Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Surely you're not denying that the LGBTQueer terms "gay and transgender youth" exist are you Que?

I am sure there are younger people who struggle with their sexual identity.

And as seen in this latest discussion on reparative/SOCE (sexual orientation change efforts) therapy, the perverts of the LGBTQueer movement are doing their best to see that struggle isn't won.


New member
And as seen in this latest discussion on reparative/SOCE (sexual orientation change efforts) therapy, the perverts of the LGBTQueer movement are doing their best to see that struggle isn't won.
You really don't have any idea of what you are talking about, do you? I will give you one thing, you have an exceptional talent at creating acronyms.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
And as seen in this latest discussion on reparative/SOCE (sexual orientation change efforts) therapy, the perverts of the LGBTQueer movement are doing their best to see that struggle isn't won.

You really don't have any idea of what you are talking about, do you? I will give you one thing, you have an exceptional talent at creating acronyms.

Sorry Que, but the Queen of Denial title belongs to Art Brain.

However, I could give you the title of "Homosexualist who does his best to keep his head in the sand".



New member
Sorry Que, but the Queen of Denial title belongs to Art Brain.

However, I could give you the title of "Homosexualist who does his best to keep his head in the sand".
A what? A homosexualist? Is that... is that even a real thing? If we were playing scrabble and you played that, I would call you out immediately. Want to know why? Because it isn't a real word.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Sorry Que, but the Queen of Denial title belongs to Art Brain.

However, I could give you the title of "Homosexualist who does his best to keep his head in the sand".

A what? A homosexualist? Is that... is that even a real thing? If we were playing scrabble and you played that, I would call you out immediately. Want to know why? Because it isn't a real word.

It was defined in Part 1's opening post.

"A “homosexualist” is an individual of either gender, who may or may not be a sodomite or a lesbian, but who does what he or she can to advance homosexuality."


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

It was defined in Part 1's opening post.

"A “homosexualist” is an individual of either gender, who may or may not be a sodomite or a lesbian, but who does what he or she can to advance homosexuality."


Oh okay, so you made it up. That makes more sense.

Like I made up the words "abortionist"

and "pornographer".

It means that the person being referred to as a homosexualist is a homosexual activist.

Are you new to this subject, cuz you don't seem to know much about the behavior and agenda that you're defending?


New member
There ya go acting again like the LGBTQueer 'culture' is something to be ashamed of Al.
The point is aCW that there is a world of difference between my arguing for the rights of people to choose for themselves whatever they think is right for them and someone like you who wants to decide what you think is right for them and then attempt to force it on them.
There are a great many cultural practices that I personally may find ridiculous, silly or just not for me, but I will always fight for the right for others to choose whatever it is for themselves, if they don't try and push on those who don't want it, without the fear that a group of pompous self righteous busy bodies won't butt out of their business.

Straight out of the LGBTQueer playbook:


Don't show the real LGBQueer movement, people just might see how disgusting it really is.
Even if there was some truth here in what an activist organisation is advocating it doesn't then follow that all homosexuals should be tarred with the same brush.
However you have exhibited your daft prudery and intolerance of even pretty innocuous behaviour more than once, and therefore your ideas of what actually constitutes "disgusting" is probably only seldom the same as mine. Apart from that you are probably compelled by your mindless homophobic, theocratic agenda anyway to present any gay activity as automatically "disgusting" simply because it's gays who are doing it.
Clearly some heterosexuals are quite capable of being "disgusting" too, yet you hypocritically don't want to apply the same reasoning to all, wanting it applied only to gays.

(Al loves playing the same old broken record).
Then stop churning out your agenda based nonsense, pathetic "put downs" and misinformation, at least try to gain at least some integrity and honour, not that you ever had any.

