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  • Hey brother...

    How are things going in the job hunt? I didn't forget you, I just forgot to send the message I typed up for you :freak: We don't have operations in your area that you would meet qualifications for unfortunately. At least not at a salary level that I anticipate would be advantageous to you...

    I've been poking around in some of my networking channels in your area to see if I can help in other ways, but my contacts are pretty limited in your neck of the woods. I'm not done though and I'd consider it a great privilege to be able to help you if I can...

    In the meantime, I offer my continued prayers... :e4e:
    Prakk (shudders)...his cross to bear apparently comes with a booster seat...(shudders more violently).
    You're wasting energy on Mirror...I didn't mean to interrupt, but you weren't around and he annoyed me, so I didn't wait on you to respond took a similar line I see...though I thought my challenge regarding proof was a neat tactic. :think:
    May God richly bless you and your family this Easter Day. "And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?" John 11:26
    Hey, don't be shy. Jump in to help me on my thread whenever you like. I can use the scholarly input :)
    Yeah...we didn't get to stay out long. Got two kiddos to get to church in the morning and I need my sleep in my old age :eek:
    I don't tend to use the scholarly, because I mostly speak to the heathen concerning foundational principle as an extension of rationalism, but now and again it is helpful where the matter hinges on particular scriptural exegesis...

    I'm currently enjoying a read through of the Abingdon Bible Commentary. :poly:
    I read your "TULIP" post (the most recent one). I agree. But only the Body of Christ is chosen from before the foundation of the world.....Elect Jews and Elect Nations (Gentiles) were chosen from the foundation.
    ...she's home. :D Half dead and snake bitten, hungry, thirsty, more than a little swollen, but alive. She managed to make it just under the side decking and out of the rain she's been making her way through for the better part of two days. Now safely nestled in this large lambswool thing we have for them to sleep on inside during the worst of cold weather...a real gift is this and one greatly appreciated.
    It doesn't get easier with practice...and the fact that several are getting on in years, like Coco and Sebastian, keep it a present worry. I think the only thing for it is to keep up with the moment and recognize what you can and can't control, leaving that portion of your heart in wisdom...
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