ECT What gospel was Paul saved under?

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Ask Mr. Religion

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What is the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation? And how do you rightly divide it?

Rightly dividing, properly interepreted, means "to handle correctly". Literally, the phrase means literally cutting something in a straight way. Figuratively, teaching or expounding correctly. Unfortunately, Scofield's wooden literalism of the phrase led to the movement that cuts up or divides the Word into many divisions versus "rightly handling".

What right dividing is not:
1. Assuming all of the Bible is for our learning, but is not addressed to us or is about us.

2. Assuming there are many "gospels" in the Bible, and that we must carve out gospels only meant for us.
3. Assuming Paul's writings are disjointed, and in need of gleaning out of matters relevant to just Gentiles or to Jews.

Rather, per the whole counsel of Scripture rightly dividing is rightly handling, straightly furrowing, and wisely discriminating. Accordingly the right way to handle Scripture is to treat it like the sword it is, as it is not meant to be played with.

Rightly dividing implies a straight cutting just as the plowman stands with his plow, and he plows right along from this end of the field to the other, making a straight furrow. Thus we have Paul who would have Timothy make a straight furrow right through the Word of Truth taking up its full counsel. The Truth of God is a straight line, and so must our handling of the Truth be straightforward and honest, without shifts or tricks.

For example, one of those furrows that should be plowed straightly is that of free grace. “Salvation is of the Lord”—He begins it, He carries it on, He completes it. Salvation is not of man, neither by man, but of Grace alone. Grace in election, Grace in redemption, Grace in effectual calling, grace in final perseverance, grace in conferring the perfection of Glory—it is all Grace from beginning to end.

Another straight plowing would be the matter of man's moral inability—to preach that man is fallen, that every part and passion of his nature is perverted, that he has gone astray altogether, is sick from the crown of his head to the sole of his feet—yes, is dead in trespasses and sins, and corrupt before God. “There is none that does good, no, not one.” The discerning will notice some plowing this furrow very crookedly, for they say, “There are still some very fine points about man, and many good things in him which only need developing and educating such that he will decide rightly." Sigh.

Rightly handling the Word of God requires discrimination and dissection, as in the division between the Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace. We must always distinguish between the root (e.g., regeneration) and the fruit (e.g., faith). Putting the cart before the horse is a very absurd thing, but many do it.

There are simple steps to rightly dividing, as in:

First step- Word Focus: etymology, synonyms, antonyms

Second step- Word Relations: grammar, syntax
Third step- Context: immediate context, whole book context, whole Bible context.
Fourth step- Culture: Social—the customs of the times; Temporal—the period in history; Geographical—the place on earth.

See an example of this in action here:

Rightly dividing requires exegetical ability, as in the following ten steps:

1. Identify the Genre (the Literary Form)
2. Get the Big Picture: Establish the Historical and Literary Context
3. Develop a Thesis Statement
4. Outline the Progress of Thought in the Passage
5. Consult Secondary Sources (a Good Commentary) on Your Passage.
6. Analyze Syntactical Relationships
7. Analyze Key Terms and Themes
8. Resolve Interpretive Issues and Problems
9. Evaluate Your Results From the Perspective of Wider Contextual and Theological Issues
10. Summarize Your Results

Now you know what rightly dividing really means.




Well-known member
It seems to me that the answer depends on one's interpretation of the Gospel. I am of the opinion that there is only one Gospel but that is contingent on my own interpretation. Some believe a different version of the same Gospel. In short Paul was subject to his own understanding of the Gospel message and his own experience. We also have to address what it mean to be saved.

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Hi and many beat up Paul that he murdered many people , BUT how do you explain , what the Holy Spirit wrote in Phil 3:6 " concerning the LAW , BLAMELESS !!

dan p


TOL Subscriber
Rightly dividing, properly interepreted, means "to handle correctly". Literally, the phrase means literally cutting something in a straight way. Figuratively, teaching or expounding correctly. Unfortunately, Scofield's wooden literalism of the phrase led to the movement that cuts up or divides the Word into many divisions versus "rightly handling".

