Town Quixote's

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap
by 4ths

Wandering around on the internet produced...
Just watched a TED program by an expert on lying that may or may not have taught me a great deal. :plain:

Had a brief but productive exchange on gangs...
I don't know, but I'm curious, what fraction of murders in the US are 'gang-related.' Certainly, a lot of murders occurring in cities infested with gang activity must be 'gang-related,' you would think . . . .
The National Gang Center, citing FBI figures for the years 2007 to 2012 had gang related homicides as comprising around 13% of all homicides annually.

And a little on rearing children...
I don't grant my kids permission to scold adults for light errors. Not only that, I don't permit them to say anything at all about light errors, to anyone, not even to their peers---that's their peers' parents' job, not my kids.'
Jack told me that he had a friend who used a word I don't even believe adults should find in their mouths. He said that he then told his teacher. I said to him, "If you want to be a better friend, tell your friend first and try to influence his behavior. I know how all of you (kids) are about telling on one another, but do you think that when you do that first you're giving your friend the chance to do better? And shouldn't that be your first concern? Do you think you're telling your friend that you care about them by going straight to authority?"

Then the clock struck in into's odd pathology thread and...
I agree. Liberal Democrats are truly PATHOLOGICAL and DEMENTED PERVERTS.

Well, if I didn't believe you believed that the caps would be a convincer.

I personally believe that they should not have the rights to vote.
And while I have you, how often do you set your clock back in a given year?

Talked race and religion with Lon...
How were you on the recent ruling regarding the man that does custom art on cakes?
I'd say the notion that a cake is art is largely a contrivance and contrary to common sense, an attempt to serve an old whine in a new skin. What a thing is made and sold for should determine what that thing is and a cake is meant to be consumable goods first and foremost, to be eaten. Can it be endowed by its creator with artistic sensibility? To be sure. But if simply being able to put a creative something into a work that isn't aimed at being admired for its own nature without any other necessary element then what can't fall under that umbrella? What odious bigotry can't then find an ally by that dim light?

When I noted sincere religious belief was underpinning some fairly racist practice:
The Mormons believed blacks were under a curse. Darwin did too.
Then they were both fools at different times, though the Mormons have abandoned that one...Darwin too, I'd imagine. ;)

To me, if you have to pass a law on what you 'should do' as a decent human being, the law doesn't make you a decent human being, just twists your arm.
The law isn't aiming to make a bigot a decent human being. Its aim is to see that he can't empower that indecency, harm others with his shortcoming in the public square.

And on the oft raised BET gambit...
There is no White Entertainment Network.
Sure there is, and until relatively recently in this country it was all the other programming. That's what made Cosby such a powerful thing. Heck, in living memory the idea of an interracial kiss in a tv program provoked outrage. So if you don't want quotas or even government attempts to promote inroads and you find blacks trying to do it for themselves problematic, what the heck are you saying, pragmatically.

Some things just happen without any desire for hurting anybody and, possibly, nobody 'should' feel hurt.
Sure. Racial discrimination isn't one of those things. Neither is white's only tv, which is what we had for most of its existence.

I don't particularly feel hurt whenever I'm not invited to a hockey game.
I'm usually offended when I am invited.

Anytime you MAKE someone do something... I just don't think I've accomplished anything at that point.
You couldn't be more wrong. You've accomplished something significant. You've pulled the practical teeth of the racist. You've taken away the societal stamp of approval and put that stamp on equality instead. Ask Sonnie Hereford about how upset those Alabama racists were when he and a smattering of his friends shattered segregation in public schools here.

Then this happened...
AB is in the top 10 hypocrites on TOL. Somewhere near #7 or 8, imo.

Yeah, I never seem to make the top three in anything...

Hang in there, AB. Given enough time, who knows?

:think: Not musty, that's for sure.

Tomorrow? What's left of the right, going sub rosa with ethnocentric nonsense, and fun fish facts for the halibut... :shocked:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap
on Sunday

Talked about borders and PC with JS...
You didn't notice all of the politically corrects who are crying crocodile tears because children were being separated from their parents at the border?
Anyone who isn't upset over that has bigger issues than some term largely concocted to whitewash poor upbringing and worse manners.

...Matthew Wossner, a poli-sci professor at Penn State, had it right to my mind when he said the left is too quick to slather any policy in ideological opposition touching upon sensitive issues of race and gender with charges of sexism and racism, and that the right is too quick to label legitimate criticism as political correctness.

