Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
If you would like to take up our debate...ahem...discussion where we left off, please, let's do.

Here are a few examples of Old Testament laws that Christians generally do not observe:

The death penalty for:
Attacking or cursing a parent (Exodus 21:15,17)
Disobedience to parents (Deuteronomy 21:18-21)
Failure to confine a dangerous animal, resulting in death (Exodus 21:28-29)
Witchcraft and sorcery (Exodus 22:18, Leviticus 20:27, Deuteronomy 13:5, 1*Samuel 28:9)
Sex with an animal (Exodus 22:19, Leviticus 20:16)
Doing work on the Sabbath (Exodus 31:14, 35:2, Numbers 15:32-36)
Incest (Leviticus 18:6-18, 20:11-12,14,17,19-21)
Adultery (Leviticus 20:10; Deuteronomy 22:22)
Homosexual acts (Leviticus 20:13)
Blasphemy (Leviticus 24:14,16, 23)
False prophecy (Deuteronomy 18:20)
False claim of a woman's virginity at time of marriage (Deuteronomy 22:13-21)
Sex between a woman pledged to be married and a man other than her betrothed (Deuteronomy 22:23-24)

Have a look at these.


Source: "God's Criminal Justice System" Copyright Bob Enyart, kgov.com


Source: "God's Criminal Justice System" Copyright Bob Enyart, kgov.com

So why (and more importantly where in the New Testament) did Jesus rescind the death penalty for cursing/disobedience to parents, working on the Sabbath, Priest's prostituting daughter (sounds to me that would fall under adultery), ill timed intercourse and the others that you pointed out under "Repealed Capital Crimes"?

As I've pointed out throughout this 4 part thread, sexual sins should be taken very seriously by civil government, as they disrupt the nucleus of society (marriage and the family), but a blanketed punishment on those that commit them contradicts Jesus' message on repentance, redemption and grace, .


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Originally Posted by dodge
Strangely enough I cannot find it in scripture where God destroyed two cities and condemned the folks to a violent end over seafood ! Do you have any scriptural support to back that up ?

Because when Jesus rescinded the dietary/ceremonial laws of the Old Testament (eating shellfish, wearing blended materials, etc.) He had to have said that it is ok for Bruce and what's his name to have sodomy in a public restroom toilet stall together.

Right ...Dante?

Jesus made no differentiation in the laws of the Old Testament, no ceremonial law, no moral law and no civil law - just the law.


New member

You do understand that Romans is in the NT right ?

Rom 1:26

For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

Rom 1:27
And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

nothing about covenants new or old here.


New member
You brought up a very good point in this post. While gender and race are obvious when doing a study on death, the sexual habits (heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, incest, bestiality, necrophilia, etc.) are not as obvious.

When reading the study done by Columbia University's pro homosexual Mailman School of Public Health:

LGB individuals living in anti-gay communities die early
Shorter life expectancy of 12 years on average for LGB individuals in communities with high vs. low stigma


I have use the same criteria that you used:

Problems specific to Mailman's study are that deaths of closeted homosexuals would not be available.

Therefore Mailman's study would not be legitimate, right?
Not even close.

the difference between the real example of research and Cameron's garbage is in the the actual methods of research. The Columbia looks at gay men living in environments of hate and hostility and compared them to gay men who live in communities where bigots aren't trying to hurt them and their families.

Cameron compares a bunch of newspaper clippings of some obituaries to other unnamed clippings of who knows who.

How about we agree that based on information given by homosexual periodicals such as the Bay Area Reporter homosexual obituary site


the Texas Obituary Project



and other homosexual periodicals, that the life expectancy of those who aren't closeted homosexuals is much less than that of others?

why woudl I agree with another of your lies?


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you might want to read Acts.
I have, and you apparently haven't read it, or if you have, you didn't pay very close attention to it. If you did, you would have noticed a transition from the beginning of Acts to the end, that it starts off with Peter, with Paul nowhere to be found, and then at the end, It's all Paul, and Peter has disappeared.

