Can I suggest, EE, that while your message is an important one, your delivery is that of a reviler? 1 Cor 5:11
Can you imagine, if Jesus was having a hard time convincing Nicodemus of the importance of His message in John 3, that He would resort to such language as you have?
Can you acknowledge that as you are a teacher, of sorts, here on TOL, just as most of us claim that role here to some degree when we post, we bare a heavier responsibility? James 3:1
Would you try, then, to show gentleness and respect when you give an answer for the hope that lies within you? 1 Pet 3:15
I know you can do this--I've see you in action!
You applauded AMR’s post about my methods of communication... I am disappointed. To you.. I say thank you for correcting me. Your words are ointment to my soul.
But Derf,
....... Calvinism is a horrible heresy! The L is infecting ToL now and the L is the most disgusting of all the 5 points! Even the T pales in comparison.
I am no teacher... but I am sincere when it comes down to it.
I’m no teacher and I’m no saint and I’m tired of having to constrict myself to appease the false piety of people like Glorydaz that dishonestly use acceptable rhetoric to dress people down, yet cry foul when they get exactly what they are doing back.
I say... the Salt is harmed by Calvinism as much as Arianism harms the Salt... maybe even more! Any who reduce the scope of Jesus’ gesture of Love towards all men... are guilty of heresy that is utterly adulterous to the gospel.
I look up to you @
Derf ... but when push has come to shove... I’ve always been sincere... and as much as it conflicts me to be so harsh in speech... I know... at the end of the day that I didn’t employ sophistry, false humility, gospel compromise or the like.
I desire to be a what you see is what you get, authentic person... in all I do, say and express... especially in the matters of Jesus Christ.
I think that at this moment in time ... I can see the whore teachings of the Idol Worshiping Orgy Called Calvinism overtaking ToL central doctrine. The L is the most important lie of Calvinism to teach... and once it’s accepted the rest is easy to sow amongst the brethren.
I do see that I am a liability to any pious person... and I can see that aside from you, BBK, 1M1S, Musterion, Sonnet and ... whoever else has the courage to proclaim the unconditional inclusion of Christ’s Love on this site... the rest of this site is infected with a spiritual disease that is worse than Denying that Jesus is God...
Many are infected with a disease of puffed up doctrine that reduces the power of the gospel and is nothing more than an internal discussion of dry spiritual deserts that are devoid of water to the truly thirsty.
AMR profits on spiritually counseling people and I have defended him in the past for this... now I see it as the equivalent of someone paying another to neutralize and rape their relationship with God with Reformed, Calvinistic swill that is a temple prostitute Priest... becoming one with other men... to help them get closer to their “idea” of God.
I really wanted to simply say thank you for your correction... but I figured I’ll just go ahead and unload on you... since you are now one of the few I still value as positive on this Christian discussion board.
musterion @
Robert Pate
john w.
@Anyone else that has the balls to admit Jesus died for all...
I love you... and appreciate what you each do for the gospel’s Author...
Yeah... I know... I’ll show myself the door... The insiders hate being reminded the outsiders are who Jesus died for...
Wow... that came out way different than I thought it would...
Put me behind you... all of you! I’m being sincere and don’t want to be fake... and to be direct... I don’t want to portray a fake me... or begin to do so... ever...
To the “Jesus didn’t die for ALL” crowd, I say...
Redacted out the worst parts of this post as it is an eyesore but left enough of it so reader get an idea of what he posted.