Both errors have the same outcome, stifling public speech and meaningful debate.

And education with CS...
Education is the responsibility of the parents, if they cannot carve out enough time in a week to educate their children, they have the wrong priorities. No money involved.
Anyone who thinks an untrained parent can make a child competitively advanced in the ways fundamental education by professionals can doesn't understand either that educational process or the world those children will be entering. Every other first world nation does, and they advance their interests by educating the next wave of our competition.

So I'm not appealing to an altruistic spirit, much as that spirit is served in principle, but to a fundamental self-interest.

So, of course...
Anyone who thinks a random stranger is a better bet to raise their child is either horribly deceived or worse.
Anyone who confuses a highly trained professional with a random stranger is only slightly more confused than the person who confuses the work of a teacher with raising their child.

A response to another poster had me pondering the sort of bait some use to fish around here...
Lovely red herring you're dragging.
Fun facts about that fish:

Its season used to run with elections, but now you can catch them year round.

It's frequently found in the less fresh waters around Washington and state capitals.

The less educated you are the more likely you are to serve and buy it.

Though frequently relied upon for sustenance by large groups of people, it is almost impossible to swallow individually.

Goes well with copious amounts of alcohol.

Smells worse when you think about it more, though in any event it is always more than a little bitter.

While AB's speculation about a running joke...
How has he not bored himself to death with it by now?

:think: Maybe he had an aneurysm.

That would explain a few thousand things...

Does make you wonder how he remembers his password though.

It's probably misspelled. :plain:

And then there was...
Hello. We all know here are many, many individuals in most all political and religious organizations who are wonderful, honest and caring people. There are so many good Catholics and Liberals who are part of the organiazation, perhaps they were born into it or were brought in by a friend or loved one but do not understand or suscribe to the organizations PATHOLOGICAL and demented views.
See, that started off half-way decent, but then you veered into the crazy lane and that's why we all have to pay higher premiums. :mmph:

Here's an alternative: a lot of people just fundamentally disagree with you (and everyone at some point) about some fairly important things. They don't have to be lazy thinkers or blind followers, only people who come to different conclusions than you.

This is the greatest commonality and CORE bond that Liberal Democrats, Catholics, and Muslims unite in and have in common. A total perversion that seXually draws them together in a frenzy of lust, perversity, and depravity.
aCW is still posting, so I can't say that's the craziest post of the year, but if Chrys comes back and takes a swing that one is easily in the hunt.

Before things got serious...
:chuckle: I'd go for the sweet and salty.
A great comedy duo back in the days of Vaudeville, but they never got to make the film debut that might have launched them because of the rating system.

Tragic. :plain:

Sweet went on to design Valentine's Day cards. Salty was arrested several times on morality charges in and around the Boston area before being elected to Congress.

All I wanted was a snack...
All I wanted was a pony...:sigh:

It's a hard world out there, anna.

Tomorrow? Murdering the truth about racial relations, let's not sing like that birdy sang, and someone reads a poem, of all things... :think:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap
on Sunday

Someone brought up an interesting happening...
Two senior Trump administration officials were heckled at restaurants. A third was denied service.
Though in fairness, stupid isn't a protected class.

Florida GOP Attorney General Pam Bondi required a police escort away from a movie about Mister Rogers after activists yelled at her in Tampa
She was treated at a local hospital for third degree embarrassment and a serious dislocation of her funny bone.

Passers-by gather to take photos in front of the Red Hen Restaurant on June 23, in Lexington, Virginia. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Saturday that she was booted from the Virginia establishment because she works for President Donald Trump. | Daniel LIn/AP Photo
Maybe a new employee misread the, "No shoes, no shirt, no service" sign.

While anna's sharing led to another, if related, consideration...
Surprise, surprise..

U.S. Opposition to Breast-Feeding Resolution Stuns World Health Officials
A resolution to encourage breast-feeding was expected to be approved quickly and easily by the hundreds of government delegates who gathered this spring in Geneva for the United Nations-affiliated World Health Assembly.​
Too many boobs in Washington.

Addressed national origins with CS...
...there is a difference between a settler and an immigrant.
If not to the people who might already be living in the place where "settlers" immigrate.

A settler establishes a new community in a new land.
Frequently someone else's. Then they form a government and establish property rights.

Nice work, if you can get it.

Before noting a reasonable point..
America was not founded by native Americans.
No, the land was inhabited by them. We didn't discover America. We came across a lot of land and slapped that word on it.

