Trolls and Attention Whores

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New member
Dear Nick,

I appreciate you so much for several reasons.

But I fear you should know I am straight laced and totally main stream. I fear you speak of people and a kind of worship that would
be foreign to me - well - like voodoo almost. :eek:

I really wish you would not make any of these other buttheads look right or mainstream. I did try to pound them and now I just want to spat at them occasionally though really my heart is not in it so please do not scare me with names like Simone Weil. :shocked:

I'm sorry to say that but I felt I had to.

You seem like a nice polite person and I have no intention of offending you. I am the one that is weird. My great great grand uncle for example was an archbishop and also friendly with the occultist Helena Blavatsky. I'll be the first to admit that when I am honest I am unfit for polite company.

I just finished a performance at a senior center and had the people up dancing and singing. It would be wrong for me to be my sincere weird self around them since they are there to have a good time and I help them to do it by extending my energies.

But what is the sense of being Mr. Wonderful on a website when I get paid to be Mr. Wonderful IRL? I'd rather meet people within whom the depth of Christianity resonates and it cannot be done by becoming Mr. Wonderful. It requires rocking the boat.

I know Simone is scary. She even had the police after her when she was a young social activist and the darling of the Marxists:

The Police Commissioner of Le Puy to the Prefect in a 1932 report to the Prefect:

In the interest of public security it would be advisable that this person be distanced from Le Puy, where she has never ceased to preach revolt.

Yet she was reading this poem when Christ took posession of her. Do you really find it so offensive?

"I hereby include the English poem that I recited to you, Love; it played a big role in my life, for I was busy reciting it to myself at the moment when, for the first time, Christ came to take me. I believed I was merely resaying a beautiful poem, and unbeknownst to myself, it was a prayer."

"Love" by George Herbert:

Love bade me welcome; yet my soul drew back,

Guiltie of dust and sin.

But quick-ey'd Love, observing me grow slack

From my first entrance in,

Drew nearer to me, sweetly questioning

If I lack'd anything.

A guest, I answer'd, worthy to be here.

Love said, You shall be he.

I, the unkinde, ungrateful? Ah, my deare,

I cannot look on thee.

Love took my hand and smiling did reply:

Who made the eyes but I?

Truth, Lord; but I have marr'd them; let my shame

Go where it doth deserve.

And know you not, says Love; who bore the blame?

My deare, then I will serve.

You must sit down, says Love, and taste my meat.

So I did sit and eat.


New member
If by kid you mean a mirror? :think: And try attributing. It isn't a thing you've had difficulty with before and it's poor form to fail.

Rather, you have a differing appreciation both in terms of degree and scope. We've never discussed her particular philosophical worth.


Right. That's her opinion. And, as per usual, it's a rather self celebratory one. The mystery of your adoration grows less veiled by the minute...or post, depending.

That was only part of the problem, as I set out in the suggested alterations. You frequently overreach in an attempt to assume an academic tone that the writing doesn't actually evidence. Better to say it more simply and straight forward for both our sakes and the larger audience, assuming.

You should also lean less heavily on others. Beyond that, my point was broader than jot and tittle and went to clarity and usage, which isn't nit picking. It's a desire that you don't require your readers to rewrite your material for you before getting on with the business of appraisal. Making them do that leaves an additional chance for distortion and misunderstanding.

That's about what I thought you'd say. Try not bringing up matters you aren't prepared to defend and explain...assuming you can manage that without ending your participation altogether.

That's horrible. What on earth can you mean by it? I'm not surprised you find no real value in being as versed in opposition as you are in advancement of an idea. It shows in your errors, your ill considered opinions and your general methodology. It is a weakness that will continue to make you easy prey for those who don't share your aversion to disciplined thinking, even if by virtue of that deficiency you're among the last to see it.

You can hardly judge a process you don't understand.

Rather, by failing to adopt the sort of examination I gave example of you make yourself a slave to any idea that flatters you or your desire.

No, but it evidences it in expression. I don't think I'm more important than you. I'm simply a clearer thinker than you are...not a source of particular pride, but the result of particular discipline and application. It isn't something you can't possess, but something you've rejected and I've set out my best guess as to why.


You are a perfect example of why the Tower of Babel would have to fall since it is built on man made critical thinking and oblivious of the human element that must lead to its destruction.

