ECT uh oh Another verse where Paul says he destroyed the church of God !


New member
Your Sgt, Carter drill instructor/boss, to you, Elymas: I want you to....That is an order.

You: Wah, wah, wah......No!!!!!! I only "follow the Commander-In-Chief, the President!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!

Your snotty little punk.

Don't play like you are a Christian liar. You dishonor Jesus and everything the Apostles taught.


New member
Apparently, you've not been around military personale when a fight breaks out for some of the most inane and foolish reasons.

Many carry themselves well, when insulted by someone just like them.

Not all do.

lol, I did not curse JW and PJ out for lying about my being in the Marine Corps. I did report both of them for lying.


New member
Stumped all of TOL again, you pathetic loser, with that "you are a liar" spam. Little boy, you quip? Real tough "guy," are you, Brucie? That's impressive, Brucie....An alleged former Marine, acting tough, on a computer.....We shudder, you loser. Report me again, tough boy.

Get saved troll.

When and if you ever get saved I bet you stop acting like a 10 year old little girl with a chip on your shoulder.


New member
Who was talking about that?


I was just thinking on the key board I guess.

I don't understand folks who have done nothing like JW and PJ calling others who have served liars. I guess it is part and parcel of the totality of their deceived lives.


New member
Stumped all of TOL again, you pathetic loser, with that "you are a liar" spam. Little boy, you quip? Real tough "guy," are you, Brucie? That's impressive, Brucie....An alleged former Marine, acting tough, on a computer.....We shudder, you loser. Report me again, tough boy.

Get saved troll.

Do I see the tough big mouth JW craw fishing ? It went from Dodge is" a liar and never served in the Marine Corps" TO "Alleged". Mr. tough guy is really a wimp.

YOU told the lie now you are craw fishing there JW.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
PJ, I reported both you and JW'S posts. I can PROVE I was in the Marine Corps. So as usual you and JW have PROVEN yourselves to be LIARS AGAIN.
We can prove MAD does not teach that Paul was the King of Kings and Lord of Lords instead of Jesus Christ.
But you tell that lie anyway.
So YOU, that has PROVEN yourself to be a LIAR, reporting someone for lying is a joke.

See how that works, Dodge?
You give your opinion that someone is lying by what they say.
And others give their opinion that you are lying by what you say.

All John W. has done is to give you a taste of your own medicine.
So stop acting like some wimped out cry baby she-man and take it like a man.


Well-known member
I only reinforced MAD to those that deliberately want to stay deceived.

Act 2:47
Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.[/Those added to the church were and are in the B.O.C..

Hi and the phrase added is in the Greek IMPERFECT TENSE , PASSIVE VOICE Aand in the INDICATIVE MOOD !!

The IMPERFECT TEMSE MEANS that Jesus was adding to that assembly and then STOOPED !!

The PASSIVE VOICE means it was Jesus that stopped mthe ADDITION , PERIOD !!

The INDICATIVE MOOD means that what just wrote to you is a FACT !!

dan p


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
John w and patrick jane have bother been removed for personal attacks instead of debating. I can tell dodge was former military by the way he posts. Only former military would know about things like a DD-214.


New member
John w and patrick jane have bother been removed for personal attacks instead of debating. I can tell dodge was former military by the way he posts. Only former military would know about things like a DD-214.

At the same time; dodge has been continually promoting lies and slander like the following, no matter how gracefully, nor how often I have shown him he is wrong, nor how often I have asked him to stop doing that.

Case in point...

C.R. Stam helped to promote a lie. If one claims to be a Christian and in the same breath says they don't follow Jesus, because he came to and for Israel, is nothing more than deceived and more than likely lost as that individual has no clue who the real Jesus is. Lip service is NOT salvation.

Ironside exposed C.R. Stram as a deceiver and promoter of deception and confusion.

Nope, another thread that proves MAD is a lie. I would pray you would follow Jesus and dump the lies and deceptions of Bullinger and Stam.