Then we told the rest of the world it had been "discovered."

If someone "discovered" your wallet and wrote a title on it I'm betting you wouldn't find that a compelling argument for their rights to it.

They did not create our society.
Or Belgian waffles.

Talked guns with Idol...
...I was right with you up til you invoked 'gun' as the problem.
The problem of gun violence in this country is a problem of parts. One of those parts is the accessibility of guns capable of firing more than six rounds without a manual reloading, along with accessories that transform already absurdly lethal instruments into de facto machineguns. I don't have a problem with guns, only with certain types of guns and accessories that transform them. I love my shotguns and my breech loaded rifle. I'm fond of my 9mm, but I'm ready to give it up. I can accomplish any reasonable need without it.

We've no idea what the future holds
It takes a lot of imagination to entertain a hypothetical where a force beats our combined armed and nuclear forces and is upset by a lot of Bubba's with guns they bought at the Walmart. And it only takes a news report to see what the present holds and trends are regarding mass shootings and gun violence.

The same reasons writ large why nations wouldn't agree to denuclearize, is why we the people oughtn't budge when gun haters like you
I'm a gun owner, not hater. I've been clear on my position in support of the 2nd from the start, as well as my own participation in that right. Now back to the problem in your attempt to parallel. Nuclear weapons are necessary for Russia because they can be overwhelmed in a conventional war by China. There's no real parallel here. I suppose if criminals outnumbered the lawful citizenry and were all carrying semi automatic and automatic weapons it would be different, though to be a meaningful parallel the criminals would have to outnumber the rest of us with a close to 7 to 1 advantage instead of being outnumbered by 2 to 1 if we include all criminals of any sort, instead of the violent sort, in which case our advantage grows.

And taxes with JR...
You're not addressing my argument.

I said socialist programs inherently violate God's enduring command, "thou shall not steal."
I directly addressed your belief. It isn't an argument. Theft is an operation of law, not some Amish guy shaking his fist at taxes that pay for a tank.

In order to claim that socialism is not antithetical to Christianity, you need to explain how forcibly (in other words, you'll be punished if you don't comply) taking money from one person and giving it to another is not theft.
Ask Caesar, or better yet, look at Christ's command to give him his due and then try to tell me that Jews were paying their taxes because they really, really wanted to.

Continuing on the latter point...
Here's the thing. You can't compel charity, or it's not charity.
Then there's no such thing, because God compels it and always has.

If someone comes up to you and they are poor, you should help them. But it should not be forced.
It's a commandment by the most inherently coercive force in the universe. Or do you think the idea that what you fail to do for the poor you fail to do for God is a suggestion of sorts.

And on the notion that public education is abandoning of parental responsibility

Trying to suggest education is the province of the parent is in the sense you use it as mistaken as suggesting that because the health of a child is the parent's responsibility they should practice medicine on the child instead of seeing to it that the child has a doctor.

Touched on the EC/representative democracy dissonance...
Power that is held exclusively in towns with one million plus population is tyranny.
The problem with that is that the Senate and House will still exist. But the president should represent the people, not a de facto gerrymandering.

Along with matters theological...
I doubt that you find it odd to say that murder is a graver sin than is a white lie, Town.
I'd say that as a pragmatic matter, it is worse to kill a man than to lie to him. The latter robs him of the truth, the former robs him of any hope to approach it. But given any sin is sufficient to warrant my separation from the perfect and good, it's a distinction that matters more to me than it could to God, whom I will not meet save by grace.

I'm omitting a good deal, but consider it read and I appreciate your sharing your particular beliefs, whether or not we are of one mind.

Tomorrow? Could be... :eek:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap
on Sunday

Weighed in on matters political, starting with the nature of American culture...
Can someone define just what exactly that term is supposed to mean?
:think: ...more.

A melting pot...
In every kitchen.

In a word;

Which is where Trump U grads thought their diplomas came from.

Took a minute for some One Sentence Movie Reviews...
Ant Man and Wasp: proof that good things can come in small packages...with huge budgets.

Incredibles 2: less incredible is still a lot of fun (and for the whole family, no less).

Skyscraper/Rampage: the nation hasn't seen this much Johnson fatigue since Magic Mike.

Calm down Nancy. Insulting others doesn't reflect well on you.
So it's like you posting in general. :think:

Considered the importance of a good frame...
So? The Pony Express reached more peeps than ToL.....back in the day.:idunno:
If you yelled out of a window in the 70s you reached more people.

