The "Catch Up Already" Gazette
So pj opined...
Unless you're a Cubs fan, of course.yeh, you gotta be smart to love baseball - :rapture:![]()
Had a difference on the nature of the faithful as a rule...
The purpose of Christianity isn't to make you better, but to reconcile you to God. If you avail yourself of the relation that follows that then you'll find all sorts of growth and reward. If you don't, well, you're cheating yourself and maybe others by your example. How God handles that, in this life or the next, I leave to Him.But this doesn't really address the problem of Christians not rising above the egotism, selfishness, bigotry, and willful ignorance. When their religion should be engendering the exact opposite behavior in them.
No, unless you take failing to accept an anecdote as the rule dismissing, which is the only rational thing to do. I've made the same point with my own observations more than once, though I've added the caveat that I would expect what I find to be more like the rule....but both (a couple of) non-believers and believers alike keep pointing out to you that they are having very different experiences with Christians than you seem to be having. And you keep dismissing them.
That people largely aren't familiar with statistical models and analysis.(what) should this be telling you?
While chrys found a novel approach for paper cuts...
There are also books on space aliens. You should probably read might also be interested in this Who Wrote Don Quixote?lain:
There are books claiming Jesus didn't exist and the Catholic Church is the beast too. You're summer is going to fill up in a hurry.oly:
Had a word with anna on the nature of sin...
Do you think people fall into sin because it's unappealing? They fall into it because it is powerfully attractive and it's powerfully attractive because it is often a distortion/perversion of a virtuous end or aim. It looks like good fruit. But it isn't."The romance of doubt?"
Then Pure was back, amping up...
Gaelic sounds like gibberish if you don't know the language. It isn't though....But that mostly just ends up being religious gibberish: "reconcile us to God".
You mischaracterize. I'm not denying their experiences only noting a different one informs my impression. Why are they and you allowed it and I'm not?...denying their objections (actually reduces to not accepting a couple of people with different, negative exposure to Christians) is not addressing their objections.
Name the point or question you feel I failed to address and I'll happily attend it.Which achieves nothing in terms of redressing their objections
(he never did)
And chrys did his best to find a reason to object to apologetics...all of the sudden...
I would rather have their simple faith...So which is it? A simple faith doesn't need proof from complicated thinkers like Thomas and Augustine.belief should be rational
...thomas proved faith is reasonable
augustine proved without faith there is no reason
So zoo said...
...Someone here is predicting end times this year, another predicting it in a few years, and lots of people seem to believe it'll be in their lifetime. Most folks at least seems to say "soon." I certainly have never heard anyone say "oh, I think there's a long while before end times."lain: How long do you think it'll be before that last season gets underway? Are you looking forward to it?
But as 401(k)'s go...Oh, but isn't that the beauty and fun of such proclamation's? You don't have to give specifics or have any basis in objective facts you just have to be gloomy and ominous. :chuckle:
And Pure was back...
I think you confuse the term with that which can be empirically demonstrated. Websters has it,...the decision is that we humans cannot logically lay claim to anything but relative certainty.
Certain: not having any doubt about something: convinced or sure.
That's the primary. I can be completely satisfied that God is without being delusional or a liar. So can you. What I can't be certain of, logically, is something else. That something else requires faith. I'll get to it in a moment.
That's a self defeating argument. You can't be sure/certain of it and if you can be then certainty is possible. And since you can't be sure there's even less reason to call those who are (certain) liars or deluded or egotistical than simple good manners.So, the "pretense of certainty" that I am referring to, here, is the illogical and dishonest pretense that we can be, and are, absolutely certain (of anything).
(but he managed to do it if you follow the link. I didn't include most of it)
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess in advance you don't mean yours.And indeed, it is in this pretense that the "devil will be found". And that devil's name is 'ego'.
To be unsure about all manner of things is not to be unsure about everything....To be uncertain is to be "unsure about all manner of things". So I don't understand how you think you can have certainty while remaining unsure about all manner of things.
No. I can be certain of God without understanding all sorts of things relating to my walk or His full nature. Those things I take on faith....The pretense of certitude is a delusion that denies our need for faith.
Zoo made a point worth addressing...
Well, that's not an inconsistency, it's simply that when Christians are about advancing the good you see Christianity as it was meant to be and when we don't you see adherents failing their charge....when Christian atrocity is brought up, Christians tend to distance themselves in any number of ways, usually coming down to "well, that wasn't a real Christian" or "well, I'm not that sort of Christian so it doesn't apply to me." We see it all the time here. But when Christians doing good is the issue, all of a sudden, the walls of division magically disappear and all sects of Christianity are one big happy family...
And Pure?...
First, your problem is with a dictionary.The problem with this definition is that you can also be completely certain that you are a flying monkey.lain: Second, sure. You can be certain and wrong. Happens all the time. You're doing a bang up job of it, by way of.
No, Pure, it doesn't. A lie is a knowing misstatement of the truth. Missing a question on a math exam doesn't make you a liar. Misrepresenting the score you got on the exam later would..But your certitude will not make you a flying monkey. All it will make you is a liar, and a lunatic....And no matter how certain you are, of anything, you're still not going to be able to verify that certainty. Which again makes you a liar for proclaiming it.
Rex offered on Harris...
Where I'd say it's fairly plain as is the reason for the distinction. Where he can't hang a thing particularly on Christianity he approaches his assault on theism via another route. Where he can or believes that he can he stays with the Body....I'm not disputing Harris's contempt, or advocating for it. But I also think you have to be a little bit discerning about when he's attempting to talk about you and when he's not.
I noted that one somewhere. But as with so much with Harris he fails to consider an opposing perspective, that moderates may well be what stands between him and extremist behavior, may by their nature and activism restrain the worst uses and impulses of organized religion.One of the points I've heard him make often is that the moderates often provide cover for the extremists.
He also defines moderates absurdly and condescendingly as those who don't understand their own faith...which given how often he illustrates a want of particular grasp is a peculiar judgment.
Said hello to the new guy...
That would be something to look forward to...Hello all, just wanted to introduce myself. Pretty new to TOL, I made my account a while ago but haven't ever posted. But I look forward to being part of some interesting discussions.lain: what?
I like an optimist. :thumb:...I look forward to meeting all of you.
Then kmo shook it up with...
Three lucky male baboons were injected with Vasalgel and given unrestricted sexual access to 10 to 15 female baboons each. Despite the fact that they have been monkeying around for six months now, no female baboons have been impregnated.Dang, kmo, no. :nono: Beastiality is against the law.:chuckle:
Is that how human trials will work too?![]()
Tomorrow? It lightens a bit...probably...unless kmo posts a lot. :think:
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