What are the Real Reasons People Voted for Trump?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So why apply this story to government money?

Was the rich man the 'government'?

Those who would willingly deny the less well off and the poor any access to aid have more in common with the callousness of the guy however, especially when moaning about 'stealing'. The system is designed to aid everyone, including those who are working should they fall on hard times themselves.

Is it perfect? Nope, but it's better than a society that just allows the poor to starve.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
i don't remember scripture mentioning reliance on "the system"

must be you guys have a different bible over there too

I don't either, but then I wasn't even arguing that it did.

How about you take your 'Gorm McMancrush' thingy back to the chatbox?


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The story of Lazarus and the rich man stresses the importance of individuals caring for neighbors. Not a massive system of compulsory "donations."

Again, it's a cultural shift we need. Not a regulatory one.

It could be read in a few different ways, although compassion and empathy would certainly inform the ethos. In a society whereby the only realistic way to reach most of the poor would be via governmental aid then why would people rail against it?


Well-known member
In a society whereby the only realistic way to reach most of the poor would be via governmental aid then why would people rail against it?

Why is that the only realistic way to reach people?

And if it is, should our efforts not be put toward changing that fact (a cultural change), instead?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Why is that the only realistic way to reach people?

And if it is, should our efforts not be put toward changing that fact (a cultural change), instead?

Because unless you can explain how individual or even group charity is going to reach into every area of a nation's poor is how. It's simply 'pie in the sky' thinking otherwise. Do I really need to underline the obvious yet more?


How far along in development must a human be in order for you to consider their deliberate killing to be murder?

When they are halfway through the birth canal and have seen the light of day, which is something referenced too many times in the Bible to be mere coincidence.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
In a society whereby the only realistic way to reach most of the poor would be via governmental aid...


what is provable is the fact that massive government programs to end poverty have had the opposite result - they have created a permanent class of impoverished citizens


Well-known member
When they are halfway through the birth canal and have seen the light of day, which is something referenced too many times in the Bible to be mere coincidence.

So seeing light makes the body become a human being?

And what was it 2 seconds prior?
And what about blind babies?