If you sent a letter to the editor and only the editor read it in the 80s you reached more people.

If you thought about something in 90s you reached more people.

Context. It's what's next. :plain:

Kat added up the cost of congressional undersight with...
We have to stop that, or call the president King!
That's it in a saneshell. :thumb:

And left me considering the problem of going it alone, spiritually...
...The problem with going it alone and ascribing our thinking to out of the box insight is that without an external check mistakes or a want of context can become a singular sort of orthodoxy and it's own contextual box, with no likely way out.

On marital rape...
If there’s no physical abuse it’s not rape.
If you force someone to have sex against their will that's physical abuse.

Sometimes a wife calls it a rape just because. Even when it wasn’t. And to top it off if he enjoyed it all the worse.
Sometimes the moon is aligned with the sun in a way that largely blocks the sun from view. But mostly it doesn't do that.

Talked term limits with Stripe...
Couldn't they come up with something better? :idunno:

After four years, I'd be just getting the hang of a new job, then I have to leave?

Right. That's why Grant was so terrific, because he had two full terms.

And GW, of course...can't leave him out. Two glorious terms really transformed the office with that one.

Obama, he had a lot of time in office. I know how highly regarded he is by the right.

Tomorrow? Lambs, Lions, and the power of misplaced confidence men... :think:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap
on Reason

Beginning with the DP...
Without Christ being put to death for our sins (for the wages of sin is death), no man could ever be saved (Psalm 49:7-9, 15).
And at the same time he illustrates the problem with the DP beyond that moment, as he was innocent.

And Idol said...
You are such a Democrat.
That will come as some surprise to most of the candidates I've voted for in my life.

I oppose the death penalty on less philosophical grounds. We have and likely will continue to kill innocent men and women in the name of justice. That should be unacceptable. Unlike being falsely imprisoned, there's no restitution for someone deprived of every right. If we feel that strongly about the infringement we should protect against our own fallible capacity to err on the point.

With a manatee break, of course...
Watching a PBS World production with Jack and, of course I'm doing rifftrax for the fun of one point the subject is manatees and the narrator is describing how in the winter it's crucial for the manatee to find really warm waters. At first he speaks to the majority heading for hot springs, then...

Narrator: But some manatee are heading for a surprising hot-spot.

Me: A small nightclub on the outskirts of Tampa.

Jack: And they dance there.

Me: It could happen.

Before JR continued with...
...God used that miscarriage of justice [Christ's trial and execution] to reconcile the entire world. Just because it was a miscarriage of justice does not mean the death penalty is bad.
It's an illustration of the inherent problem of a penalty that cannot be met with recompense. If we falsely imprison a man at least we can make some restitution and release him. My first argument against the DP is in that problem. We do and know that we do what we have no right to [inadvertently put the innocent to death]. And given the irreversible nature of that failure it is unique.

If there was something wrong with a death penalty for crimes that are worthy of death, then God's standard of justice would not include death for the penalty of sin. It's as simple as that. Am I wrong?
You are. The law served a number of purposes. One of those was to illustrate our inability to meet the demands of justice, our need for intercession and mercy. God doesn't have to change anything about His nature to alter His relation with us (see: covenants).

...if a man does not fear death in this life, how will he ever fear eternal death and separation from his Creator in the hereafter?
Every man fears death, unless he's insane, in which case nothing will move him. It isn't a want of fear of death that moves men to sin, which is why Solomon and David, for all their reasons to be grateful and obedient, for all their wisdom and blessing, sinned.

Into was back to submitting fan fiction...
I fell five stories back in 2011 and on my way down I did not once think I was going to die. No fear at all, zero
We have a lot of folks like that in the South. Sometimes they post videos that begin with, "Watch this!" Sometimes their families have to post them.

CS tried to peddle a variation on the ol pointy headed edjumacated meme...
How many college educated folks know how to think for themselves?
They're more likely to do it than people who haven't had any training in critical thinking. And they're more likely to do it than less intelligent people. Both of those constitute the majority of people who aren't college graduates, comparatively.

How many only think in the manner their profs and people in their bubble tell them is proper to think?
People who think that way tend to either not have experienced a solid education, or to be the sort who sometimes make it into public universities and learning annexes and lower the average for the rest.