An educated person is more than just the results of critical thinking that relies on inductive logic. Education, to be worthy of the term, requires deductive logic. It is one of the meanings of the Seal of Solomon.

Here is one of my favorite excerpt that clarifies the distinction between inductive and deductive reason as it concerns relative "consciousness."

In our attempt to reconcile the inner and outer world, however, we do come up against a very real difficulty, which must be faced. This difficulty is connected with the problem of reconciling different 'methods of knowing'.

Man has two ways of studying the universe. The first is by induction: he examines phenomena, classifies them, and attempts to infer laws and principles from them. This is the method generally used by science. The second is by deduction: having perceived or had revealed or discovered certain general laws and principles, he attempts to deduce the application of these laws in various studies and in life. This is the method generally used by religions.. The first method begins with 'facts' and attempts to reach 'laws'. The second method begins with 'laws' and attempts to reach 'facts'.

These two methods belong to the working of different human functions. The first is the method of the ordinary logical mind, which is permanently available to us. the second derives from a potential function in man, which is ordinarily inactive for lack of nervous energy of sufficient intensity, and which we may call higher mental function This function on rare occasions of its operation, reveals to man laws in action, he sees the whole phenomenal world as the product of laws.

All true formulations of universal laws derive recently or remotely from the working of this higher function, somewhere and in some man. At the same time, for the application and understanding of the laws revealed in the long stretches of time and culture when such revelation is not available, man has to rely on the ordinary logical mind."

Granted we don't have this conscious quality of deductive reason. Without at least a little perception of the "whole," within which the essence of religion functions, a person must, because of the human condition, corrupt critical thinking. Modern life has just increased corruption into an obsession creating the blind acceptance of this New Age critical thinking as indicative of an educated person.


New member
I have to say I have enjoyed this thread as much as anyone, it has really livened up ToL. However I feel it is time for me to step in and add my penny's worth . . . . I will do so now . . . . . .

Ladies and Gentlemen of the various belief's and non-belief's of ToL . . . If I could offer you only one tip for the future, a decent keyboard would be it. The long term benefits of good keyboards have been proved by people who weren't so popular at school whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own self punishing
experience…I will force this advice upon you now.

Enjoy the futility and pointlessness of your posts; oh nevermind; you will not understand the futility and pointlessness of your posts until the 'Remember Rainee' threads start.

But trust me, in 20 years you’ll still be here looking at your own threads about yourself and recall in a way you can’t grasp now how pointless they really are and how self loving you really looked….

You’re not as illuminating as you imagine. Don’t worry about trying to understand the friends here at ToL; but know that complaining is as effective as trying to beat TH in a witty banter contest by chewing bubblegum.

Do one thing everyday that comes under the heading 'Religion, Politics and everything else . . '

Don’t be reckless with other people’s quotes, don’t put up with people who are reckless with yours.

Don’t waste your time on jealousy; sometimes you’re behind, sometimes you’re even more behind…the race is tedious, and in the end, it’s only with everyone here at ToL.

Imagine the compliments you may receive, forget the insults; if you succeed in doing this . . . . well lets not get ahead of ourselves.

Don’t feel guilty if you don’t know how to take the insults as a joke in a certain context… we know you won't anyway.

Be careful with your ego, you’ll miss it when it disappears.

Do NOT read posts by Granite, they will only make you feel inferior.

Get to know Knight, he's going to ban you sooner or later and he's a spiffingly patient bloke . . . .grrrr.

Accept certain inalienable truths, you will stop being listened to, serpentdove will not back you up, you too will get boring and bored, and when you do you’ll fantasize that your posts were reasonable, moderators believed in you and everybody respected your posts.

Don’t expect anyone else to support you, because really your setting yourself up for disappointment.

Don’t mess too much with your fonts, or by the time you're banned, Psalmist will be your mortal enemy.

Be careful whose advice you buy, you'll more then likely get ripped off. Advice is a form of lying, dispensing it is a way of
fishing the thrown away truths from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the useful parts and microwaving it for more than it’s worth.

But trust me on the keyboard…

Really its nothing personal Rainee, just bored and had the urge to attempt some creativity.


New member
I found your post to me interesting to read and enjoyable.
I wish there were a way I could make a further conversation on the topic work.
But I am truly worried that one of my only friends here is into what I called voodoo, that can't be good. That is depressing. May be one day or something there will be a change in for you?
But I repeat very fascinating and thank you..