And I still retain hope for you Al that you'll accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, find a wonderful woman and not spend the rest of your life in misery and die a lonely old man.
Oh please, give me a break, I've been around long enough to know when a Christian is being sincere about such proselytising rhetoric, but when combined with your faked concern for my future wellbeing amounts to a blatant insult to Christianity. Surely no real Christian is going to use his religion to simply fabricate a pathetic attempt at a put down. :idunno:
No doubt we will meet in hell aCW unless the real god likes me better than you, which I think is perhaps rather likely given your track record.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
There ya go acting again like the LGBTQueer 'culture' is something to be ashamed of Al.

The point is aCW that there is a world of difference between my arguing for the rights of people to choose for themselves whatever they think is right for them and someone like you who wants to decide what you think is right for them and then attempt to force it on them.

Thank you once again for showing us that you're a moral relativist/anarchist Al.

There are a great many cultural practices that I personally may find ridiculous, silly or just not for me, but I will always fight for the right for others to choose whatever it is for themselves, if they don't try and push on those who don't want it, without the fear that a group of pompous self righteous busy bodies won't butt out of their business.

Back to Randy Engel's definition of the Homosexual Collective, which by the way you are a part of.

"I am simply referring to the organized “Gay Liberation Movement” as opposed to the individual homosexual. There is a symbiotic relationship between the Collective and the individual — each feeds off the other. The latter looks to the Collective to affirm his identity as a “gay” man and for support to sustain his habituated vice. The Collective, on the other hand, derives its power, prestige and income from the individual homosexual. Defections from its ranks are frowned upon and seen as a threat."

Regarding your comment "...if they don't try and push on those who don't want it".

Where shall we start: with the indoctrination of children or Christian business people who simply want to practice their faith without being forced to go against God's Word?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Straight out of the LGBTQueer playbook:

[After the Ball, how America will overcome it's fear and hatred of gay's in the 90's]

Don't show the real LGBQueer movement, people just might see how disgusting it really is.

Even if there was some truth here in what an activist organisation is advocating it doesn't then follow that all homosexuals should be tarred with the same brush.

You mean those quiet homosexuals that sit at home sewing up the holes in each others socks, being so quiet about their homosexuality that "no one would ever know"?

However you have exhibited your daft prudery and intolerance of even pretty innocuous behaviour more than once, and therefore your ideas of what actually constitutes "disgusting" is probably only seldom the same as mine. Apart from that you are probably compelled by your mindless homophobic, theocratic agenda anyway to present any gay activity as automatically "disgusting" simply because it's gays who are doing it.

Boy Al, those are some pretty harsh words from a...cough cough cough...heterosexual.

Clearly some heterosexuals are quite capable of being "disgusting" too, yet you hypocritically don't want to apply the same reasoning to all, wanting it applied only to gays.

Again, heterosexuality isn't inherently an immoral act, homosexuality is.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
(Al loves playing the same old broken record).

Then stop churning out your agenda based nonsense, pathetic "put downs" and misinformation, at least try to gain at least some integrity and honour, not that you ever had any.

Ok, I'll stop doing so on the 5th Tuesday of this month (anything to please you Al).

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
And I still retain hope for you Al that you'll accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, find a wonderful woman and not spend the rest of your life in misery and die a lonely old man.

Oh please, give me a break, I've been around long enough to know when a Christian is being sincere about such proselytising rhetoric, but when combined with your faked concern for my future wellbeing amounts to a blatant insult to Christianity. Surely no real Christian is going to use his religion to simply fabricate a pathetic attempt at a put down.
No doubt we will meet in hell aCW unless the real god likes me better than you, which I think is perhaps rather likely given your track record.

Poor Al, living in the moral sewer so long that he thinks everyone smells the same putrid smell as he does.
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New member
the biggest of this world is most people do this a homosexual.. how to solve this.. we can solve through the help of our almighty God.. let's everyone is in Christ continue to pray their is no impossible in God..


Well-known member
No doubt we will meet in hell aCW unless the real god likes me better than you, which I think is perhaps rather likely given your track record.


