Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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They drew abstract conclusions from historical evidence,..

When noted Nazi historians mentioned that Hitler was a male prostitute as a young man and that the SS was created in a gay bar in Munich, there is nothing "abstract" about those statements.

that doesn't mean it's accurate. They clearly had a very strong bias which strips their work of any historical integrity.

I've covered this topic extrensively, so I'm not going to spend any more time on it, but the thing to remember is how much the current LGBTQueer movement has in common with Hitler's SS.


New member
When noted Nazi historians mentioned that Hitler was a male prostitute as a young man and that the SS was created in a gay bar in Munich, there is nothing "abstract" about those statements.
This is simply not accurate, no matter how much you claim it to be.

I've covered this topic extrensively, so I'm not going to spend any more time on it, but the thing to remember is how much the current LGBTQueer movement has in common with Hitler's SS.
The LGBT community is in no way similar to the SS, a very absurd comparison.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
When noted Nazi historians mentioned that Hitler was a male prostitute as a young man and that the SS was created in a gay bar in Munich, there is nothing "abstract" about those statements.

This is simply not accurate, no matter how much you claim it to be.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I've covered this topic extrensively, so I'm not going to spend any more time on it, but the thing to remember is how much the current LGBTQueer movement has in common with Hitler's SS.

The LGBT community is in no way similar to the SS, a very absurd comparison.

Denying the truth doesn't make it any less true.


New member
As I've shown throughout this 3 part thread Mr. Troublemaker (I see that the same guy reported you again for a TOL policy violation), the nucleus of society, the traditional family is torn apart when people decide that they can do their own "thing".
I rather suspect that even you might not see anything particularly wrong with what I posted to Stripe, I don't think he likes me very much aCW. (sob sniff sob etc.)


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
As I've shown throughout this 3 part thread Mr. Troublemaker (I see that the same guy reported you again for a TOL policy violation), the nucleus of society, the traditional family is torn apart when people decide that they can do their own "thing".

I rather suspect that even you might not see anything particularly wrong with what I posted to Stripe, I don't think he likes me very much aCW. (sob sniff sob etc.)

Gee Al, what's not to like about a moral relative atheist whose attitude towards life is "anything goes"?


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
As I've shown throughout this 3 part thread Mr. Troublemaker (I see that the same guy reported you again for a TOL policy violation), the nucleus of society, the traditional family is torn apart when people decide that they can do their own "thing".

Gee Al, what's not to like about a moral relative atheist whose attitude towards life is "anything goes"?
Thanks for your support aCW, I can't tell you just how much that means to me. :nono:

Why other people don't like you more is really hard to understand. :think:


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Gee Al, what's not to like about a moral relative atheist whose attitude towards life is "anything goes"?

Thanks for your support aCW, I can't tell you just how much that means to me. :nono:

Worse sinners than you have accepted Christ/God's Word into their lives Al.

Why other people don't like you more is really hard to understand. :think:

Perhaps because other people don't get an annual award named after them?


Coming next January in the WHMBR! thread: the "Honest Al Award".


Well-known member
I love that aCW's posting links that describe him as a madman. From his link:

In an especially nutty work of revisionist history called 'The Pink Swastika', the 'historian' Scott Lively tries to blame gay people for the entire Holocaust, and describes the murder of gay men in the camps as merely "gay-on-gay violence." A typical website commenting on the book claims absurdly, "The Pink Swastika shows that there was far more brutality, rape, torture and murder committed against innocent people by Nazi homosexuals than there even was against homosexuals themselves."

Yet we can't allow these madmen to prevent a period of serious self-reflection from the gay movement.

You're still having gastrointestinal problems? Ugh. I think you ought to consider changing your diet. And maybe get some exercise. Your sitting around at the computer day and night looking up pictures of homosexual men seems unhealthy. Maybe taking a daily walk through the park? But with the problems it sounds like you're having, I'd think you'd want to make sure there's a public men's room available.


I love that aCW's posting links that describe him as a madman. From his link:

In an especially nutty work of revisionist history called 'The Pink Swastika', the 'historian' Scott Lively tries to blame gay people for the entire Holocaust, and describes the murder of gay men in the camps as merely "gay-on-gay violence." A typical website commenting on the book claims absurdly, "The Pink Swastika shows that there was far more brutality, rape, torture and murder committed against innocent people by Nazi homosexuals than there even was against homosexuals themselves."

