A New Standard of Interaction on TheologyOnline

The Graphite

New member
Say, Knight....

This means we are entering into a new TOL dispensation! :thumb:

The very change of rules, itself, is a metaphor for the Dispensational view of scripture. Kudos!


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Q:What's the difference between a pit bull and a hockey mom?

A: Lipstick

- - - - - - - - - -

Q: What's the difference between a pit bull and Nick?

A: Deoderant.

Pitbulls wear deoderant? :squint:
No! You beat me to it!:mad:

P.S. [to both of you]
It's deodorant.

Since when has the quality of a man's general ability to cogitate, absent some physiological abnormality, been considered a disability?

:think: Okay, so TH has been around a while. You aren't without a point.
You really shouldn't talk about yourself like that.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
No! You beat me to it!:mad:

Originally Posted by Town Heretic
Since when has the quality of a man's general ability to cogitate, absent some physiological abnormality, been considered a disability?

Okay, so TH has been around a while. You aren't without a point.

You really shouldn't talk about yourself like that.
You know what's sadder than altering someone else's joke and claiming it as your own?

Pardon, I mean what's sadder not counting your normal posts...



New member
I never knew 'In your face smack' existed per se.
"For the purpose of smacking Liberals round the chops"eh?
Well I would greatly enjoy smacking Right Wingers round the chops (with the new found Liberal tolerance of course) so I'd better get round to discovering whereabout in the forum it can happen and get posting again


Well-known member
I thought this was relevant to this thread, I found it on the thread Daniel50 started about: "Allah. Who is he?"

There is an ongoing attempt in many nations, including the USA, to force national leaders to pass laws limiting free speech. Muslim, Hindu, Roman Catholic, and Satanic organizations are trying to define truth telling about religion as a Hate Crime and a violation of the Genocide Treaty.