And Idol was charging the one true church approach...
For 1000 years there was one Church Town, it was the one that Jesus Himself founded, and more importantly, wrt historical validity, the one that all His Apostles worked to build.
When I was a kid, the only fast food place in the county seat was a Hardee's.

Are you of the opinion that that one Church is no longer extant?
I'm of the opinion that things change. Now we have a McDonald's, Arby's, even a Ruby Tuesday's.

So many places and they all serve food, even if they didn't serve it first.

Is there another option?
Sure. Wendy's...though as with most they're fond of possessives.

By the way, though I don't have time for it here, his response inside the framework of fast food was really very good and you should take a look at it and my answer beginning here, if you have the time and like that sort of thing...and if you don't you're in a peculiar thread and post for you.

CS illustrated a point...
From my experience and from the anecdotes I've read, it seems to me college purposefully trains Young folks to avoid critical thinking at all costs.
That's anecdotal thinking, something a good education would have warned you off of accepting. We use the anecdote to illustrate the rule, but never to fashion it.

Then George got me all bumfuzzled with...
Canada has never been great. It wants to think it is. But it won't be until it dumps the socialist mindset.
Capitalism makes wealth. Socialists are now spending it faster than we can make it
Darn socialist military. :mmph:

Canada spends appprox. 1% of GDP on NATO. - half of the guideline.
USA spends 3.5% of GDP on Nato - 1.5% more than the 2% guideline.

Pony up Canada!
Shoot. I just saw "pony" and got sucked in.

Tomorrow? Finding Laura Ingraham, sequels, and the futility of goodwill stipe hunting... :eek:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Dana died the other day and I didn’t know. It seems impossible. Impossible that she should be absent from this world for a minute without it altering the light. Impossible that it happened and I didn’t feel it in the air like a current. Something in the universe should have stopped my day then and lowered my head. It’s unfair, unkind, cruel to those who knew her. Cruel to those who fell away. Or maybe that’s just me being selfish again.

She was the first person I said I love you to who wasn’t a member of my family and the first to say it back to me for a season. And being with her was like the first time you hold a baseball in your hand as a boy and believe you can throw it. Or the first time you hear a song that changes how you feel about music forever…that was Dana to me. A sort of miracle. A transformation.

Of course, first loves, especially of the high school variety, are doomed to overly tragic and dramatic ends, but if we find the right person for it then the experience sets the table for what comes next, makes us better, our hopes stronger, and our intentions clearer for the life of it. I had Dana, so I was set. She helped create a hopeful romantic, and the belief that anything was possible because I had won her once.

Why she put up with me at all was a mystery for the ages. I think it was that she loved to laugh. I managed that, from the time I threw the front tire off of my bicycle trying to make an exit, to the inadvertent rake to the forehead incident no one would believe unless they saw it, and a thousand small, goofy moments that left her laughing and me feeling like a king, a lumberjack, and the kid with the cool all in one. Sometimes she even laughed when I meant for her to.

She was beautiful and sweet, and kind. I don’t believe that I ever really thanked her for any of it. We had a conversation one night near Tony’s wedding when we caught up and hashed through years and days and friends and I got to make her laugh again. I didn’t realize it would be the last time. You never really know when that moment arrives and passes until you get the news and the world changes. You think you have all the time you’ll ever need for everything. At least enough.

Until you don’t. And there she goes again, teaching me something important.

I am sorry that you’re gone, my lovely girl. I will tell my son about you when he’s old enough to find someone like you. I hope he finds someone like you. Someone wonderful to share that first heartbreak with. I hope everyone is so lucky, even if I know they can’t be.

I will miss you the way a child misses summer. The way a young man looks back on home as he leaves it. The way a boy says goodbye to the first girl he loved.

Last edited:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Recently saw a video by a commentator of color on CRTV, a conservative media outlet that makes the rounds. This fellow decided to attack Nike's decision to use Colin Kaepernick as one of the spokesmen in their most recent ad campaign. He talked about Colin being a bad qb, hit the usual greedy/lazy/pampered athlete and faux outrage buttons while appointing himself the noble defender of the military and our flag...which led me to the following.

It would help if this guy appeared to know something about his target. Kaepernick was actually a pretty good qb with enormous untapped potential, as anyone who followed that saga understands. Colin, still wet behind the ears, took over a Niner team and led them to a tough loss in the SB, falling 3 pts short in a great game against Baltimore. The next year as the man from day one, he took his team to the NFC Championship game, losing another tough battle, this time to the Seahawks, who dominated Denver and won the SB that year. An up and down year followed, for Colin and the team, as they lost talent and, eventually, their coaching staff. He was sidelined by injury in 2015, then NCAA wunderkind Kelly arrived and became another cautionary tale for college to pro coaching transitions. It was so bad that Kaepernick left 20 million on the table to get out.

