Why Don't the Liberals Want a Wall?


New member
In republicanspeak, "rational" = "leftist."

You mispelled "rationer"

(Noun) One parceling out supplies to others; one restricting the usage of an object.
Usage: She asked the rationer whether she would be allowed a second egg this week.
(Noun) one who rations goods
Usage: Jeralyn was the rationer for her village when supplies came in to the NGO.



New member
I see how you won't touch it. It's okay, it still proves my point.


How delusional are you? You have yet to even attempt a point yet you think I'm going to jump through hoops for you regarding the history of eminent domain in the United States? I've already shown that Kelo v. City of New London has no bearing whatsoever on Trump's wall plan.

So, either make a point or move on. So far you're only showing how much of a waste of time you are.


Well-known member

How delusional are you? You have yet to even attempt a point yet you think I'm going to jump through hoops for you regarding the history of eminent domain in the United States? I've already shown that Kelo v. City of New London has no bearing whatsoever on Trump's wall plan.

So, either make a point or move on. So far you're only showing how much of a waste of time you are.


I phrased it as a question so you can't report it.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond



ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Wizzy is in that photo, in spirit.

i'm still mad at him for making me watch Connery in a man thong for an hour and a half :sozo2:

btw - another great movie to avoid like the plague? Mandy, with nicholas cage :vomit:

wasted last night watching that


Well-known member
Well, if musterion got upset over me telling trumps position on Eminant Domain, I'm sure he will go bonkers over this one:

"The words "National Emergency" should send shivers down the spine of anyone that values their liberty. At the same time, these words are music to the ears of those who lust after power. President Trump's threats to rule by fiat should not be taken lightly."

Kit the Coyote

New member
Well, if musterion got upset over me telling trumps position on Eminant Domain, I'm sure he will go bonkers over this one:

"The words "National Emergency" should send shivers down the spine of anyone that values their liberty. At the same time, these words are music to the ears of those who lust after power. President Trump's threats to rule by fiat should not be taken lightly."

I'm not one of the folks using the term impeachment because I think it was inappropriate in this administration so far. But I think any President that invokes emergency powers as a means to bypass Congress is guilty of violating their oath to uphold the Constitution. That would call for impeachment.