The Holy Ghost gets it right every time and it's "rightly dividing". Rightly dividing is to separate one from another. We can see a biblical example of rightly dividing as the Lord will rightly divide the nations (at the second coming):

Matthew 25:31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:

Matthew 25:32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:

As far as what Paul writes that needs to be rightly divided/seperated one from another according to the verse is the word of truth:

2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

And Paul defines the word of truth as “the gospel of your salvation”!

Ephesians 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,

It's one of the reasons I first asked you,

What is the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation?
which you ignored altogether.

Now you know what rightly dividing really means.
Contrariwise, now you do!

I can show you how to rightly divide, too. Would you like to know how?


TOL Subscriber
Paul was a righteous Jew according to the Mosaic Book of the Law and the kingdom of God was unknown to him, it was a mystery.

The kingdom of God was a mystery that the Father sent Jesus to offer to the Jews. Some accepted and some declined the offer.
It kills me that you rightfully see this:

Oh, good point, Jesus is a Jew and the gospel he preached is for Israel. Salvation is of the Jews ... too bad that leaves you out.

as the Lord's earthly ministry was Matthew 15:24 KJV, Romans 15:8 KJV

but you won't acknowledge this!

Yes, unless God had a mystery that included the likes of us! PTL, He did! Ephesians 3:1-6 KJV!
I'll keep you in prayer!


Well-known member
The Holy Ghost gets it right every time and it's "rightly dividing". Rightly dividing is to separate one from another. We can see a biblical example of rightly dividing as the Lord will rightly divide the nations (at the second coming):

Matthew 25:31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:

Matthew 25:32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:

As far as what Paul writes that needs to be rightly divided/seperated one from another according to the verse is the word of truth:

2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

And Paul defines the word of truth as “the gospel of your salvation”!

Ephesians 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,

It's one of the reasons I first asked you,

which you ignored altogether.

Contrariwise, now you do!

I can show you how to rightly divide, too. Would you like to know how?

Heir, spend more time in the context of the verse as used. it's about church admin, leadership decisions.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Can you give an example of believing a different version of the same Gospel?
Still in a funk..

You: Can you give an example of believing a different version of the same good news? What does "gospel," mean, as I obviously do not know. My evidence? My "posts."


New member
as the Lord's earthly ministry was Matthew 15:24 KJV, Romans 15:8 KJV

The Father sent Jesus to offer the kingdom to the Jews but the Holy Spirit was not available until he was glorified.

Jesus formed a team to offer people the Holy Spirit. To enter the kingdom requires the Holy Spirit.

Thanks for the prayers.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The Father sent Jesus to offer the kingdom to the Jews but the Holy Spirit was not available until he was glorified.

Jesus formed a team to offer people the Holy Spirit. To enter the kingdom requires the Holy Spirit.

Thanks for the prayers.

This is a bit mixed up Jamie. All persona of God co-exist eternally. The HS is not another one waiting in line to be glorified.


Well-known member
I'll continue to 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV as it's about studying to shew thyself approved unto God by rightly dividing the word of truth.

Yes, study, but the verse is not by itself. it is not in a context full of prophecy or dispensation questions. It is in a letter to a church developer and context about church admin questions. Which thing is to be said to which part of the church and why?


New member
What gospel was Paul saved under?


1. You are w/o a clue, as to the meaning of the word, "gospel," or,

2. You are of the opinion that there is only one piece of good news in the bible, per your "I am of the opinion that there is only one Gospel" speculation/assertion.

You choose-no other option.

And thanks for the opinion-like elbows....

Why is Paul's gospel message different than Jesus' message in the 4 Gospels? Jesus did not preach he came to die for our sins. Should we trust the words of Jesus himself or can we trust someone else's experience? There is only one master (Matthew 6:24).

