Trump supporters subjected to "extreme vetting"....and fail


[I am anti-Sodomite (Ex 20:14). :hammer: The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14]
heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).] Oh yeah, just condemn Sodom and all of a sudden you're all about traditional culture :plain:

I'm all about taking God's covenant seriously (Heb 13:4).


Model citizens aren't child-killing serial adulterers

'Model citizen' is not what runs a country. In fact, by itself it just puts a pretty mask on an ugly face.

Much of the leaders in the Bible were guilty of anything from adultery, murder, to even idolatry. I don't see where Christians see anything reasonable in the idea that one should vote based on things which have nothing to do with leadership.


Watch it, or I will report you
I never expect to make it though the day. Mk 9:41, Dan 10:13, Ps 105:15, Ro 14:4, Mk 6:11, Is 45:24, 54:17, Re 12:10, Mt 13:7, Jud 1:9

If you were not strangers of the world, the hounds would not bark at you.
Heb 11:13
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New member
Hall of Fame
I thought this article on Trump's 'extreme vetting' was helpful.

Donald Trump’s newly proposed ideological test for immigrants — one that he characterized as “extreme vetting” in a speech on Monday — has renewed debate over immigration reform in the presidential election.

It’s a debate worth having, and there are plenty of valid questions to be raised about his proposal. This is one occasion, however, when Trump may have the law on his side. As a general proposition, a litmus test for new immigrants isn’t unconstitutional or even unprecedented. Indeed, Trump could cite an unlikely figure in support of the authority for such changes: President Obama.

Trump wants to screen potential immigrants for “hostile attitudes towards our country or its principles” and ban those who harbor those views; or who, in his words, believe that sharia law should “supplant” our system of laws; or those who express “bigotry and hatred” with regard to gender equality or gay rights. Although Congress could block these conditions, Trump would have considerable leeway in requiring background checks and imposing such tests. It has happened before: During the Cold War, there was ideological screening under the 1940 Alien Registration Act, designed to prevent the entry of communists, anarchists and others. Immigrants are currently required to know basic civics as part of a citizenship test, and Trump’s extreme vetting would require visa applicants’ affirmative agreement with those principles — though he wasn’t clear whether he would do this with a legislative change (which would be unassailable) or a unilateral executive action.

I'd be interested to hear more specifics from Trump.


Trump is not a baby killer - Why don't you talk more about baby killing lesbian, felon, lying, cheating Hitlery?
:greedy: Pr 23:7

“In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide. Regard not the particular sect or denomination of the candidate—look to his character…When a citizen gives his suffrage to a man of known immorality he abuses his trust; he sacrifices not only his own interest, but that of his neighbor, he betrays the interest of his country.” ~ Noah Webster


Baby Killer Trump
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Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Is that a Christian to say? Call a heterosexual woman a lesbian, just because you dislike her?

You call trump a duck.

True, but then the same could be said of you. How many more nauseating Trump worship threads are you planning on?

Ah my old friend, Bea Arthur Braindead.
Don't you know I make these threads just because you comment on the fact I make them?
Put that in your crack pipe and smoke it Mr. Peabody.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You call trump a duck.

Ah my old friend, Bea Arthur Braindead.
Don't you know I make these threads just because you comment on the fact I make them?
Put that in your crack pipe and smoke it Mr. Peabody.

Nah, you make them because you're a silly little dupe who worships a guy who doesn't give a toss about your country, you or anything else that doesn't fit in with his ego. You take 'thick' to a whole new level...