If Heaven is full of pretentious pig headed fools like ACW it sounds more like hell to me. I'm hoping that there are at least separate facilities so that I do not have to hear all the hostility day in and day out for the rest of eternity.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I haven't seen anything positive about homosexual behavior nor the LGBTQueer agenda. Care to share?

It figures you would distort that. Legal positivism is a political philosophy. It is one of the few we use here in the US to help decide legislation. But you seem to be ignorant of that factor. Why am I not surprised of your ignorance, real or feigned? :)

I'd like to discuss legal positivism with you nog.

Let me know if this article explains legal positivism correctly and what your thoughts are on this particular paragraph.

Legal positivism is often contrasted with Natural Law. According to the natural law school of jurisprudence, all written laws must be informed by, or made to comport with, universal principles of morality, religion, and justice, such that a law that is not fair and just may not rightly be called "law."


New member
It means that the person being referred to as a homosexualist is a homosexual activist.
All of those here who have opposed your homophobic agenda have not in fact been "homosexualists" at all then, simply those want the rights of others, who are different, in this case gay, to not be trampled on by bigotry.
Nobody here that you have often called "homosexualist" has ever tried to push any homosexual agendas, but have merely supported the basic right of all people to have agendas and to think and act for themselves.


Well-known member
All of those here who have opposed your homophobic agenda have not in fact been "homosexualists" at all then, simply those want the rights of others, who are different, in this case gay, to not be trampled on by bigotry.
Nobody here that you have often called "homosexualist" has ever tried to push any homosexual agendas, but have merely supported the basic right of all people to have agendas and to think and act for themselves.

He won't get it. He would rather divert attention and lead focus away from reality just like he is doing with the up above. It is a diversionary tactic designed to confuse others so they more apt to accept anything he says. He is a waste of time. Good night. Got to get to work,


New member
He won't get it. He would rather divert attention and lead focus away from reality just like he is doing with the up above. It is a diversionary tactic designed to confuse others so they more apt to accept anything he says. He is a waste of time. Good night. Got to get to work,
Right, and I should be in bed.


Right, and I should be in bed.

Stay up Al, you don't wanna miss nog's response to this post:

Let me know if this article explains legal positivism correctly and what your thoughts are on this particular paragraph.

Legal positivism is often contrasted with Natural Law. According to the natural law school of jurisprudence, all written laws must be informed by, or made to comport with, universal principles of morality, religion, and justice, such that a law that is not fair and just may not rightly be called "law."

Darn, noguru logged off :(

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New member
All of those here who have opposed your homophobic agenda have not in fact been "homosexualists" at all then, simply those want the rights of others, who are different, in this case gay, to not be trampled on by bigotry.
Nobody here that you have often called "homosexualist" has ever tried to push any homosexual agendas, but have merely supported the basic right of all people to have agendas and to think and act for themselves.
I was going to reply directly but Alwight summed it up very nicely.


Darn, it appears that Al called it a night as well (and here I was so looking forward to his defense of these words:

...the rights of people to choose for themselves whatever they think is right for them...


...but I will always fight for the right for others to choose whatever it is for themselves...

Hopefully the boyz will get a good nights sleep and be refreshed in the morning so that they can share legal positivism and "whatever they think is right" with the readers of the thread.

Just so that we're clear on the definition of "whatever" :

anything or everything that


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
According Nazi historian* Art Brain, Adolf Hitler and his SS were not homosexuals.

*Spending a couple of hours at the Holocaust Museum who had a LGBTQueer activist as a liaison makes one a Nazi historian.

The subject of Hitler and his SS was covered extensively in Part 1 and reviewed again in Part 3. Refer to the table of contents.

Actually, it's being familiar with the findings of what reputable historians and experts in the field have established that makes me more of an expert in the field than you. The Auschwitz museum is a sobering experience for anyone with an ounce of empathy for the victims of these monstrous camps, that much is certain and the guided tour corroborates that which is already on the historical record.

Reading a book by a pair of revisionist cranks with their own agenda to push - and gullibly lapping it up in the process - makes you apparently incapable of actual thinking as well as rather a nut.
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