Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Now look at this story , aCW, you MUST COMMENT ON IT AND USE IT ALSO WITHIN YOUR OWN THREAD!!!!!!!!


The first segment in Part 1 showed the intolerance that the homosexual movement (i.e. "Big Gay") has towards people of faith and those who simply speak out against homosexuality, and example after example has been used since then.

While I was reviewing the table of contents from Part 2 I ran across this article by Peter LaBarbera (which I put into 4 posts) entitled:

'Gay' Power vs Religious Liberty

LaBarbera documents the long list of persecution of people of faith by homosexual activists.


I commented in another thread that of all of the threads that TOL has about homosexuality, I can think of only one that has a solution to the problem (and the solution is in that thread's title).

What's your solution (this week) GFR7?


New member
The first segment in Part 1 showed the intolerance that the homosexual movement (i.e. "Big Gay") has towards people of faith and those who simply speak out against homosexuality, and example after example has been used since then.

While I was reviewing the table of contents from Part 2 I ran across this article by Peter LaBarbera (which I put into 4 posts) entitled:

'Gay' Power vs Religious Liberty

LaBarbera documents the long list of persecution of people of faith by homosexual activists.


I commented in another thread that of all of the threads that TOL has about homosexuality, I can think of only one that has a solution to the problem (and the solution is in that thread's title).

What's your solution (this week) GFR7?
Because I feel there are now far too many laws, ordinances, pieces of legislation, federal judges , supreme court justices, attorneys, media stations, CEOs, Senators, US Congressman etc., etc,. etc, who favor the LGBTQ agenda - and add to this multi-millions of liberals - I believe that an increasing cultural disapproval of them will make much of this excess fall away.

Recall, aCW, that the old America with its righteous laws has been dismantled. It is gone, dust. A civilization gone with the wind.......I am only trying to be realistic. I know you laughed at my reversal idea way back in the beginning, but it is the way to go, short of apocalypse. UNLESS, that is, you really can show that repealing Lawrence will work better than repealing Roe v Wade did.....:think:


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

I commented in another thread that of all of the threads that TOL has about homosexuality, I can think of only one that has a solution to the problem (and the solution is in that thread's title).

What's your solution (this week) GFR7?

Because I feel there are now far too many laws, ordinances, pieces of legislation, federal judges , supreme court justices, attorneys, media stations, CEOs, Senators, US Congressman etc., etc,. etc, who favor the LGBTQ agenda - and add to this multi-millions of liberals - I believe that an increasing cultural disapproval of them will make much of this excess fall away.

It's interesting how prior to the decriminalization of homosexuality there were laws, ordinances, pieces of legislation, federal judges, supreme court justices, attorneys, media stations, CEOs, Senators, US Congressmen etc., etc., etc. that didn't favor giving special rights to people who engage in perverse behavior, yet the sodomite movement was able to change that.

A "cultural disapproval" of homosexuality (showing the truth about the sodomite movement, which I've been doing in this thread for over 2 years) will someday be the reason why this country will return to having righteous laws and hence sending homosexualists (i.e. sexual anarchists) like you back underneath the rock whence you came.

You see GFR7, we Christians don't give up even though the odds aren't in our favor because we know:

With God, all things are possible.



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
I was in downtown Sodomy and Gonorrhea North last Saturday Judy but I don't recall a parade. Whatcha talking about?

I am unable to locate these places on Google maps. :think:

Let me help. While Sodomy and Gonorrhea North (not to be confused with Sodomy and Gonorrhea South*) is not called that on a map, it does indeed exist. It's the most populated city in the State of Washington, a city that has an openly homosexual mayor (seen here with some of his his constituents: http://mediad.publicbroadcasting.net/p/kuow/files/201307/IMG_3316.JPG

, a population that claims that 12% of them engage in perverse same sex behavior, and a truly compassionate population that, has no qualms about murdering an unborn baby in the womb.

*San Fransicko


You sure do have a knack for digging up things that disgust you.

Here's a question for you Caledvwich (with an "i") :

Why don't you atheists mock the muzzie prophet Muhammed? It's not like they'll get mad and behead you for mocking their false prophet.

Granted, atheists and muzzies are allies in that they both have a HATRED of Judeo-Christian doctrine, but I think a stage play of "Mo' being sodomized on Mawlid al-Nabi or submerging "Mo" in a jar of urine and placing it in a famous New York art studio would be all in good fun.

When can we expect you atheists to do that Caledvwich? (with an "i").


New member
Here's a question for you Caledvwich (with an "i") :

Why don't you atheists mock the muzzie prophet Muhammed? It's not like they'll get mad and behead you for mocking their false prophet.

Granted, atheists and muzzies are allies in that they both have a HATRED of Judeo-Christian doctrine, but I think a stage play of "Mo' being sodomized on Mawlid al-Nabi or submerging "Mo" in a jar of urine and placing it in a famous New York art studio would be all in good fun.

When can we expect you atheists to do that Caledvwich? (with an "i").

