Yes, this is 'graceandpeace'.


New member
I am doing Ok, but life is a bit boring where there is little seeking after God, and every person thinks they know better than God.


Isnt it amazing how we can think we know it all, and then the rug is pulled out from under us? I have come to realise that my so called 'knowledge' is nothing compared to the love of God that surpasses all understanding. Knowledge puffs up, love is humble.

I am seeking that way, now.


New member

You have been holding a grudge against me for a some time now and you came to rescue G&A to spite me. It is very obvious, friend.

what a world.

Me and LA go back over a decade, or so. He is my friend, he knows me more than you ever would endeavor to, because from the beginning, he has always had a open mind to want to understand what I said, and did not judge me for our differences. We have grown over the years to respect each other. Love is good like that. I could respect you too, if you would remove your blatant judgementalism. You are the one judging everyone on this board.

Lazy afternoon


You have been holding a grudge against me for a some time now and you came to rescue G&A to spite me. It is very obvious, friend.

what a world.

One minute I am your friend because I supported you and the next minute I am your enemy for supporting someone else.

What would you like me to do?



Well-known member
Dear NewDay,

Hear this revelation from the KJV N.T. It suggest that you do not seek to uphold Commandments first, i.e. if you are seeking the kingdom of God (which includes a heavenly life on earth).

However if you are seeking other things, first, like for example, if one is seeking, first, to have one's spouse behave in a particular manner which serves one, then one may uphold Commandment and seek to enforce them on others (including their spouse), first. However this would not make one's life (and marriage) heavenly.

This is what Jesus instructed as an absolute guide:

Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven, within your own heart, then All things will be added.

Seem that you must initiate the first act, i.e. by seeking first the kingdom . . . .

Some people perceive that no works is required to come under Grace of God. That conclusion is absolutely not supported by this revelation from Jesus.

'to seek ye first' means 'the first thing is you seek. To seek is works.'

You have to do this works (of seeking) first, the kingdom of God within your own heart, then God will add All things (including a suitable and compatible spouse).

If it was not incumbent for humans to make the first move then nothing would stop the good God from adding All thing to us freely.

Fact is if humans do not seek ye first, nothing (not Truth, not salvation, not deliverance, no right spouse, etc.) will come to them.

The first move is yours and that first move is to seek and capture the kingdom of heaven within your own heart. Then all things (including your spouse) will be added, according to God will.

"Added" means that you do nothing. Things simply come to you. But first you must seek and capture the kingdom of God within your own heart or spirit. You will be guided and you must be able to discern this guidance to the right thing that God has provided for you . . . . this will have to be another post. To give you a hint: The path to what God has provided for one in Christ is well defined in 1 Corinthians: 2 verses: 9 to 14 . . . . to continue:

However once you are given something by God, under His Grace, that is, once what you have something (including your spouse) which is given to you by God, under His Grace, then:

Then you will not have to use laws and commandments, those will be out the door. That is: the right spouse will come to one under grace of God and his or her every act will be pleasing to and appropriate for, one. Then there will be no time or need to even remember laws and commandments. In fact under Grace of God one will have every liberty that was not afforded one under laws and commandments (including going to porn shows).

For those under grace of God, going to porn show is nothing. Also not going to porn show is nothing. No laws or commandment arises or is need or is applicable. All things can be done for one does not come under the influence of any. In particular because one's marriage (and life in all ways) was made in heaven and put together by God and not by man. What God has put together nothing can disrupt it or put it apart before its God appointed time.

A life including a marriage that is put together by man (and not God) requires laws and commandments to keep it together.

Think we should take on Jesus here, or ignore Him?

Seem that it when humans add things first and on their own (like getting a spouse first) and then they try to use laws and commandments to kept their added things in order, that problem arises. Then hell comes and heaven goes out the door.

Can your life experience relate to this? Does this make sense to you?​
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One minute I am your friend because I supported you and the next minute I am your enemy for supporting someone else.

What would you like me to do?


You dont even know this woman. She has been flip flopping with her doctrines depending on which one is good do keep as her friend.

And you encourage her superficial "loving and encouraging" posts.

that shows your superficial faith too. I discussed our difference in MPs and I concluded that she is not working for Jesus but pride and popularity.

When she came back she became even worse, now she is going for popular to the majority pretending to be "loving and encouraging to everyone."

She is an excellent example of "wolf wearing sheep's clothing."

I dont play favoritism or withholding to expose evil doctrines just because they know how to talk sweetly.

What she is doing is playing "loving", not Jesus' love.

There are many Christians like her. That is plain deception.

thanks for asking.


She is denying this but she was Trapper. She is lying. Take a look at first page of this. Everyone knew Trappers was her and I knew that too. She is too prideful to admit it was her.


New member
You dont even know this woman. She has been flip flopping with her doctrines depending on which one is good do keep as her friend.

And you encourage her superficial "loving and encouraging" posts.

that shows your superficial faith too. I discussed our difference in MPs and I concluded that she is not working for Jesus but pride and popularity.

