From what you have said so far, you don't seem to believe in one God (monotheism), rather, what you seem to believe in is three dinstinct gods that form a triad (
Tritheism). You believe that two of these can be separated and remain so without destroying the Godhead and that each remains God while separated:
"...when we say that God the Son, who is now Jesus Christ, died on the cross [...] we are saying that He was separated from God the Father and God the Holy Spirit." (source)
"...if Jesus would have fallen, He would have been separated forever, and we could not have come back to God." (source)
"When Christ was there, He was still God, but separated from the trinity" (
Not only are the three persons three gods that can be separated, leaving us with three different dieties. But you also say that Lord Jesus could sin and that if he did
"he would be separated for all eternity from the Godhead." (
source) and that the Father, who is the head, could sin and that if he did this, you think
"it would destroy the Godhead" (
In your view not only are the Son and the Spirit not essential to the Godhead, since it is possible for the Father to continue to be as if both did not exist. But since the Father can sin, it is possible for the whole Godhead to destroy itself. Parting from what you have said so far, God is a contingent being who, while remaining righteous, his "parts" can fall away from him if they sin and he can as a whole fall into sin (against whom?) ultimately leading to his own destruction (that he does not do so is not the point, the point is that it could be the case). In other words, since God has parts he can fall apart.
Now, if the Son (and the Spirit) can sin against God and be separated forever from God, then on what sense do you think they are God? They cannot be said to be fully God, for they would then be sinning against themselves and separating themselves from themselves. For the Son or the Spirit to sin against God and for them to separate themselves from him, they would need to be dieties different from him whom they sin against and separate themselves from. God cannot be one and sin against himself, nor can he be one and separate himself from himself.
Are you sure that your views are based on Scripture?