It could work if people were willing to discuss the connection between Christianity and magick. But this would go over like a lead balloon since it would require dropping preconceptions.

How would you want me to change?

Don't be too concerned for your friend. It takes a lot to damage oneself on the inside. sometimes experience is the best teacher.

As long as he doesn't become a "teacher as described by Jesus in Matthew 23, he'll be alright.

25"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. 26Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.

Before teaching others it is essential to be clean on the inside. One way to make oneself inwardly dirty is through teaching without the inner cleanliness to properly do it. You would be surprised at the damage done through many New Age practices and degredations of religion including Christianity. If your friend is just curious it is harmless

To be honest, the poem is very wrong to me.
I could run away screaming but what good would it do?

Next to say or think "Christ took possession of her" is
disturbing to me.
For He owns everything, He will judge all things, every knee will bow
and this earth is the footstool for His feet.

What can I say, friend?
I can't go there.

I can accept that it is not right for you now but does that make it wrong? Is it possible that Simone had some legitimate mystical experiences that are not possible for either you or me at this time?


New member
Hi Ragtag

What a marvelous post, thank you.
I mean it. That was kinda incredible.

So know this: To Christians I can be fascinating and disturbing and encouraging and edifying . And they to me. Truly.

For you who are not yet Christians, if you are agnostics or atheists but you have made this a comfortable place for you to be - you have forgotten something. You are the ones missing certain things.
You are the ones who do not know yet what these believers really are all about here.
They are spiritually stretching their quadriceps and flexing their pecs.
Well, and also they are spending time together and with you.
I think it great if y'all are friends. But it is wrong to think they are like you - if you are not born again yet. Believers who are in a relationship with Jesus their Lord and God their Father are not really like you in some ways, are they? Not really. They need their Daddy,
they need their Savior and Friend and Brother.
So Granite is witty but if he needs to be born again, then that is that.
Same with Rusha.

i don't know what that will mean for all of you but I think it is true.

Like I said it was nothing personal.

However I have no pretence that I am liked fully across the board here at ToL and more so I realize that the one's that do like me, would probably in real life be of a different opinion.

I like to think I have made some good friends here, both Christian and other, and at the same time it pleases me that I have not made so many enemies. You may call this false and a bad way of looking at it; but it pleases me.

I do what I do here (as little as possible :chuckle:) because I enjoy the people here and enjoy this site, maybe you need concentrate on what you like about this site and why you stay, instead of simply to all and sundry about unfairness of it al. Of course that is only a suggestion.

Anyways its nothing personal . . . you seem nice enough and I hope to see you in some more constructive debates.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
so is there a thread about ragTagblues?

if there isn't, could it be that he never really fought for someone or something?

could it be that he never tested his friendship for something that is really important?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You are a perfect example of why the Tower of Babel would have to fall since it is built on man made critical thinking and oblivious of the human element that must lead to its destruction.
To borrow from history: nuts. :plain:

An educated person is more than just the results of critical thinking that relies on inductive logic. Education, to be worthy of the term, requires deductive logic. It is one of the meanings of the Seal of Solomon.
No one has argued against reason of any distinction save you and that by example and error, in both method and conclusion.

As for your ongoing desire to become a Wiki addendum or living link...

Granted we don't have this conscious quality of deductive reason. Without at least a little perception of the "whole," within which the essence of religion functions, a person must, because of the human condition, corrupt critical thinking.
As I noted, you should stop trying to rewrite the dictionary. :poly:

Modern life has just increased corruption into an obsession creating the blind acceptance of this New Age critical thinking as indicative of an educated person.
A profoundly ignorant statement rooted in the absence of the process you misapprehend at nearly every turn. Peculiar.



New member
so is there a thread about ragTagblues

Well if your offering the services of your acerbic wit, then I think it would be a hit . . . . .

if there isn't, could it be that he never really fought for someone or something?

Could be; but I'm not one to kiss and tell!

could it be that he never tested his friendship for something that is really important?

Generally I'm to pragmatic to test a friendship . . . each friend has to fill out a detailed questionnaire to ensure the meet the criteria that allows for this scenario not to happen!

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
...Generally I'm to pragmatic to test a friendship . . . each friend has to fill out a detailed questionnaire to ensure the meet the criteria that allows for this scenario not to happen!
Ah, the FRE...what's the mean on that? Or is it only that very thing? :eek:


New member
You are depressing me Zippy.
I know you aren't trying to, I see you are trying to be funny.
Keep trying, you have a good chance of getting there I think.
But why are you on my thread? To keep Orange Fuz company?