Toward the end of his stay in SF, Colin took an enormously unpopular stand. One that has essentially blacklisted him within the league.

Now, other than make money by stammering through an assumptive and under informed screed while representing a largely white constituency as their colorful beard, what has this commentator sacrificed, other than his credibility? He wants to paint Kaepernick's road as an easy one? A man of color in conservative ranks is like a girl in a comic book shop. And while I'm at it, there have been and remain more than a few former soldiers who support either the cause or the exercise (or both) of that liberty by Kaepernick. I guess this guy doesn't think as much of their service, which makes you wonder what he's actually serving up.


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Wrap
on Mondays

WoZ made a spot-on about resource allocation...
Your posts are a waste of time as usual. Rather than just tell us this "self-explanatory" ending, you say watch the movie.
DFT_Dave can prove the earth is flat is you just watch his youtube videos. Don't trust me? Just ask him.
Maybe we should all make videos and post them instead. :plain:

GM was busy doing a drive by bit on a banned poster...
Far-left Liberals look good in red.
What's next, going to go to a cemetery and dare a resident to knock that chip off of your shoulder? :plain:

Before trying out a time honored political approach...
Bill Clinton, now there's a man who KNEW how to 'honor his Wife.' What a guy.
So that's the gold standard? So long as you can find a moral wretch on the other side the morality of your candidate isn't important?

That's not even setting the bar. It's leaving it on the ground.

Then Chrys said...
The bar is winning and not letting the baby killing democrats put another liberal on the court.
Like the last time, when they gave us Roe...wait, no, that was a conservative appointed majority. :plain:

Considered the object of adoration...
If we only delight in God when the sun is on our face and the wind is fair then we might as well have worshiped the weather.

Answered JR on a notion...
So, @Arthur Brain @eider @The Barbarian @Town Heretic, and anyone else who opposes the system put forth by myself and others here and in the Bible,
Rather, I've said that for its day you couldn't really do much better. But we can expect more now. I don't fault God for not demanding what men were incapable of providing, but we can do more today. In the same spirit I don't condemn medical practioners of the day for failing to prescribe a course of antibiotics to help fight off an infection. But if a doctor practicing today didn't I'd say it was reasonable to investigate whether or not he should be licensed.

I need you to, or at least I am hoping you will, acknowledge that a system that tends to acquit murderers is a system that thereby leads to the killing of the innocent.
The system we have in place doesn't tend to acquit murderers. As with any system that's going to happen, but it's the exception to the rule, not the rule or tendency. The rule with our system is that it tends to convict well over 90% of people charged with any crime and it comes with protections for the innocent wrongfully convicted.

That's a good thing.

Talked to a few people about witnesses and Christ sparing a woman, what that might mean. Some of them said that the narrative had witnesses and that it stayed within the context of the law, which I didn't think was supported by the actual text. Found a bit about witnesses worth taking a look at, including the fact the witnesses were supposed to be subjected to three sorts of examination, none of which happened. That sort of thing. Moving on then.

This is as good a sum of offering and response on those conversations as any...
You seem to be very ignorant of the Law and of God who gave the Law if you think God is all about justice without mercy.
What I actually wrote was about the law and its purpose before Christ's foreshadowing and the cross. I think that when you make Christ into the worst sort of lawyer, shrugging off justice in the name of legal technicality, it's a bad notion and a sure sign you've missed something important...

Why would you think that Jesus would do something so unjust?
I literally never said that he did something unjust. I've said that he did something a few of you are deeply invested in not accepting, which is a very different thing.

Jesus did not do it the way you expected Him to do it?
That is your excuse?
I'm not advancing or looking for an excuse to explain something I didn't expect.

You are too steeped in the corruption that lawyers are accused of to understand that Jesus used the actual words of the Law to confound a trap set by legalists.
You're too invested in preserving your understanding of the narrative to see that Jesus wasn't avoiding a trap he could walk out of with a pronouncement of insufficiency on the part of that crowd within the context of the law. He didn't give that instruction. He did something else.

The requirement is that the witnesses are not false witnesses.
The scribes and Pharisees failed that criteria, which is the only real explanation for why Jesus said "let he who is without sin".
It not only isn't, you've been given another.

