YouTube censorship

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
What are the Muslim populations of Sweden and Germany?
About 5.8% in Germany and about 4.6 in Sweden. Or, there isn't a Western country with a Muslim population of 20%. France has about 7.5%, Bulgaria is around 13%. If you consider Cyprus Western then they're at around 25% and they're in the peaceful ranks, ranked 72 out of 162 countries.


New member
About 5.8% in Germany and about 4.6 in Sweden. Or, there isn't a Western country with a Muslim population of 20%. France has about 7.5%, Bulgaria is around 13%. If you consider Cyprus Western then they're at around 25% and they're in the peaceful ranks, ranked 72 out of 162 countries.
Germany Sweden and France have problems with Muslims and they haven't even reached 20? . I don't know enough about Bulgaria yet.

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Germany Sweden and France have problems with Muslims and they haven't even reached 20?
They have problems with some of the refugee population, sure.

I don't know enough about Bulgaria yet.
It's north-east of Greece and it's ranked 29th out of 162, so it's high on the peaceful list with nearly twice as many Muslims as France as a percentage of population.


New member
They have problems with some of the refugee population, sure.

It's north-east of Greece and it's ranked 29th out of 162, so it's high on the peaceful list with nearly twice as many Muslims as France as a percentage of population.
Have all the terrorist actions in Germany and France and Sweden been refugees.? Are the non refugee Muslims in separate areas from refugee areas?

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Bulgaria is an anomaly.
Any Western country with a large Muslim population (using your metric) is an anomaly. :D But the two that would qualify under your criteria are both two of the most peaceful countries in the world.

I know that doesn't serve your bias, but it serves the truth.

I would have to look at it more closely.

Meanwhile, I can't wait to see those links you mentioned in right wing media outlets noting going in that Bannon was being temporarily assigned to the NSC to fix a problem. I mean, it's been eight or nine days since you called me a sheep for not knowing the truth you said was all over those outlets.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
It wasn't offered as an exhaustive list, only a rebuttal to the offered notion that you couldn't find a country with a large Muslim population that was also peaceful.
Of course, that wasn't the claim.

You'll have to follow the conversation back if you're confused on the point.

I've revised my opinion on your honesty.

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Of course, that wasn't the claim.
Freely admitted. I stepped over the "Western" part of it. No idea why, but there you go. The countries I named weren't Western. Well, outside of Turkey and it's been problematic, so that was no help as rebuttals go.

Then I asked him to name a Western country with greater than 20% Muslim population.

He couldn't. He does things like that. So I did it for him, noting that the only two you could comfortably apply his metric to were among the most peaceful in the world.

I've revised my opinion on your honesty.
And as ever, without reason. :)

My revision of yours took time and repeated, willful misstatements on your part after being given the truth of a thing. Sorry to see it.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The same was true of Christians until Western civilization progressed enough to secularize its governments and call a halt to the nonsense.
The difference being that the Christian bible and the foremost Christian example, that of Christ, does not call for violence within Christian groups, or even against other innocent people. But both, Islam's holy books and their foremost example, call for violence against apostates and unbelievers even if they are innocent of any other "crime".

It's an extremist group because it touts extremist measures, which is why it doesn't resemble Islam at large and why, again, Islam is doing most of the dying opposing it.
It's only extremest compared to you. It's not extremest to murder apostates/unbelievers according to its holy books or Mohammed, who is their greatest example of how to live.

I didn't do anything of the sort. Now at least I begin to know why you aren't quoting me. You can't do it and make a claim like that.
I did quote you, "Islam once controlled a great deal of southern Europe and the Christians and Jews living there were not killed or converted." What you were trying to say was that Muslim rule in Iberia was peaceful and implied that Christians and Jews were free. Yet this wasn't true. The Christians and Jews were treated then like they are treated today in arab countries, which is to say shamefully.