Town Heretic is obsessed with me or my thread or something, I don't know. At first it was my name, every where I went he was talking trash about me. But now he like lives here on this thread.

I thought if I talked to him finally that it would somehow set him free to move on with his life.

If you love, take your friend and go.
This thread is not here for you.

Forgive me for not taking offense at your insults :chuckle: You really need to lighten up, what happened?


New member

To borrow from history: nuts.

Obviously you don't the meaning of the story of the Tower of Babel because this New Age critical thinking denies you the opportunity to be open to it.

No one has argued against reason of any distinction save you and that by example and error, in both method and conclusion.

It's not me arguing against reason but your denial of the objective value of increawsing human perspective and how it can be attained to give meaning to reason.

As I noted, you should stop trying to rewrite the dictionary.

There is no need to. The dictionary is adequate. The trick is in becoming able to use what words represent. You deny yourself the opportunity.

You've lost any appreciation for the concept of objective quality much less open to pondering examples. This is why you cannot appreciate that algebra cannot express quality. X+1 = Y+2 cannot express objective quality but just associative relationships.

Yet the whole reason for the essence of religion is to open a person to relative objective quality.

Critical thinking at its best cannot indicate objective quality but only create a contradiction that can only be reconciled without a lie through a higher level of objective quality within which the elements of the contradiction reside.. That is the spiritual benefit of critical thinking: to reveal the contradiction.

These ideas are foreign to you but the loss of objective quality and the reliance on man made interpretations was the reason the Tower of Babel had to be destroyed. The result would have been demonic.

A profoundly ignorant statement rooted in the absence of the process you misapprehend at nearly every turn. Peculiar.

It seems that way to you since justified imagination is normal for you.

"Every natural fact is a symbol of some spiritual fact." Ralph Waldo Emerson

The truth and the VALUE of this observation will always evade you in favor of the imagination generated by your devotion to New Age critical thinking

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
...Town Heretic is obsessed with me
If you were this funny when you meant to be you could make a living at it.

or my thread or something, I don't know.
I vote for you don't know. :thumb:

At first it was my name, every where I went he was talking trash about me.
You must not have gotten out and about much. But no, at first it was your evidenced lack of character, followed closely by the realization that you were not much more than a self aggrandizing troll, followed by toying with your name, as I did with the inapplicable one. Sometimes it's done affectionately, as with MoMo or SoJ, and sometimes its to point out a contextual truth, as with the two of you.

But now he like lives here on this thread.
Nah, though N/A coming around was a real plus in holding my attention, along with the more general banter. About 15 out of my last 50 posts were in here and almost all of them to and about someone other than you...until that apparently bothered you to the point where you posted another of your attention seeking missiles. :D Anyway, didn't you say you'd had your fill of this thread? :think: And TOL at one point. Ah, well, at least you're consistent.

I thought if I talked to him finally that it would somehow set him free to move on with his life.
Until you wrote about and to me I hadn't given you much thought of late. Great thread though.

If you love, take your friend and go.
This thread is not here for you.
And the Lookie Here parade continues apace... :plain:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
...Obviously you don't the meaning of the story of the Tower of Babel because this New Age critical thinking denies you the opportunity to be open to it.
Obviously you aren't a student of WWII...or the DSM.

It's not me arguing against reason
No. It's you arguing without much.
but your denial of the objective value of increawsing human perspective and how it can be attained to give meaning to reason.
Do you literally wave your hands about when you come up with this sort of hooey? That's nonsense. I suspect it is why you string it together in as confused a jumble as possible. I not only wouldn't deny the value of a broadened perspective, I'd note the effects of its absence in your approach. The second leg of your above is nothing more than sound and fury.

There is no need to. The dictionary is adequate. The trick is in becoming able to use what words represent. You deny yourself the opportunity.
Just build yourself a statue and be done with it. At least it would give pigeons something to shoot for.

You've lost any appreciation for the concept of objective quality much less open to pondering examples.
Rubbish. You've yet to approach the orbit of the former or apply the latter meaningfully.

Yet the whole reason for the essence of religion is to open a person to relative objective quality.
Again, simplify. There's not a reason for an essence. There's a reason and its essence. And relative objective quality? Are you high?