When she came back she became even worse, now she is going for popular to the majority pretending to be "loving and encouraging to everyone."

She is an excellent example of "wolf wearing sheep's clothing."

I dont play favoritism or withholding to expose evil doctrines just because they know how to talk sweetly.

What she is doing is playing "loving", not Jesus' love.

There are many Christians like her. That is plain deception.

thanks for asking.


She is denying this but she was Trapper. She is lying. Take a look at first page of this. Everyone knew Trappers was her and I knew that too. She is too prideful to admit it was her.

The encyclopedic Meshack, knows all, tells all in a veritable orgy of self-righteousness.
How can we, mundane, imperfect creatures that we are hope to measure up to such pulchritude?:jawdrop:


Well-known member
The encyclopedic Meshack, knows all, tells all in a veritable orgy of self-righteousness.
How can we, mundane, imperfect creatures that we are hope to measure up to such pulchritude?:jawdrop:

Meshack means: me "shack-up" (with a mate).

"Shack-up" means "to simply live as man and wife under a roof of some kind for as long as they both want to." . . . . . somethings only as a trial union or until the Spirit within one of their hearts tells one that it is time to part and move on . . . . who would know Truth by physically observing other people actions?

Those who are comfortable being locked into unions, under dictates of social, moral and religious laws, tends to look down on those who live according to the seemingly wanton whims of the Spirit as discerned within their hearts. This is not to say that all who 'shack-up' are led to do so by the Spirit. However how would one know the difference? . . . especially since God justified the ungodly (i.e. God justified the transgression of the Ten Commandments) for those who are led by the Spirit.

Of course, "Meshak" is quite another thing. And discerning that thing is the current interesting preoccupation here.

What is Meshak, Meshak? . . . . Of what fabric art thou?​
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The encyclopedic Meshack, knows all, tells all in a veritable orgy of self-righteousness.
How can we, mundane, imperfect creatures that we are hope to measure up to such pulchritude?:jawdrop:

Your comments have a full of holes all the time.

Get this, Jesus says with God's help, anything is possible.

I can always find holes from your comments because you are not interested in being true to Jesus. The Holy Spirit is not in you clearly.


New member
Your comments have a full of holes all the time.

Get this, Jesus says with God's help, anything is possible.

I can always find holes from your comments because you are not interested in being true to Jesus. The Holy Spirit is not in you clearly.

Is that because you are superior to me? Does God love you more than me?


Is that because you are superior to me? Does God love you more than me?

It is because the Holy Spirit gives the gift to discernment to true believers.

You can run but you cannot hide. You are mocking God and Jesus with your deceptive word.

Lazy afternoon

You dont even know this woman. She has been flip flopping with her doctrines depending on which one is good do keep as her friend.

And you encourage her superficial "loving and encouraging" posts.

that shows your superficial faith too. I discussed our difference in MPs and I concluded that she is not working for Jesus but pride and popularity.

When she came back she became even worse, now she is going for popular to the majority pretending to be "loving and encouraging to everyone."

She is an excellent example of "wolf wearing sheep's clothing."

I dont play favoritism or withholding to expose evil doctrines just because they know how to talk sweetly.

What she is doing is playing "loving", not Jesus' love.

There are many Christians like her. That is plain deception.

thanks for asking.


She is denying this but she was Trapper. She is lying. Take a look at first page of this. Everyone knew Trappers was her and I knew that too. She is too prideful to admit it was her.

You are lying.



New member
I have read trappers posts and they are the exactly the same as G&P. I know all about G&P's beliefs and they were the exactly the same. Their writing style was the exactly the same. G&P's English skill is not so good. I dont think G&P's first language is English. And trapper wasn't so good either.

No couple can be that identical in everything.

Do you know that the trapper said G&P is his wife?

Why did trapper stop posting when G&P started posting?

I know you cannot or won't answer to these questions.

Jedi is a new poster and even he noticed that trapper is G&P. take a look at very first page of this thread.

You are jousting at windmills.

Lazy afternoon

I have read trappers posts and they are the exactly the same as G&P. I know all about G&P's beliefs and they were the exactly the same. Their writing style was the exactly the same. G&P's English skill is not so good. I dont think G&P's first language is English. And trapper wasn't so good either.

No couple can be that identical in everything.

Do you know that the trapper said G&P is his wife?

Why did trapper stop posting when G&P started posting?

I know you cannot or won't answer to these questions.

Jedi is a new poster and even he noticed that trapper is G&P. take a look at very first page of this thread.

Ok that is now five witnesses that you are lying.

The fifth is that you claimed in the former post that God was telling you these things and now you claim it is your own reasonings.

The 6th witness against you is that you claim to know that I can not and won't answer these questions.



Ok that is now five witnesses that you are lying.

The fifth is that you claimed in the former post that God was telling you these things and now you claim it is your own reasonings.

The 6th witness against you is that you claim to know that I can not and won't answer these questions.


So why dont you answer those question I asked?????????????????????????????

You see, I was right you did not answer.