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  • You see, I don't agree on what keypur is doing. He does not like me much any more because I object some of his teaching.
    that's been my position all this time. that's why I did not join any organization. Denominational doctrines are divisive and it is not of Jesus.
    It does not matter to me whether anyone accept Jesus as God or triun.
    what bothers me is that they reject each other if they don't accept their doctrines. Jesus makes it clear we know them by their fruit. You see, Jerusha is trinity believer and I am a non trin. yet we get along just fine and we accept each other as Jesus' followers. We both care to strive to be faithful to Jesus' teachings. Jesus teachings are pushed aside in mainstream churches. That's not acceptable to me as Jesus' follower. Jerusha accept me as her sister because I value Jesus' teachings as she does.

    love in Christ.
    well Lon, I commend you for recognizing another stepping in to 'moderate' you :) hehe - but perhaps a little self-discipline on your own part could save you some trouble? - just a thought. I like to be 'moderator' or 'coordinator' of my own threads, its fun. - or if I take over as a presider of another persons thread by their permission. I have a 'divine science' (metaphysics) board that I moderate, but I've let it go, and its been invaded by bots,...I visit it from time to time, as it has some good commentary anyways. I'm surprised the host company hasn't shut it down, as I don't post there often and our discussions have waned.
    Excellent Lon,...as u know I'm always one leaning towards a more cordial friendly relations with all, no matter our differences of opinion. Knight likes me so far, and I correspond with him on matters of concern privately. Im also good with most all the moderators, but for maybe one lol. I gather she knows who she is. But lets be frank,....the 'Religion' or even 'Politics' section is for a full array of different/opposing views, some that aren't agreeable to Christian sentiments or theology, but theres a lot of different denominations within Christendom and battles there without having to bring in outsiders anyways. On that note, I'm always here for dialogue, and resource sharing.
    I understand but I am kind of same position with freelight because I am not with majority of Christians. They call me non-believer and cult. All Calvinists called me the same and they are even worse.
    thanks, I like my hat too. So it does not bother me when people comment about it. I think they are jealous of my hat:)
    Lon, I saw your 'reports'. I'm allowed to share my points of view and include 'links' where these are related to the subject being discussed. I've been doing that for years here. If you want to engage me in discussion, then do so in the threads themselves. If you feel threatened by anything I share, then that may tell more about your own personal bias or insecurity than any detriment I might be to 'Christendom' in general. In other words I find your 'reports' ridiculous.
    Yeah, it's tough. I am no saint when it comes to keeping to the OP. I get caught up myself. :cheers:
    It is nice to be able to have a bit of a debate and at the end come to common ground. Cheers!
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