Why do you think that is?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Because when Jesus rescinded the dietary/ceremonial laws of the Old Testament (eating shellfish, wearing blended materials, etc.) He had to have said that it is ok for Bruce and what's his name to have sodomy in a public restroom toilet stall together.

Right ...Dante?

Jesus made no differentiation in the laws of the Old Testament, no ceremonial law, no moral law and no civil law - just the law.

So Christians in this day and age amongst other things aren't to eat shellfish, wear blended materials or plant two different types of seeds in their garden, but they should be promoting legislation that executes homosexuals?

Are you sure you want to go down this path ...Dante?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

You brought up a very good point in this post. While gender and race are obvious when doing a study on death, the sexual habits (heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, incest, bestiality, necrophilia, etc.) are not as obvious.

When reading the study done by Columbia University's pro homosexual Mailman School of Public Health:

LGB individuals living in anti-gay communities die early
Shorter life expectancy of 12 years on average for LGB individuals in communities with high vs. low stigma

I have [to] use the same criteria that you used:

Problems specific to Mailman's study are that deaths of closeted homosexuals would not be available.

Therefore Mailman's study would not be legitimate, right?

Not even close.

the difference between the real example of research and Cameron's garbage is in the the actual methods of research. The Columbia looks at gay men living in environments of hate and hostility and compared them to gay men who live in communities where bigots aren't trying to hurt them and their families.

Cameron compares a bunch of newspaper clippings of some obituaries to other unnamed clippings of who knows who.

Yet closeted homosexuals were left out of the study. Can you have a legitimate study if closeted homosexuals are left out?

According to your earlier post, no.

Another thing that is bothersome to me is that the sexual activity of older homosexuals isn't taken into account when adding them to the lifespan statistic.

Take for instance these two old sodomites:



Other than holding hands, is it possible that that they've either abstained from homosexuality for decades or only raped non HIV infected 12 year old boys and hence the reason they've lived as long as they have?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
How about we agree that based on information given by homosexual periodicals such as the Bay Area Reporter homosexual obituary site, the Texas Obituary Project and other homosexual periodicals, that the life expectancy of those who aren't closeted homosexuals is much less than that of others?

why woudl I agree with another of your lies?

I suppose we could look at all of the CDC reports in the index on page 1 and agree that those who engage in those deadly behaviors are more likely to die at a younger age than others?

Can we agree on that ...Dante?


New member
Yet closeted homosexuals were left out of the study. Can you have a legitimate study if closeted homosexuals are left out?
Try actually thinking.

The experimental group and the control group were matched so if closeted homosexuals were missed in the experimental group they woudl have also been missed in the control group.

According to your earlier post, no.

Another thing that is bothersome to me is that the sexual activity of older homosexuals isn't taken into account when adding them to the lifespan statistic.
Well Cameron did "self select the obituaries he used and it was his choice to leave out those past a certain age.

Take for instance these two old sodomites:



Other than holding hands, is it possible that that they've either abstained from homosexuality for decades or only raped non HIV infected 12 year old boys and hence the reason they've lived as long as they have?
It seems you realized that you "discussion" doesn't have a leg to stand on so you are putting up your usual bigoted garbage as a desperate attempt to distract attention.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
How about we agree that based on information given by homosexual periodicals such as the Bay Area Reporter homosexual obituary site, the Texas Obituary Project and other homosexual periodicals, that the life expectancy of those who aren't closeted homosexuals is much less than that of others? Usually you include a picture when you are trying to run away, is your something wrong with your Photoshop program?

I suppose we could look at all of the CDC reports in the index on page 1 and agree that those who engage in those deadly behaviors are more likely to die at a younger age than others?

Can we agree on that ...Dante?
why would I agree with another of your lies?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Yet closeted homosexuals were left out of the study [the study by the pro homosexual Mailman School study that dealt with homosexual suicide rates]. Can you have a legitimate study if closeted homosexuals are left out?

