weekly weigh in

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Easy Thursday night workout, didn't break a sweat. Maybe I should have gone harder.

Bench Press:

225 x 5 x 3
215 x 5 x 2
200 x 5 x 1

Light Squats:

100 x 5 x 3

patrick jane

200 after a ten mile mile hike that left me falling down of heat exhaustion and I stopped breathing. 911 was called and when they got me to the hospital, they put me on a breathing machine and I finally woke up. It took four days in the hospital to recover. All praise and glory to God. The doctor's did pretty good too.
That's why I was gone for 4 days.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
200 after a ten mile mile hike that left me falling down of heat exhaustion and I stopped breathing. 911 was called and when they got me to the hospital, they put me on a breathing machine and I finally woke up. It took four days in the hospital to recover. All praise and glory to God. The doctor's did pretty good too.
That's why I was gone for 4 days.


I wondered where you were. Feeling good now?


New member
200 after a ten mile mile hike that left me falling down of heat exhaustion and I stopped breathing. 911 was called and when they got me to the hospital, they put me on a breathing machine and I finally woke up. It took four days in the hospital to recover. All praise and glory to God. The doctor's did pretty good too.
That's why I was gone for 4 days.

Oh, wow! Praise to God that you are well.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member

I had lunch and dinner on Tues, Wed, and Thurs this week, and I just scaled at 211 while being stuffed with food. So I am pleased with that number.


It's funny how sometimes you can eat a lot of food and lose weight.
And sometimes when you go a little bit hungry you gain weight.


I did 2x20 CJs (clean-and-jerk) today and my shoulders felt fine. First time in a long time. I don't know exactly what did it, but two things are possible. One is that I've had to focus on the other lifts (deep squat, dead lift, bench press) instead of CJs because of the bum shoulders, so I figure that working out other muscles that weren't right in the wheel house of my shoulders, helped to train my shoulders indirectly without so much intensity on them, and two is that I added a second pillow for sleeping, which when I sleep on my side (my default position), reduces the stress on each shoulder, depending upon which side I'm sleeping on.

In the meantime I've really been swallowing my ego and doing way lower weight. The lifts feel different when I'm using such low weight, my musculature feels different doing it. On the deep squats, I can actually feel my glutes working, which is something I couldn't feel with more weight. Also, when benching, I can feel my arms/shoulders/chest working together as a unit in a way I have never felt before. I kind of squeeze a U-shape into position as I bench, where with heavier weight I think I use more of my other muscles to heave the bar up each rep.

Anyway, :idunno:.



Anyway, if I (we) weas allowed to walk into Walgreens and buy some synthesized testosterone over the counter, like Stanozolol, I would. That is the generic name of Winstrol if you didn't know.
It must have been nice for pro athletes to have medical doctors counseling them, when they used these risky drugs, to lower the risk and increase the upside at the same time.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
It must have been nice for pro athletes to have medical doctors counseling them, when they used these risky drugs, to lower the risk and increase the upside at the same time.

I agree. What's the difference in using drugs for other maladies and using drugs to increase muscle mass and lower body fat?


I agree. What's the difference in using drugs for other maladies and using drugs to increase muscle mass and lower body fat?
Almost without exception, all other things being equal, more muscle mass is better than less.

I also think, and I have no research to back it up, that lack of strength is sometimes mistaken for poor flexibility. Sometimes you can't do what you used to be able to do, because you're weaker, and not because you're less flexible. But like I said, no research.