Who Posted?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Thirty-one posts of sheer brilliance. Yay me.
:chuckle: Now run a stop watch to see how long it takes Sod to make sure his name is on top of the thread...or should we take an over/under on whether my calling his tune will make him hesitate. :eek:

EDIT: looks like the latter. Though he did rush to cover my answer to LK with a deeply pondered, "Yep." :eek:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

Yes, despite the fact it had been up for months already with no action taken against it whatsoever. Considering the context (aka a troll calling those who died trying to protect their loved ones cowards in the Colorado massacre) it was hardly anything of the sort. In fact if it wasn't for the whining and clamouring of CW & THall months later it's likely the post wouldn't have even received a warning let alone an infraction. CW deserved the description she received. If you think otherwise then you have as much 'respect' for the dead as she does....:plain:

"I determined to withdraw entirely until the infraction ran in July as an objection in principle"

And? This wasn't a public announcement to the forum in general couched in some prissy fit with a subsequent flouncing off for months like someone else did. :rolleyes: If your objection is to TH returning after an objection on initial principle then what the hell are you doing back here?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
anna - do you remember October 2011 when Town and I were butting heads and the whole board was in an uproar and I backed him into a corner and pounded him into silt and he slunk off butthurt for a month or so with a teary-eyed drama queen farewell?

Eh? :liberals:

It's hard to remember something which never actually took place dude. You're like the black knight out of Monty Python & The Holy Grail.


Would depend on what the infraction was for


artie said:
and whether or not their absence was directly related/stated.

res said:
"I determined to withdraw entirely until the infraction ran in July as an objection in principle"

artie said:

And his absence was directly related.


Way to avoid addressing the points, context etc. :plain:

Not at all artie

You remember why we started down this path?

please explain how calling someone a 'butthurt sulker' in any way emulates your signature.

Be specific.

Do you think that indicates bitterness? Wrath? Anger? Clamour? Evil speaking? Malice?

I think it's a perfectly apt description.

You may disagree :idunno:

Oh, evil speaking and malice certainly informs it as TH no more sulks than you're sincere.

Town's behavior after Del gave him an infraction looked like sulking to me.

and others

If you don't see it that way, we'll have to disagree :idunno:

Of course I don't.

No surprise there.

What would you call somebody who got an infraction and decided to protest by going away for six months?

and so on.

I was showing you why "butthurt sulker" was a perfectly apt description of Town's behavior.

He got an infraction, and like any child who gets slapped on the wrist, rationalized away his own behavior by making the claim that the other guy's was worse and it wasn't fair that he got one and the other guy didn't. That's being butthurt.

Web definitions
Upset because of a perceived injustice

Then he determined to to self impose his silence by withdrawing from posting. That's sulking.

sulking present participle of sulk
Be silent, morose, and bad-tempered out of annoyance or disappointment.

Get it?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
...I was showing you why "butthurt sulker" was a perfectly apt description of Town's behavior.
Do you ever just sit around pulling your own finger and laughing?

You do, don't you.

He got an infraction, and like any child who gets slapped on the wrist, rationalized away his own behavior by making the claim that the other guy's was worse and it wasn't fair that he got one and the other guy didn't.
Rather, I noted that I didn't agree that you could respond to a post defaming the dead in a way that was needlessly disruptive. It's a judgement call, but I've been making them correctly for years.

How does your judgement stack up? I'll be happy to compare infractions.

That's being butthurt.
No, it isn't. I didn't do your stomping about with a grand exit thread, by way of. :eek:

Then he determined to to self impose his silence by withdrawing from posting. That's sulking.
Nah, it's withdrawing in protest...like a sit in. :D But then I realized it would mostly benefit people like you and not make any real difference except to leave TOL, a place I'm fond of, a little more at your mercy.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Not at all artie

You remember why we started down this path?

Oh Miss Prissy, but of course I do, along with your increasingly feeble attempts to account for your own words through the same ole usual etc. You gonna step up to the plate and take on TH's challenge regarding his lawyer credentials yet? Go oooon, you know you want to....:thumb:

and so on.

I was showing you why "butthurt sulker" was a perfectly apt description of Town's behavior.

Eh, no you weren't. All you've done since return is indirectly take snide swipes at a poster who you invited to 'the big boys table' (how funny is that) and subsequently shy away from any direct response once he's engaged. Wow, that's so.....well pathetic really.

He got an infraction, and like any child who gets slapped on the wrist, rationalized away his own behavior by making the claim that the other guy's was worse and it wasn't fair that he got one and the other guy didn't. That's being butthurt.

Eh, no it isn't. CW deserved what she got for her contemptible remarks regarding those who died and it's telling you won't even address that, or the time lapsed and her moaning on etc. One would think you'd agree with her that those dead should be labeled 'cowards'.

Then he determined to to self impose his silence by withdrawing from posting. That's sulking.


Hey doofus. What were you doing when you gave a public address to the forum and flounced off like a kid denied his Xbox for months? Are you losing your memory or something? You were a completely pompous gimp SOD. And yet here you are, back again. If you're going to level this kind of garbage at TH (which isn't the same at all as you well know anyway) then you weren't just sulking, you were throwing your toys out the pram for weeks on end....

Of course. There really isn't any complication where it comes to you and your agenda SOD.