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  1. WatchmanOnTheWall

    Are you inadvertently funding the false prophet's future ministry?

    The Irony is that today there are many organisations which are geared towards the eventual rebuilding of the temple on the temple mount that is prophesied in the Bible and this temple will have a new High Priest. Once this is achieved Israel will once again be a theocracy and this High Priest...
  2. WatchmanOnTheWall

    Ar you inadvertently funding the false prophets future ministry?

    Are you inadvertently funding the false prophet's future ministry? As the Jews progress towards re-establishing their country as prophecy tells us they would, more and more Christians expect the orthodox Jews to rebuild the temple which will also fulfil prophecy. The Levitical Priests have...
  3. WatchmanOnTheWall

    When is the Sabbath?

    The current week on our Gregorian calendar continued without break from the previous Julian calendar from: THURSDAY 4th October 1582 to FRIDAY 15th October 1582 However this calendar took hundreds of years to be accepted by other countries...
  4. WatchmanOnTheWall

    Don't be Jewish be Christian

    I hope you will be thanking me shortly for helping to save your soul from Hell. So let's deal with your real and only issue, what do you make of Isaiah 53: Isaiah 53 1 Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? 2 He grew up before him like a tender shoot...
  5. WatchmanOnTheWall

    Are you brainy?

    The current week on our Gregorian calendar continued without break from the previous Julian calendar; from THURSDAY 4th October 1582 to FRIDAY 15th October 1582 on to the Gregorian calendar: However this calendar took hundreds of years to be...
  6. WatchmanOnTheWall

    Watch out, do not be deceived.

    Luke 21:8 He replied: "Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am he,' and, 'The time is near.' Do not follow them. Now I am not saying 'I am He' or that 'the time is near'. I am just a man who believes Jesus will return on the 6000th year. Amos 3:7 –...
  7. WatchmanOnTheWall

    Can someone answer this?

    Take a look at this time line diagram below: God's week (year 1)------------------------------------(today) .............................Roman week (46BC)---------(today) The...
  8. WatchmanOnTheWall

    Did Jesus die on the 4000th year?

    And will He return on the 6000th year? You may have seen this theory before but whether you have or haven't what do you think? The Bible dates the earth to nearly 6000 years old (At least the Masoretic (Protestant) text does)), which means Jesus could have died (and resurrected) on the...
  9. WatchmanOnTheWall

    3 days and 3 nights in the Heart of the Earth?

    Much debate and confusion exists around Jesus' 3 days and 3 nights in the Heart of the Earth. The answer to this is simpler than many believe. Here are the relevant verses: Matthew 12 39He answered, “A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign! But none will be given it except the sign...
  10. WatchmanOnTheWall

    Does anyone else believe in God's Lunar-Solar Calendar?

    Please reply on the other thread as this second duplicate needs deleting too. I really got into a bit of a pickle making this thread. :hammer:
  11. WatchmanOnTheWall

    Jesus' Return

    Did God leave us information as to Jesus returning at Tabernacles?: Deuteronomy 16:16 Three times a year all your men must appear before the LORD your God at the place he will choose: at the Festival of Unleavened Bread, the Festival of Weeks and the Festival of Tabernacles. No one should...
  12. WatchmanOnTheWall

    The Christian Thread

    The Christian Thread
  13. WatchmanOnTheWall


    HAPPY PURIM Today is day 15 in the 13th month (Adar 2). Most people follow the wrong Jewish calendar but God's Calendar is known to a minority. Look out of the window and you might see a full moon? It is the 15th day since the moon first became visible from Jerusalem and it's the 13th month...
  14. WatchmanOnTheWall

    Jesus Fasted The Fast Of Esther

    Not many Christians know about this Jewish tradition but it was a fast that Jesus took part in but has virtually gone unnoticed. The fast of Esther begins on day 13 of month 1 (Aviv) and lasts three days till the 16th: Esther 3:12 Then on the thirteenth day of the first month the royal...
  15. WatchmanOnTheWall

    The Strong Delusion

    Before Jesus returns there will be a continued increase in the amount of so called ‘alien activity’ this will culminate with many huge alien looking UFO’s appearing in plain sight all around the World. Satan will then appear to us flying through the skies as he deludes the people of the Earth...
  16. WatchmanOnTheWall

    Reporting Suspicious Behaviour

    Today the British police have launched a fresh advertising campaign in light of the success they have had in thwarting terrorist activity as a direct result of tip-offs from the public. In the year to March 2017, the anti-terrorist hotline received more than twice the number of calls in the...
  17. WatchmanOnTheWall

    I Stand With Israel ?

    As the Jews progress towards re-establishing their country as prophecy tells us they would, more and more Christians expect the orthodox Jews to rebuild the temple which will also fulfil prophecy. The Levitical Priests have already been trained in how to carry out the sacrificial offerings and...
  18. WatchmanOnTheWall

    Who would like a glimps into the future?

    This video shows the two temples described in Ezekiel Chapters 41 to 48 and in Revelation Chapter 21. They re stunningly presented and well worth a look before we see them for real: