One of life's little pleasures is the other side of the pillow. I guess I've know about the other side since childhood but in the last year I really enjoy it. I always flip the pillow over right before sleeping now at it seems to help.
How do you do that?
And the other thing, is that I've been paying attention to the night sky recently, how the constellations move around with the seasons. Of course, it's us who are moving around, since the constellations have been the same for millennia, but it's very curious to watch the Big Dipper and Little Dipper, and now Orion, in different places in the sky than from the summer.
All of this is because I'm now taking a dog out for its night time bathroom run, and there's not much else going on out there. :chuckle:
One of life's little pleasures is the other side of the pillow. I guess I've know about the other side since childhood but in the last year I really enjoy it. I always flip the pillow over right before sleeping now at it seems to help.
Never let it be said that PJ is without a sense of humor...or at least a joke.
Anyway, had a great experience today as I found out I'm first in my graduate class.
Well, at least me that I know of, but that's not important.How many were in it?
So I graduated the other was a tough couple of semesters at the end. To give you some idea, both of my parents became wheelchair bound for a few months and needed regular trips to various doctors, along with help around the house, including meals. The summer session is always compressed and added to that stress were two of the most disorganized courses I've encountered. One professor had to quickly reassume a course she hadn't taught in a while and a good bit of her source material was dated and wouldn't function (an Educational Media course) so I ended up getting out in front of it, changing the sites and helping to keep the other students from losing their collective...the statistics course was taught by a brilliant woman whose materials and standards were all over the place. Then came the next semester, EdTPA (a 30 page reflection of a week of student teaching with 15 rubrics applied), student teaching with 10 page lesson plans per hour, two Praxis exams and weather interruptions.
All of which had me feeling pretty good about the end result. I left with my head up, a 4.0, and as a member of both the educational and interdisciplinary honor societies, whose cords I displayed along with my cowl and an ear to ear grin. To top all of it, I received a special designation/honor from my university as the graduate/masters representative for the class.
I suppose what I'm really saying here is that inside the last two semesters I received a remarkable education regarding the value and power of prayer.
Now I have the summer off to pester you guys again.
So I graduated the other day...
Now I have the summer off to pester you guys again.
I told him that wasn't the problem and that, "The problem is that atheists don't realize they're cripples."
That's what I said, sort of.But I'm not crippled..
Last week, at the dog park, I met a former student. He's got a scholarship to UT Dallas (a tough school to get into) and has a soccer scholarship as well. Hispanic kid, whose dad owns a drywall business. Brilliant and engaging guy, who got all A's in AP classes.
He gave me his dad's card, in case I needed any work done. Told me how much fun he had in the labs we did. We admired each other's dogs, and laughed about old times.
Stuff like that keeps me up for days.