New member
We can prove MAD does not teach that Paul was the King of Kings and Lord of Lords instead of Jesus Christ.
But you tell that lie anyway.
So YOU, that has PROVEN yourself to be a LIAR, reporting someone for lying is a joke.

See how that works, Dodge?
You give your opinion that someone is lying by what they say.
And others give their opinion that you are lying by what you say.

All John W. has done is to give you a taste of your own medicine.
So stop acting like some wimped out cry baby she-man and take it like a man.

Yet, YOU have NEVER produced the quote where YOU said what YOU say I said...hmmm STILL WAITING FOR THE QUOTE to be produced, and even if that was true, which it is not, that would make it OK with you that JW and PJ are liars, and lied about my military service ?

I never wimped out I reported 2 liars !


New member
At the same time; dodge has been continually promoting lies and slander like the following, no matter how gracefully, nor how often I have shown him he is wrong, nor how often I have asked him to stop doing that.

Case in point...

As was said by Sherman debate "differences" in beliefs NOT personal attacks buttressed by lies.

I have never said anything to the contrary that I believe MAd is wrong and that folks are following the deceptions of Bullinger and Stam debate that and the scriptures I post to show why I believe MAD is wrong, which does not justify personal attacks reinforced with lies .


New member
You tell LIE after LIE after LIE about what MAD says, and you slander those who believe it.

It sucks to reap what you have sown, doesn't it?

:mock: Stoolie and Clown

I would have to conclude that you believe the scriptures I posted to prove my conclusions are lies also. Your loss not mine.


Well-known member
As was said by Sherman debate "differences" in beliefs NOT personal attacks buttressed by lies.

I have never said anything to the contrary that I believe MAd is wrong and that folks are following the deceptions of Bullinger and Stam debate that and the scriptures I post to show why I believe MAD is wrong, which does not justify personal attacks reinforced with lies .

Is that what you tell yourself you are doing when you call people heretics, deceived, and delusional?

I, for one, have never read a thing by Bullinger and Stam, and I'm betting you haven't either. I learned what I know from reading the Bible and seeing for myself what those in MAD had seen for themselves. But, you, in your self-righteous IGNORANCE don't even have the basics of what I had when I first started checking out what those in MAD were talking about. You are a true babe, if not still carnal, and you're giving yourself license to be an accuser of the brethren because of your personal pride in what you THINK you understand.

I pity you your blindness and unteachable spirit.


Well-known member
Yet, YOU have NEVER produced the quote where YOU said what YOU say I said...hmmm STILL WAITING FOR THE QUOTE to be produced, and even if that was true, which it is not, that would make it OK with you that JW and PJ are liars, and lied about my military service ?

I never wimped out I reported 2 liars !

And I reported you for lying and slandering those of us who are only trying to get you to open your blind eyes. You deserve to be ignored and written off as a lost cause.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
I have news for you, Dodge.

Just because you were a Marine does not make you truthful.

You absolutely claimed that MAD put Paul as King of Kings and Lord of Lords instead of Jesus Christ.
And when confronted with that horrendous lie, you then hatefully refused to apologize for telling that lie.

Long story short .....
Even if you could produce evidence that you were a Marine, all you would do is produce evidence that you are a Marine that lies and doesn't care that he lies.
Not to mention being a cry-baby Marine that pouts when another does the same thing you yourself have done.

You're a loser.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
John w and patrick jane have bother been removed for personal attacks instead of debating. I can tell dodge was former military by the way he posts. Only former military would know about things like a DD-214.
Well that's a shame, because John W. was giving Dodge a good taste of his own medicine.

And I will tell you why I think this decision is wrong one (even though I seek no retribution towards the staff for making whatever decision they wish for any reason).

Because I do not place a Marine above a Christian when it comes to lying.
And if a Christian can be told they are a liar for what they claim, then telling a Marine he is liar for what he claims is much less of an offense in my opinion.

As much respect as I have for the Marine Corp, I do not believe a Marine should be granted more respect (or given more of the benefit of doubt) on a THEOLOGY board.

NOTE: in my opinion