Town Quixote's

Town Heretic

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Hall of Fame
Sadly, once again closed for Troll maintenance. Will open in the late evening. Thank you for your consideration.

The Mostly Somber Thursday Evening Gazette​

There was CW determined to make her agreement with THall clear beyond reason (either)...
.....boy are you an ignorant retard.
You need a thesaurus...and a sedative.

Here is what Mahatma Gandhi said about your heroes....
No, he didn't, but I don't follow Gandhi. I follow Christ, the Lord God. And he said, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.." John 15:13

We all know you prefer cowardice to the point of glorifying it.
No, "we" don't. Have you ever been on the other side of a gun aimed with lethal intent? I wouldn't call anyone running from that, were they unarmed, a coward. And to say that someone who shielded others from harm at the cost of their lives is a coward is dishonorable, low and a malicious lie at odds with God's own word.

...22 posts from you today, why not stop acting like a queer and start spending time with your child, act like a real parent. Grow up.
I just include that as a character reference.

...All of your heroes in that theater could not muster one ounce of violence on a creep shooting innocent people.
Argue with Christ. I gave you the scripture.

Watch and learn queen.
If the powers that be are content to see discourse sink to that level without challenge then there's nothing to restrain you, certainly not simple human decency, which seems beyond you.

That said, it only harms you, whether you know it or not.

Unwinding at last in...
I didn't say I was, I said you aren't. You told me what you think. I gave you scripture demonstrating what God says about the love and sacrifice you called cowardice, about using fool as you did and you raged on, ignoring the word.

That's narcissism. That's usurpation. That's rebellion.

I realize it must be hard for a narcissistic axis two queen like you to understand why no sane person would take advice from you on how to survive a potentially lethal encounter or how to be a human shield.
I didn't give any advice on that. I said you were wrong to call them cowards and you were and are wrong. You're wrong to call me a fool or queer or a queen. And when confronted with the word of God on the points you stepped around it to tell me what you think you know.

That's narcissism. That's usurpation. That's rebellion.

...Your pacifist delusions of human shield heroism are only enabled by your half a year of law school and your rookie level experience as a parent.
I'm not a pacifist and it isn't my notion. It's God's word on that sort of sacrifice. He said they demonstrated the greatest human love. You called them cowards.

That's narcissism. That's usurpation. That's rebellion.

Took on Pure over...something...
...All those guns are just an indication of how irrationally paranoid we are about each other. They indicate the level of our feeling of weakness, and powerlessness, within our own society.
Have you ever tried to hunt a squirrel with a pocket knife? Well I have and I still can't tell you how the rascal got one. :plain:

I wonder how long it will be before someone gets seriously arrested. :think: Because right now it's looking a lot like the last financial crisis.

Talked racism with AScon...
The history of racism amongst democrats goes back a long ways:
That's true, except you left out the important bit: the Wallace loving, segregationist, true blue Democrats of yesteryear mostly became Republicans once the Civil Rights Act became the operating law of the land. But that only matters if the point here is playing politics.

THall sounded off on an old, self inflicted wound of his...
...The simplest fact that is still lost on you, because you have no real
world experience, is that you NEVER teach someone to stop moving in an active shooter present danger situation.

Some of those who died in that theater were men trained for combat and in tactics and they were on the ground, in the soup. They did what they thought was best and saved people. Maybe if they'd rushed him without coordination they'd have simply died faster and their loved ones would have perished in a glut trying to evade through whatever open exit remained.

I don't know. Neither do you. What I do know is that scripture tells us their sacrifice was the greatest love a man can express. And what I know from having read you is that you defamed them, called them cowards.

By your own description that is exactly what some of them did, freeze.
No it isn't. You're a liar. Nothing else to call you. The accounts don't illustrate those men freezing, but actively shielding and attempting to secure their loved ones from harm. Shame on you.

You giving someone God's voice is very similar to Vladimir Putin giving the world freedom and democracy.
That's you running from the truth by attempting to concentrate on the messenger. You didn't address it any more than CW. And that, my non friend, is cowardice.

Tomorrow? Not so jolly ranchers, coconut oil and someone gets up on the wrong side of the century. :plain:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Obligatory Humorous Star Wars Graphic:




Quixote is an enjoyable read....

finished churchill's wwii, dove right into history of the english speaking people's - found the original four volume set in the college library

maybe i'll take a break after that and read some fiction


i have been hankering to take a crack at kissinger's doctoral thesis: A World Restored: Metternich, Castlereagh and the Problems of Peace

i suspect churchill will take most of the summer with the course load i'm taking