Again, the point was raised that Islam has a position of convert or die and it's just not true for its orthodoxy, which is why when Muslims ruled a good bit of Europe both Christians and Jews lived there as well and kept their own faiths.
Sure, when muslims rule they treat Christians and Jews shamefully instead of killing them. If that's the case, since Christians and Jews were censored, you seem to be OK with that.

The KKK is about as left as you are. Conservatives filled the ranks of the Klan because for a very long time the Klan was about status quo to the extent it could be preserved.
You conflate "conservative" and "right wing". They aren't the same. The KKK was far from right wing, although you could say they wanted to conserve chattel slavery as a way of life. They were democrats through and through, unchanged in general principle to this very day. Democrats hate blacks and treat them horribly because they consider them second class citizens (like the Moors in Iberia treated Christians and Jews).

Slaves are highly censored, and it's just one of the policies that the democrats of the time loved. They were leftest then and they are leftists now with the same principles. It's why FDR realized he could pay blacks to censor themselves far better than the KKK could shut them up, and long before LBJ said he'd have them n****** voting democrat for the next 200 years. FDR was famous for insulting blacks as a group, and people think FDR got blacks to switch to voting democrat in the 30's because he liked them. I hope you are smart enough to realize that as a man thinks in his heart, so is he; and that the tongue no man can tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.

Whereas the Right gives tons of lip service.
Exactly. The repubs have to lend lip service, and actual legislation, to get elected by both pro-murder and anti-murder constituents. The dems have how many anti-murder leaders or elected officials? It has to be close to zero.

And since leftist love murdering babies before they are born, they will love censorship, too.

About the same as the Right gives to the pro-choice crowd in their party, a larger dissenting group than the pro life in the Democratic party.
No, the right will have respect for some principles, especially the ones on the hard right, so much that they lose elections because of it. And if they are willing to lose elections because they are anti-murder, you can see how they will respect a person's speech even if they disagree with it.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
My revision of yours took time and repeated, willful misstatements on your part after being given the truth of a thing.

Of course you can't substantiate a misstatement on my part.

Meanwhile, we've got you saying Turkey is peaceful and a boss setting a style guide is censorship.


New member
The difference being that the Christian bible and the foremost Christian example, that of Christ, does not call for violence within Christian groups, or even against other innocent people. But both, Islam's holy books and their foremost example, call for violence against apostates and unbelievers even if they are innocent of any other "crime".

Suppose you hear in one of the towns the LORD your God is giving you that some worthless rabble among you have led their fellow citizens astray by encouraging them to worship foreign gods. In such cases, you must examine the facts carefully. If you find it is true and can prove that such a detestable act has occurred among you, you must attack that town and completely destroy all its inhabitants, as well as all the livestock. Then you must pile all the plunder in the middle of the street and burn it. Put the entire town to the torch as a burnt offering to the LORD your God. That town must remain a ruin forever; it may never be rebuilt. Keep none of the plunder that has been set apart for destruction. Then the LORD will turn from his fierce anger and be merciful to you. He will have compassion on you and make you a great nation, just as he solemnly promised your ancestors. “The LORD your God will be merciful only if you obey him and keep all the commands I am giving you today, doing what is pleasing to him.” Deuteronomy 13:13-19

You conflate "conservative" and "right wing". They aren't the same. The KKK was far from right wing, although you could say they wanted to conserve chattel slavery as a way of life. They were democrats through and through, unchanged in general principle to this very day. Democrats hate blacks and treat them horribly because they consider them second class citizens (like the Moors in Iberia treated Christians and Jews).

Slaves are highly censored, and it's just one of the policies that the democrats of the time loved. They were leftest then and they are leftists now with the same principles.
The democratic party of the 19th century was the party of conservatives.