I'm not one of those softy-liberals who think criticizing Islam is de facto racism. But there aren't any Muslim's on TOL for me to troll, and even if there were, you guys wouldn't need my help making them feel unwelcome.

I fall closer on the side of Sam Harris than say... Glenn Greenwald.


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

I commented in another thread that of all of the threads that TOL has about homosexuality, I can think of only one that has a solution to the problem (and the solution is in that thread's title).

What's your solution (this week) GFR7?

It's interesting how prior to the decriminalization of homosexuality there were laws, ordinances, pieces of legislation, federal judges, supreme court justices, attorneys, media stations, CEOs, Senators, US Congressmen etc., etc., etc. that didn't favor giving special rights to people who engage in perverse behavior, yet the sodomite movement was able to change that.

A "cultural disapproval" of homosexuality (showing the truth about the sodomite movement, which I've been doing in this thread for over 2 years) will someday be the reason why this country will return to having righteous laws and hence sending homosexualists (i.e. sexual anarchists) like you back underneath the rock whence you came.

You see GFR7, we Christians don't give up even though the odds aren't in our favor because we know:

With God, all things are possible.

I , too, believe that all things are possible with God. :AMR1:
However, it has to be His will.
Thus far, recriminalization has not been His will.
What of in the days of Noah, wherein sinners married and gave in marriage, until the deluge swept them all away? How do we know that is not His will? :think:

I am determined to forgive you for lying through your teeth about me being a homosexualist who will scurry back under a rock at some point, and to see the humor in it -
but it's not easy.


And, do they still hold the Hunky Jesus contest? :think:
I would agree it is both foolish and offensive.
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I , too, believe that all things are possible with God. :AMR1:

(What a fraud).

I've emphasized throughout this 3 part thread that God ordained 3 institutions for the governance of man:

1. The Church
2. The Family
3. Civil Government.

God expects civil government to legislate righteous laws to deal with immoral behavior. Failing to do so would be the equivalent of parents not disciplining their children when they do something wrong or harmful. Government failing to legislate righteous laws that deal with immoral behavior would be the equivalent to the Church failing to properly instill morality and spirituality on it's congregation (which we're seeing more and more of with "progressive" churches).

So you see my homosexualist friend, in order to honor God, civil government MUST legislate righteous laws and not give a pass to your special interest.



New member
(What a fraud).

I've emphasized throughout this 3 part thread that God ordained 3 institutions for the governance of man:

1. The Church
2. The Family
3. Civil Government.

God expects civil government to legislate righteous laws to deal with immoral behavior. Failing to do so would be the equivalent of parents not disciplining their children when they do something wrong or harmful. Government failing to legislate righteous laws that deal with immoral behavior would be the equivalent to the Church failing to properly instill morality and spirituality on it's congregation (which we're seeing more and more of with "progressive" churches).

So you see my homosexualist friend, in order to honor God, civil government MUST legislate righteous laws and not give a pass to your special interest.

I am NOT a fraud. :madmad:
Maybe I SHOULD go back to calling you stupid? :think:




Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Here's a question for you Caledvwich (with an "i") :

Why don't you atheists mock the muzzie prophet Muhammed? It's not like they'll get mad and behead you for mocking their false prophet.

Granted, atheists and muzzies are allies in that they both have a HATRED of Judeo-Christian doctrine, but I think a stage play of "Mo' being sodomized on Mawlid al-Nabi or submerging "Mo" in a jar of urine and placing it in a famous New York art studio would be all in good fun.

When can we expect you atheists to do that Caledvwich? (with an "i").

I not one of those softy-liberals who think criticizing Islam is de facto racism. But there aren't any Muslim's on TOL for me to troll...

Whose talking about messin with some muzzies through the anonymity of a internet website, I'll talking about doing the real thing.

Have this made into a big poster and stand on a corner in the heart of muzzieland USA (Dearborn Michigan) and see how humorous they find this.



New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Here's a question for you Caledvwich (with an "i") :

Why don't you atheists mock the muzzie prophet Muhammed? It's not like they'll get mad and behead you for mocking their false prophet.

Granted, atheists and muzzies are allies in that they both have a HATRED of Judeo-Christian doctrine, but I think a stage play of "Mo' being sodomized on Mawlid al-Nabi or submerging "Mo" in a jar of urine and placing it in a famous New York art studio would be all in good fun.

When can we expect you atheists to do that Caledvwich? (with an "i").

Whose talking about messin with some muzzies through the anonymity of a internet website, I'll talking about doing the real thing.

Have this made into a big poster and stand on a corner in the heart of muzzieland USA (Dearborn Michigan) and see how humorous they find this.

I'm not disagreeing that insulting the Prophet tends to generate violent backlash. I actually do believe that this is a problem with Islam more than with many other religions. But I'm not going to go out there with hysterical conspiracy jibberish either.
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I'm not disagreeing that insulting the Prophet tends to generate violent backlash...

So in essence, you atheists will mock our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ knowing that we Christians will pray for your salvation, but you won't mock the false prophet Muhammad because you know that you could literally lose your head?
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