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Well-known member
Why is Paul's gospel message different than Jesus' message in the 4 Gospels? Jesus did not preach he came to die for our sins. Should we trust the words of Jesus himself or can we trust someone else's experience? There is only one master.

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Many people recognize the contrast and I'm glad that they do, because it is there.
However, there are as many explanations as to why it is so.
A literal and dispensational hermeneutic offers the only consistent resolution to the apparent conflict.

Right Divider

Body part
Rightly dividing, properly interepreted, means "to handle correctly". Literally, the phrase means literally cutting something in a straight way. Figuratively, teaching or expounding correctly. Unfortunately, Scofield's wooden literalism of the phrase led to the movement that cuts up or divides the Word into many divisions versus "rightly handling".

Let me start by saying that this is probably your most arrogance post to date.

What right dividing is not:
1. Assuming all of the Bible is for our learning, but is not addressed to us or is about us.

2. Assuming there are many "gospels" in the Bible, and that we must carve out gospels only meant for us.
3. Assuming Paul's writings are disjointed, and in need of gleaning out of matters relevant to just Gentiles or to Jews.

Isn't it just amazing how it's always the "other guys" that's making ALL of the assumptions?

NONE of these are assumed by me or any other person with a decent understanding of MAD.

It's no wonder you call yourself Ask Mr. Religion. You've got a religion that you're in love with.

Right Divider

Body part
Many people recognize the contrast and I'm glad that they do, because it is there.
However, there are as many explanations as to why it is so.
A literal and dispensational hermeneutic offers the only consistent resolution to the apparent conflict.
Apparently PB1 (and way too many others) didn't notice that it was the RISEN and ASCENDED LORD Jesus Christ that called Paul and GAVE him the message that he preached.
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New member
What gospel was Paul saved under?

Apparently PB1 (and way too many others) didn't notice that it was the RISEN LORD Jesus Christ that called Paul and GAVE him the message that he preached.

I did notice. But I also noticed that the common interpretation of Christ excludes the soul and therefore the connection to our divinity. The world is in turmoil partly because no one can really feel good enough about themselves. We try to compensate with religion, beliefs, the traditional Jesus, living up to standards of being a good Christian, etc. These are examples of how the false identity emulates real self-worth found in the true identity of the soul. Identification with the personality as the whole of our being is a white lie because it doesn't consider the soul as important. Most people go through their lives with the unconscious feeling something is missing but they just don't know what. It is the soul which is the root of our own goodness. People are scared to admit this for fear of being wrong about their past beliefs or for fear of making the church wrong. The consequences are too much to handle without outside support so most just turn their backs. This is a higher meaning to the burial of Christ.

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Right Divider

Body part
I did notice. But I also noticed that the common interpretation of Christ excludes the soul and therefore the connection to our divinity. The world is in turmoil partly because no one can really feel good enough about themselves. We try to compensate with religion, beliefs, the traditional Jesus, living up to standards of being a good Christian, etc. These are all false identities emulating true self-worth found in the true identity of the soul. Identification with the personality as the whole of our being is a white lie because it doesn't consider the soul as important. Most people go through their lives with the unconscious feeling something is missing but they just don't know what. It is the root of our own goodness. People are scared to admit this for fear of being wrong about their past beliefs or for fear of making the church wrong. The consequences are too much to handle without outside support so most just turn their backs. This is a higher meaning to the burial of Christ.
You have no divinity.

This fairy tale of yours would be fascinating if it weren't so contrary to the truth.

P.S. Please define "soul" using the Bible (i.e., the Word of God) as your reference.


New member
Not always... sometimes he cuts and pastes!


Everyone; including you, when you cut and paste passages; cuts and pastes.

While, to quote what one holds to, or that one is responding to, that someone has already laid out, is also a practice all engage in.

We all do that also - whenever we use the quote function.


Because... to "clip and paste" another's already stated words in agreement on this - for the sake of convenience;

1 Corinthians 14:40 Let all things be done decently and in order.
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