Yes, the scribes and Pharisees did not have as good of an understanding of the Law of Moses as they thought.
That's contrary to common sense. The trap was concocted by people who would be responsible for the operation of the law. You should take a look at the witness bit I reproduced from the site on Jewish law.

We also don't have to concoct hypotheticals about what justice is when those hypotheticals involve getting justice by violating the Law.
I'm confident that if we had a murderer who got off because a lawyer noted a technical failing in procedure no one trying to advance this would say that justice was served, but you have to say it here or you have a problem. So you say it.

GM was back and, to his credit, actually liked this one...
It looks as if TH loves to see his name up in lights, so to say. :chuckle:
You're like the gold standard for pointless. :plain:

This one...not so much...
I love your LOGICAL approach, it's rather refreshing. No matter how hard I look at Calvinism, I can't seem to find ANY logic or reason in it. I wonder why? :think:
Maybe you're trying to climb a mountain in loafers.

Started talking to AB about the DP on the QT...
Do you think minors should be executed?
No. They're doing math with a bad calculator to begin with and I'm against the DP in general because we kill innocent people too often and there's no recourse for that.

That said, I wouldn't put a murderer on the street again. I might have a different prison for people who demonstrate genuine reform and regret, especially those who made their choice as younger people. But once you demonstrate the inability to reign in that impulse at any point in your life I think you have your citizenship card revoked in terms of personal freedom.

So, of course...
Stripe said:
God said to execute capital criminals.
And not to eat shellfish. All sorts of things, really. He held Israel to some tough standards, that's for certain. We don't execute our criminals here for the most part, though it varies by state and more states than not still have it on the books.

We let too many guilty people go free, which has led to the crime epidemic.
You should change your system then. It's different over here. And we don't have a crime epidemic here either. What sort of hell-hole state do you live in? Whatever your nation of origin and residence, I hope you get a handle on it without killing a lot of people.

Capital criminals should be executed upon conviction regardless of their age.
What about lower case killers?

That way, people will learn that murder is bad and it won't happen.
Cause that's really at the heart of it. People just don't realize how bad murder is...:thumb:

Or if it does, it will be shocking.
Nothing worse than the old, boring, pedestrian murders. :thumb:

Tomorrow? Could take a while. :eek:

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The Wrap
on Mondays

WoZ made a spot-on about resource allocation...

GM was busy doing a drive by bit on a banned poster...

Before trying out a time honored political approach...

Then Chrys said...

Considered the object of adoration...

Answered JR on a notion...

Talked to a few people about witnesses and Christ sparing a woman, what that might mean. Some of them said that the narrative had witnesses and that it stayed within the context of the law, which I didn't think was supported by the actual text. Found a bit about witnesses worth taking a look at, including the fact the witnesses were supposed to be subjected to three sorts of examination, none of which happened. That sort of thing. Moving on then.

This is as good a sum of offering and response on those conversations as any...

GM was back and, to his credit, actually liked this one...

This one...not so much...

Started talking to AB about the DP on the QT...

So, of course...

Tomorrow? Could take a while. :eek:

I'm elated that you've decided to include 'Old GM' in TOL's version of the 'National Enquirer.' Thanks, so much. :crackup:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Appreciated GM's heartfelt thanks so much I'm reproducing it with his parts all in bold.

The Wrap
on Mondays

WoZ made a spot-on about resource allocation...
Your posts are a waste of time as usual. Rather than just tell us this "self-explanatory" ending, you say watch the movie.
DFT_Dave can prove the earth is flat is you just watch his youtube videos. Don't trust me? Just ask him.
Maybe we should all make videos and post them instead. :plain:

GM was busy doing a drive by bit on a banned poster...
Far-left Liberals look good in red.
What's next, going to go to a cemetery and dare a resident to knock that chip off of your shoulder? :plain:

Before trying out a time honored political approach...
Bill Clinton, now there's a man who KNEW how to 'honor his Wife.' What a guy.
So that's the gold standard? So long as you can find a moral wretch on the other side the morality of your candidate isn't important?

That's not even setting the bar. It's leaving it on the ground.

Then Chrys said...
The bar is winning and not letting the baby killing democrats put another liberal on the court.
Like the last time, when they gave us Roe...wait, no, that was a conservative appointed majority. :plain:

Considered the object of adoration...
If we only delight in God when the sun is on our face and the wind is fair then we might as well have worshiped the weather.

