Arthur Brain
Well-known member
Not relevant, as that is not up for debate. Those using the safety net as a hammock is the problem.
Hang on, I thought you were opposed to any sort of governmental aid for those out of work?
Not relevant, as that is not up for debate. Those using the safety net as a hammock is the problem.
Its a paycheck untill they can get better.How do your parameters 'ensure' people find work again? Fast food work is hardly an enviable profession and has high enough turnovers as it is.
Everyone that can qualify for assistance never apply for it.If you were limiting the time for someone to be in receipt of financial aid depending on their getting such a job then the competition for landing employment would ironically make it even harder for people to get even the more "menial" jobs.
for how long?
Provided the person can show they're actively seeking work then until they get a job.
Hang on, I thought you were opposed to any sort of governmental aid for those out of work?
Its a paycheck untill they can get better.
Everyone that can qualify for assistance never apply for it.
There are tons of jobs, just not the ones everyone "wants" and what you want doesnt matter if you need to eat.
There would be lots and lots of jobs without illegals taking them also.
Nice red herring. People use the "safety net" as a hammock.
That's all any benefit payment is. It's not luxury by any stretch.
Rubbish. In a lot of areas there's a complete dearth of jobs, even in the more 'menial' variety. Heck, if you're above 25 then fast food outlets are likely to bin an application anyway. You're not realistic at all here.
Well, they work for less and are exploited by companies who take advantage of that, and who are pretty much allowed to do so. It's no wonder depression is so rife in this day and age eh?
You support no time limit?
Yes. Why should a person be less entitled to aid if they're unemployed at one point than another if they're looking for work?
And thats how it should be, to not encourage a lifestyle out of it. Temporary help.
Wrong. I see tons of older people working at fast food places all the time. This is america, not the uk.
You know that, and yet support illegal immigration anyway? Thats one of the strongest reasons that i am against it.
So it doesn't become a lifestyle there should be a time limit. My own father worked 3 jobs to support us untill he had enough seniority that best paying job, didn't lay him off regularly.
He never applied for any public assistance.
Have you ever lived on benefits?
You probably see tons of different older people working at the same place without even realizing it as well. Still, I think you're exaggerating anyway. Fast food outlets are notorious for employing teenagers as they're more likely to do such a job in the short term and are more malleable as employees.
You don't see many Kevin Spacey's at a Macdonalds' for a reason Angel...
Kevin was having to work his way through school. When he bolted from the school to pursue stand up comedy, and acting roles on his own, he took a job in New York City selling shoes to help make ends meet. Every time you hear about an actor taking a job outside of waiting tables to fund their audition habit, it’s impressive. Kevin continued to pay his dues, audition for plays, films and other artistic endeavors, and by the mid-1980s, he had enjoyed some serious progress in his pursuit. By the late 1980s/early 1990s, Kevin was enjoying the spoils of an acting career. Not bad for a shoe salesman.
Oh you dont? Thats great!Not sure where I said I supported 'illegal' immigration exactly?
Unemployment benefits? Yep. Food stamps, yep, emergency ones - 90 days.
Because they do not pay well. Not because they "trash" older peoples applications like you wrongly claimed.
But really, he was a shoe clerk to work his way through, like a great many americans have and do.
Oh you dont? Thats great!
I'll bet it wasn't fun was it? How much less fun would it have been to have been denied even that?
Of course they don't pay well, they pay the bare minimum they can get away with because staff turnover is like a conveyor belt. You missed my point with regards to older employees and surely you can see why? Older people are not likely to stand for being treat like a dispensable number as a teenager is, so do the math.
And what of those who don't find work inside the time limit? Just make do and try and live off a bowl of rice a day until they land a job?
I paid for them, out of my taxes, and where have i complained about them? (hint, i havent and did you notice the 90 day thing, not years. )
Where have you seen me say all public assistance should end completely? You havent. I used to volunteer at head start.
If its all that is available and they want to eat, they will work in one and if they want a career out of it, work hard and move up or on. Or should, so we should make and ensure public assistance is limited.
They shouldnt pay well, either its entry level and its not made to support ones family unless they manage the place.
You havent even bothered to ask me what time limit i put on it and what conditions (we are talking about strong healthy able bodied people)
Rice wont fill a belly? Its better than air.
Who said you had complained? I asked you if it was fun to be on benefits, so was it? I'm guessing no, right?
Fair play to you for Volunteering. I've worked as a volunteer for Oxfam in turn. What kind of 'pubic assistance' do you advocate for those out of work and no longer eligible for welfare etc?
Oh, nice attitude there Angel. You are seriously deluded if you think a fifty year old is likely to make any sort of career in a fast food chain. And what do you mean by 'move up or on' exactly? If that's the only work available then there is no 'on'. :doh:
Why shouldn't they pay well? What is it about the service provided that means people shouldn't have a decent income including older people whereby these are the only jobs that are available? You don't see a problem with that? You're the one mandating that people out of work have to take jobs like this...