Critical thinking at its best cannot indicate objective quality but only create a contradiction that can only be reconciled without a lie through a higher level of objective quality within which the elements of the contradiction reside..
Seriously, stop spouting nonsense. Just because you can string a series of words together with a few articles and modifiers it doesn't follow that you're actually saying anything. Try to break this into declarative, simple sentences and it falls to pieces. Academic posing isn't for you. Only people who wouldn't be reading this to begin with might assume it to be meaningful.

That is the spiritual benefit of critical thinking: to reveal the contradiction.
The process of critical analysis is rather universal in application, provided the subject is objective in nature.

These ideas are foreign to you but the loss of objective quality and the reliance on man made interpretations was the reason the Tower of Babel had to be destroyed. The result would have been demonic.
Most of what you've written here is foreign, if by foreign one means poorly formed gibberish. More vaguely metaphysical rambling. A half coherent conclusion to an utterly opaque and structurally incongruous...argument, I suppose.

It seems that way to you since justified imagination is normal for you.
More sentiment wrapped in nothing. It rather is that way because you don't understand the process and therefore can't apply it...which explains your leaning on the dead and advancing what oft appears as words haphazardly strung together in the hope they can't be penetrated and will give the appearance of possessing an understanding absent from any careful reading.

"Every natural fact is a symbol of some spiritual fact." Ralph Waldo Emerson
I agree. And also with his,

"It makes a great difference in the force of a sentence, whether a man be behind it or no."

The truth and the VALUE of this observation will always evade you
Don't be daft...well, more so then.

in favor of the imagination generated by your devotion to New Age critical thinking
Rather, you cannot distinguish the thing you hide behind like a shield, much as you misapprehend the dead in whose skirts you invest yourself or the language you mistake to distance yourself from the disappointment that waits you should clarity ever make its way into your process.



New member
Town Heretic

OK, so you don't understand the psychological meaning of the Tower of Babel.

I've found that it is far more revealing to study SOBs than DSM for appreciating the nuttiness of human diversity

Do you literally wave your hands about when you come up with this sort of hooey? That's nonsense. I suspect it is why you string it together in as confused a jumble as possible. I not only wouldn't deny the value of a broadened perspective, I'd note the effects of its absence in your approach. The second leg of your above is nothing more than sound and fury.

All this means is that you have no idea what creates an objective human perspective since this New Age critical thinking of yours has made you content with creating your own reality: your own perspective.

You are concerned with facts yet unaware of the most important fact concerning yourself that Socrates was able to admit about himself:

"I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance." Socrates

Again, simplify. There's not a reason for an essence. There's a reason and its essence. And relative objective quality? Are you high?

Again, you are so caught up with creating your own reality that you are not open to objective reality. That is why you don't understand that the essence of religion deals with objective reality rather than blind faith IN something or someone.

New Age critical thinking is good for justifying La La Land and if that is what you want, the majority are on your side.

Being closed minded, the beauty and value of the contradiction are an annoyance to your established preconceptions. Yet real thinkers appreciate it. I'll stick with those capable of more than self justification from New Age critical thinking.

"When a contradiction is impossible to resolve except by a lie, then we know that it is really a door." Simone Weil

The paradox is the source of the thinker's passion, and the thinker without a paradox is like a lover without feeling: a paltry mediocrity. (Soren Kierkegaard)

Most of what you've written here is foreign, if by foreign one means poorly formed gibberish. More vaguely metaphysical rambling. A half coherent conclusion to an utterly opaque and structurally incongruous...argument, I suppose.

Sprinkle a little salt on it. Then it may go down easier.

So the bottom line is that I value the potential for an objective human perspective and you value creating your own reality and justify it through New Age critical thinking..

I will award you the Brass Figligee with Bronze Oak Leaf Palm if you can define what an objective human perspective is, why we don't have it, and the basic means for acquiring it.

Since you create your own reality and believe it to be an objective human perspective created through blind faith and this New Age critical thinking of yours, no brass figligees for you

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
OK, so you don't understand the psychological meaning of the Tower of Babel.
As with so much, who knows what you think you mean by that. I'm not even entirely certain that you do. On the up side, it's grammatically good to go.

All this means is that you have no idea what creates an objective human perspective...
I dub thee Irony Man..

You are concerned with facts yet unaware of the most important fact concerning yourself that Socrates was able to admit about himself:

"I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance." Socrates
He wasn't being literal. I'm afraid you very nearly are.