Try actually thinking. The experimental group and the control group were matched so if closeted homosexuals were missed in the experimental group they woudl have also been missed in the control group.

Forgive me for not understanding how these culture of death studies work, perhaps you can walk me through it. In order to have a study on the median death rate of homosexuals, wouldn't the subjects first have to be dead? What's with using experimental groups and control groups?

Wouldn't you have to have a large number of dead people who were knowingly homosexual, add up their ages at death and divide the number of deceased to come up with a figure?

Here's why you have to use obituaries/word of mouth as evidence to show how those who engage in homosexual behavior expire at much younger ages than others:

There is nothing on a person's death certificate which states their sexual preference(s).

Looking at the Bay Area Reporter Obituary website for the year of 2013 (in homosexual friendly San Fransicko),

I ran across quite a wide array of ages: 20's-80's, with many in their 40's and 50's. The problem there, as I mentioned in my earlier post, is that there is nothing that shows if the older ones had been abstinent for decades (paraphrasing the words of Rusha, aka Sandy: "They're not real homosexuals").
I also noticed that there were no obituaries for all of the 'gay' youth that kill themselves because they can't fathom the thought of living with AIDS or thinking that they don't have a way out of their homosexual deathstyle.

So needless to say, the BAR homosexual obituary page doesn't show the true story of the culture of death.

Anyway: I tried to find information on how the LGBTQ movement does studies on the median age of death for homosexuals, but all I could find is articles belittling the boogeyman that hides under every sodomite's bed:

Dr. Paul Cameron.

What is the median death rate of someone who engages in homosexual behavior and how would you come up with that figure ...Dante?


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So Christians in this day and age amongst other things aren't to eat shellfish, wear blended materials or plant two different types of seeds in their garden, but they should be promoting legislation that executes homosexuals?

What a stupid thing to say.

You're the one that refuses to believe in Old Testament ceremonial, civil and moral laws, not me.


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Poor editing.

So you think that Luke, the author of Acts, who was also a physician, didn't know how to write?

Need I remind you that he also wrote the book named after him? Or did that one also have poor editing?

I submit to you that there's another reason that there's a transition from Peter to Paul in Acts. It's that God was transitioning his focus from Israel to the rest of the world, because Israel had rejected their messiah.


New member

Forgive me for not understanding how these culture of death studies work, perhaps you can walk me through it. In order to have a study on the median death rate of homosexuals, wouldn't the subjects first have to be dead? What's with using experimental groups and control groups?
You might have some insight if you had actually read the study you linked.

Anyway: I tried to find information on how the LGBTQ movement does studies on the median age of death for homosexuals, but all I could find is articles belittling the boogeyman that hides under every sodomite's bed:

Dr. Paul Cameron.

What is the median death rate of someone who engages in homosexual behavior and how would you come up with that figure ...Dante?

a boogeyman is something one might fear. Cameron is a laughing stock not a boogeyman


New member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So Christians in this day and age amongst other things aren't to eat shellfish, wear blended materials or plant two different types of seeds in their garden, but they should be promoting legislation that executes homosexuals?

You're the one that refuses to believe in Old Testament ceremonial, civil and moral laws, not me.

Stupid thing to say number 2.


New member
So you think that Luke, the author of Acts, who was also a physician, didn't know how to write?

Need I remind you that he also wrote the book named after him? Or did that one also have poor editing?

I submit to you that there's another reason that there's a transition from Peter to Paul in Acts. It's that God was transitioning his focus from Israel to the rest of the world, because Israel had rejected their messiah.

Do i take this to mean that you don't want to do any research yourself but just reject the research of others? Or should I stop trying and state for the public record that MrDante Judge Fudge doesn't like to talk logically about issues?
I mean, you can deny them all you want, but unless you can show otherwise, you're just showing yourself to be in denial.


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Do i take this to mean that you don't want to do any research yourself but just reject the research of others?

If I had access to a library on a regular basis like you seem to think I do, then I would look it up. However, I'm a truck driver and I'm not often at home.
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