go to all of it and... if it appears to contradict itself, then it's not being rightly understood.

How does any created thing last forever, including heaven?

GOD's sustaining power.

lol, you don't know there will be a new heaven, too? You are soooooo far off.

re the land. Go with Acts 13 saying that the purpose for the land and for the kingdom are over. That was then, this is now: the mission. It's the official sermon of the apostle who should know. It is the one that says it WAS given as an inheritance. There were some tribes who sinned by being incomplete, but it was given. Not that that matters now since the Son of God has come, but to help you see that that phase (shadow vs reality) is over.


Well-known member
Well then, you should know better.

But you have no definitive or scriptural answers to contribute to this subject, other than trying to convolute earthly dirt to describe heavenly mansions . . . do you?

I gave you scripture but you cannot explain to me why GOD made a clear and definite promise to Abraham and has not, as yet, followed through on it.


Well-known member
lol, you don't know there will be a new heaven, too? You are soooooo far off.


Yes, I know there will be and it will come to be and continue to be by GOD's sustaining power as well.

But GOD also promises restoration of what exists now.

What? You don't believe in GOD's restoration power in Rom 8:18-23?

I already know you don't believe Act 3:21 and have felt the need to make it say something different than what it plainly says.


Well-known member
Yes, I know there will be and it will come to be and continue to be by GOD's sustaining power as well.

But GOD also promises restoration of what exists now.

What? You don't believe in GOD's restoration power in Rom 8:18-23?

I already know you don't believe Act 3:21 and have felt the need to make it say something different than what it plainly says.

After reading Eph 1 and col 1 and Heb 1, I can't imagine what would be the need or significance of that. He says in Heb 11 that they were NOT seeking either Judea nor Persia which they left, but a heavenly place, which he then says is the city of Zion above with all the saints and angels.

I honestly don't know what happens when guys get to the NT, but the OT has you like cement up to your armpits and you can't imagine anything else.

The sermon of ACts is to a group who have your question: now what? now what happens to the land of Israel enmired in the muck and torchings of the zealots? THE GOSPEL!!! That's what happened. Now everything promised is in the resurrection where it can never be torched, nor women raped, nor stones tumbled. I don't know if you've followed how utterly stupid STP has been on this, on keeping a conversation coherent, but he still thinks the issue is one vs other promise. It is not. It is saying the resurrection answers all. That the promises of God are Yes and Amen in Christ, 2 Cor 1:19+. That it is how Israel gets what it awaited. And it gets the mission of justification too. Not the bare fact of justification, but what the text says there that it is the signification that people are justified from their sins. That is WHY IT RAISES US, TOO (Eph 1:19+) !

I simply can't imagine any reason why a person would be interested in Judea after that, what it would mean. Are you doubting the word? Well may I inform you that all your eggs are in a basket that was only recently claimed to be carrying any eggs, about 100 years ago by Chafer etc. in D'ism. There has been recurrent interest in Jews being believers through church history, but not in the land until the mistaken 2P2P started it up, and Chafer saying the bible is a mess that "we" need to fix (the Dists).

Are you concerned the word of God is not true and this 'solves' that? But it hasn't happened yet. So you think the thing is resolved by something you think is going to happen in the future that is doubted to be the meaning of the word by very good expositors already?

Get with the apostles and their doctrines! There are none of these limbs, guesses, messes, mistakes, discreditations of the bible etc.

I can't believe for all their 'fighting for the literal Bible' and fundamentalism that at the heart of it is a guy who said that Bible was a 'mess of contradicting messages' that needed to be fixed by him!!! That is the dead varmint stench under the floor of this building.


TOL Subscriber
I gave you scripture but you cannot explain to me why GOD made a clear and definite promise to Abraham and has not, as yet, followed through on it.

God kept His word to Abraham temporally through Ishmael, and fulfilled eternal promise to Abraham through Isaac.

Both have been fulfilled. Both temporal/geographical land promises as well as eternal/spiritual promise of Messiah.

It is shocking that you would deny either . . .

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
In these few empty words, you have denied the cross work of Jesus Christ, the efficacious power of His life's blood offering, His everlasting Justification for the sins of His people, and the glory of His bodily resurrection.

Another book recommendation for you:

"The Death of Death in the Death of Jesus Christ" by John Owen.


Made up


Well-known member
Why would anyone think Acts 3:21's everything is only everything in Judaism? It's "as he promised long ago through his prophets." Perhaps because of the reference to Moses, but everything is...everything. And then we find Peter saying that these days of restoration are here, v24, and that it referred to 'blessing the nations' through the message of the Gospel. That's the vision for Israel first, and then on to and through others.

I guess there are people who don't know Gen 1-11 exists, and that God has dealings with all people in all nations, through Christ.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Why would anyone think Acts 3:21's everything is only everything in Judaism? It's "as he promised long ago through his prophets." Perhaps because of the reference to Moses, but everything is...everything. And then we find Peter saying that these days of restoration are here, v24, and that it referred to 'blessing the nations' through the message of the Gospel. That's the vision for Israel first, and then on to and through others.

I guess there are people who don't know Gen 1-11 exists, and that God has dealings with all people in all nations, through Christ.

Made up.