Again, you are so caught up with creating your own reality that you are not open to objective reality.
Said the fellow without the methodology to see past the nose he cuts off.

That is why you don't understand that the essence of religion deals with objective reality rather than blind faith IN something or someone.
I'll file this with the other declarations in want of support. Or, as the rest of us refer to it: every word you write. :plain:

...critical thinking
Attempting to help you say something at least partially true...
is good for justifying La La Land and if that is what you want, the majority are on your side.
No. It's good for telling your line from Shinola and most people aren't trained or particularly interested in it.

"When a contradiction is impossible to resolve except by a lie, then we know that it is really a door." Simone Weil
Knock on would to heaven you understood half your quotes in application...:rolleyes:

Lovely Bartlett's though, as always. :poly:

Sprinkle a little salt on it. Then it may go down easier.
There are some things you don't swallow no matter what they're coated in or seasoned by...though I expect that comes as some surprise to you.

So the bottom lie is that I value the potential for an objective human perspective and you value creating your own reality and justify it through New Age critical thinking..
Fixed that for you.

I will award you the Brass Figligee with Bronze Oak Leaf Palm if you can define what an objective human perspective is, why we don't have it, and the basic means for acquiring it.
So you can do what you did the last time you suggested I wouldn't dare define X, which is to say, declare victory and assume a posture unmerited by argument? No thanks. Until you stop doing this academic equivalent of a Jackie Chiles impression I'll stick to poking your unintentional absurdity with the funny stick.



New member
As with so much, who knows what you think you mean by that. I'm not even entirely certain that you do. On the up side, it's grammatically good to go.

I dub thee Irony Man..

He wasn't being literal. I'm afraid you very nearly are.

Said the fellow without the methodology to see past the nose he cuts off.

I'll file this with the other declarations in want of support. Or, as the rest of us refer to it: every word you write. :plain:

Attempting to help you say something at least partially true...

No. It's good for telling your line from Shinola and most people aren't trained or particularly interested in it.

Knock on would to heaven you understood half your quotes in application...:rolleyes:

Lovely Bartlett's though, as always. :poly:

There are some things you don't swallow no matter what they're coated in or seasoned by...though I expect that comes as some surprise to you.

Fixed that for you.

So you can do what you did the last time you suggested I wouldn't dare define X, which is to say, declare victory and assume a posture unmerited by argument? No thanks. Until you stop doing this academic equivalent of a Jackie Chiles impression I'll stick to poking your unintentional absurdity with the funny stick.


TH is typical of those that live by blind faith and New Age critical thought. Anything requiring thinking out of the box is met with attack and righteous indignation necessary to compensate for the loss of substance. There is no substance in his entire post.

Unfortunately it is normal for the pseudo intellectual that parrots rather than understands. That is why a concept such as objective human perspective seems so absurd. It questions the preconceptions of ones imagined realities.

The ones I feel bad for are the students in universities that are trapped by this growing dogmatic mindset and forced to sacrifice understanding for grades.

We call it progress and glorify the word. But when a man slips off of a tall building and is falling towards the ground, he is also making progress towards his destination but it is not as easy to glorify.


New member
Cackling here!

Cackling here!

As with so much, who knows what you think you mean by that. I'm not even entirely certain that you do. On the up side, it's grammatically good to go.

I dub thee Irony Man..

He wasn't being literal. I'm afraid you very nearly are.

Said the fellow without the methodology to see past the nose he cuts off.

I'll file this with the other declarations in want of support. Or, as the rest of us refer to it: every word you write. :plain:

Attempting to help you say something at least partially true...

No. It's good for telling your line from Shinola and most people aren't trained or particularly interested in it.

Knock on would to heaven you understood half your quotes in application...:rolleyes:

Lovely Bartlett's though, as always. :poly:

There are some things you don't swallow no matter what they're coated in or seasoned by...though I expect that comes as some surprise to you.

Fixed that for you.

So you can do what you did the last time you suggested I wouldn't dare define X, which is to say, declare victory and assume a posture unmerited by argument? No thanks. Until you stop doing this academic equivalent of a Jackie Chiles impression I'll stick to poking your unintentional absurdity with the funny stick.


Brass Figligee Award! :darwinsm::darwinsm::darwinsm::darwinsm::darwinsm::darwinsm::darwinsm:
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