It doesn't take much effort to open up a history book. Try it sometime.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Suppose you hear in one of the towns the LORD your God is giving you that some worthless rabble among you have led their fellow citizens astray by encouraging them to worship foreign gods. In such cases, you must examine the facts carefully. If you find it is true and can prove that such a detestable act has occurred among you, you must attack that town and completely destroy all its inhabitants, as well as all the livestock. Then you must pile all the plunder in the middle of the street and burn it. Put the entire town to the torch as a burnt offering to the LORD your God. That town must remain a ruin forever; it may never be rebuilt. Keep none of the plunder that has been set apart for destruction. Then the LORD will turn from his fierce anger and be merciful to you. He will have compassion on you and make you a great nation, just as he solemnly promised your ancestors. “The LORD your God will be merciful only if you obey him and keep all the commands I am giving you today, doing what is pleasing to him.” Deuteronomy 13:13-19
Therefore, something. :idunno:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Of course you can't substantiate a misstatement on my part.
Sure I can. I told you after the first time you mistook a context driven statement to Yor as a definition that it wasn't one. And you kept repeating it, as you have here. That's no longer a misstatement. It's a willful misstatement at worst it's a childish "No, it will mean what I want it to mean so I can continue to object!"

Meanwhile, we've got you saying Turkey is peaceful
No state is peaceful all of the time and what I used it for was as a rebuttal to a really funny declaration by CL. Here it is again:

Try to have peace in any western country where the Muslim population has broken 20%.
Now that's a funny bit in itself, because when I asked him to name a "western country" that had that large a Muslim population he couldn't do it. And in fact there are only two that would qualify, Bulgaria and Cyprus, two of the most peaceful countries on the planet. :D

But anyway, the first thing that came to my mind was Turkey, because it's a NATO ally, almost entirely Muslim, and has a secular government and because you can and have found peace there, but Stripe is right in noting it as a bad call. Given it's ranked 145 out of 162 and presently on the wrong side of the peaceful bar I'll have to retract it as a good example and go with the other two which meet his criteria and are among the most peaceful, again.

I only needed one of the three to rebut. Two out of three, as the song goes, ain't bad.

and a boss setting a style guide is censorship.
There Stripe is simply not being honest. It wasn't a style guide. It was the proscription of using particular language within the department of energy. That's not a suggestion. It's censorship, a suppression of particular usage, however you feel about the particular words, whether or not you agree with their exclusion.


New member
Bulgaria and Cyprus are alike more than either are alike with other western countries. Also, the Muslim immigration into those two countries has been much more slower paced than the muslim immigration into France or Sweden or Germany. Therefore, Muslims are more assimilated in Cyprus and Bulgaria than they are Germany, France, or Sweden.

Here is an article that shows Bulgaria's background in relation to its muslim population is far different than that of Germany, France, or Sweden.

You take away all the trappings of Sharia society and you get less radicalism. Communists also doesn't take crap from muslim fundamentalists. Muslim lived behind the iron curtain many years and got all the brutal , murderous rage beat out of their system. If the rest of Europe handled it's muslim population the same way since the beginning, it too would be much more peaceful.

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Well-known member
This whole things smells like a massive, well-orchestrated globalist setup aimed at increased thought control.

1. Corporations and Google concoct a lie about their not wanting to "sponsor" "extremist" videos.
2. They temporarily withdraw, or threaten, their ads, "threatening" YT revenue.
3. Google/YT reacts by silencing the purported offenders (but not ISIS), restoring ad revenue to politically correct and approved content.
4. The Left thinks it can silence the Right by screaming "It's not censorship, Google/YT is a PRIVATE corporation!"

The whole thing is a scam from the word go.


New member
About 5.8% in Germany and about 4.6 in Sweden. Or, there isn't a Western country with a Muslim population of 20%. France has about 7.5%, Bulgaria is around 13%. If you consider Cyprus Western then they're at around 25% and they're in the peaceful ranks, ranked 72 out of 162 countries.
See post #276 to see a delineation between western Europe and Bulgaria and therefore the discrepancy between the two in muslim peacefulness.

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