Yet we can't allow these madmen to prevent a period of serious self-reflection from the gay movement.

I kinda liked this sentence from the article written by proud and unrepentant sodomite Johann Hari:

"The twisted truth is that gay men have been at the heart of every major fascist movement that ever was - including the gay-gassing, homo-cidal Third Reich."

Whaddya think zoo, should I nominate proud and unrepentant sodomite Johann Hari for the thread's "Honest Al Award"?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

You're still having gastrointestinal problems? Ugh. I think you ought to consider changing your diet. And maybe get some exercise. Your sitting around at the computer day and night looking up pictures of homosexual men seems unhealthy. Maybe taking a daily walk through the park? But with the problems it sounds like you're having, I'd think you'd want to make sure there's a public men's room available.

If it's all the same to you zoo, I get uncomfortable when you obsess over things that come out of my body cavities. How about we leave those type of thoughts to the privacy of your own morally depraved mind?

As a peace offering I would like to discuss whether or not you think B. Hussein's mentor (Frank Marshall Davis) did the humiliating things to your President like he bragged about doing to women?



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Would you believe it if a proud and unrepenant sodomite said it was true?

The Strange, Strange Story of the Gay Fascists

A seven year old editorial, that's the best you got?

Did proud and unrepentant sodomite Johann Hari write something since then retracting his now 7 year old article?

BTW Que, did you read Johann's latest article:

"You too can be a muscle queer like me in 3 easy lessons"?


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It matters because it shows the reality behind the LGBTQueer movement be it in Hitler's SS or today's "gaystapo":

That the homosexual lifestyle and LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement is extremely violent (refer to the table of contents about homosexual violence).

Er, no, it matters because attempting to rewrite history in order to besmirch a group of people into some ridiculously exaggerated 'agenda' shouldn't be allowed to fly. It's utter hokum that goofballs like you obsess over and gullibly by into for 'whatever' reason.


Er, no, it matters because attempting to rewrite history in order to besmirch a group of people into some ridiculously exaggerated 'agenda' shouldn't be allowed to fly. It's utter hokum that goofballs like you obsess over and gullibly by into for 'whatever' reason.

"The twisted truth is that gay men have been at the heart of every major fascist movement that ever was - including the gay-gassing, homo-cidal Third Reich."

--Fulltime sodomite and parttime muscle queer Johann Hari

I recently posted an article showing how B. Hussein Obama's childhood mentor (Frank Marshall Davis) was a sexual deviant, which is very likely the reason B. Hussein is also one.

Do you know anything about Hitler's childhood that would have totally messed up his desires when it came to normal sexual relations Art (i.e. did he grow up in a fatherless home or was he sexually abused?).

I doubt that the Holocaust Museum would share that sort of information and I'm not certain if Lively and Abrams talked about Hitler's youth other than being a boy prostitute.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
"The twisted truth is that gay men have been at the heart of every major fascist movement that ever was - including the gay-gassing, homo-cidal Third Reich."

--Fulltime sodomite and parttime muscle queer Johann Hari

I recently posted an article showing how B. Hussein Obama's childhood mentor (Frank Marshall Davis) was a sexual deviant, which is very likely the reason B. Hussein is also one.

Do you know anything about Hitler's childhood that would have totally messed up his desires when it came to normal sexual relations Art (i.e. did he grow up in a fatherless home or was he sexually abused?).

I doubt that the Holocaust Museum would share that sort of information and I'm not certain if Lively and Abrams talked about Hitler's youth other than being a boy prostitute.

As I've already informed you the guided tour takes you around the museum in very graphic detail regarding just what went on in the place. Historians (reputable historians that is and ones learned in the field) corroborate this. Throwing blogs around is refuting established history how exactly? Surely you don't believe everything you 'hear' on the internet aCW?




Not that I couldn't patiently wait for TOL's Queen of Denial to come up with some information about Adolf Hitler's childhood, but I decided to do a little research myself:

Journal reveals Hitler's dysfunctional family
Beaten by his father, the future dictator used to bully his sister


What Causes Homosexual Desires?

2. Family abnormality, including the following:
•a dominant, possessive, or rejecting mother
•an absent, distant, or rejecting father

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