Answered JR on a notion...
So, @Arthur Brain @eider @The Barbarian @Town Heretic, and anyone else who opposes the system put forth by myself and others here and in the Bible,
Rather, I've said that for its day you couldn't really do much better. But we can expect more now. I don't fault God for not demanding what men were incapable of providing, but we can do more today. In the same spirit I don't condemn medical practioners of the day for failing to prescribe a course of antibiotics to help fight off an infection. But if a doctor practicing today didn't I'd say it was reasonable to investigate whether or not he should be licensed.

I need you to, or at least I am hoping you will, acknowledge that a system that tends to acquit murderers is a system that thereby leads to the killing of the innocent.
The system we have in place doesn't tend to acquit murderers. As with any system that's going to happen, but it's the exception to the rule, not the rule or tendency. The rule with our system is that it tends to convict well over 90% of people charged with any crime and it comes with protections for the innocent wrongfully convicted.

That's a good thing.

Talked to a few people about witnesses and Christ sparing a woman, what that might mean. Some of them said that the narrative had witnesses and that it stayed within the context of the law, which I didn't think was supported by the actual text. Found a bit about witnesses worth taking a look at, including the fact the witnesses were supposed to be subjected to three sorts of examination, none of which happened. That sort of thing. Moving on then.

This is as good a sum of offering and response on those conversations as any...
You seem to be very ignorant of the Law and of God who gave the Law if you think God is all about justice without mercy.
What I actually wrote was about the law and its purpose before Christ's foreshadowing and the cross. I think that when you make Christ into the worst sort of lawyer, shrugging off justice in the name of legal technicality, it's a bad notion and a sure sign you've missed something important...

Why would you think that Jesus would do something so unjust?
I literally never said that he did something unjust. I've said that he did something a few of you are deeply invested in not accepting, which is a very different thing.

Jesus did not do it the way you expected Him to do it?
That is your excuse?
I'm not advancing or looking for an excuse to explain something I didn't expect.

You are too steeped in the corruption that lawyers are accused of to understand that Jesus used the actual words of the Law to confound a trap set by legalists.
You're too invested in preserving your understanding of the narrative to see that Jesus wasn't avoiding a trap he could walk out of with a pronouncement of insufficiency on the part of that crowd within the context of the law. He didn't give that instruction. He did something else.

The requirement is that the witnesses are not false witnesses.
The scribes and Pharisees failed that criteria, which is the only real explanation for why Jesus said "let he who is without sin".
It not only isn't, you've been given another.

Yes, the scribes and Pharisees did not have as good of an understanding of the Law of Moses as they thought.
That's contrary to common sense. The trap was concocted by people who would be responsible for the operation of the law. You should take a look at the witness bit I reproduced from the site on Jewish law.

We also don't have to concoct hypotheticals about what justice is when those hypotheticals involve getting justice by violating the Law.
I'm confident that if we had a murderer who got off because a lawyer noted a technical failing in procedure no one trying to advance this would say that justice was served, but you have to say it here or you have a problem. So you say it.

GM was back and, to his credit, actually liked this one...
It looks as if TH loves to see his name up in lights, so to say. :chuckle:
You're like the gold standard for pointless. :plain:

This one...not so much...
I love your LOGICAL approach, it's rather refreshing. No matter how hard I look at Calvinism, I can't seem to find ANY logic or reason in it. I wonder why? :think:
Maybe you're trying to climb a mountain in loafers.

Started talking to AB about the DP on the QT...
Do you think minors should be executed?
No. They're doing math with a bad calculator to begin with and I'm against the DP in general because we kill innocent people too often and there's no recourse for that.

That said, I wouldn't put a murderer on the street again. I might have a different prison for people who demonstrate genuine reform and regret, especially those who made their choice as younger people. But once you demonstrate the inability to reign in that impulse at any point in your life I think you have your citizenship card revoked in terms of personal freedom.

So, of course...
Stripe said:
God said to execute capital criminals.
And not to eat shellfish. All sorts of things, really. He held Israel to some tough standards, that's for certain. We don't execute our criminals here for the most part, though it varies by state and more states than not still have it on the books.

We let too many guilty people go free, which has led to the crime epidemic.
You should change your system then. It's different over here. And we don't have a crime epidemic here either. What sort of hell-hole state do you live in? Whatever your nation of origin and residence, I hope you get a handle on it without killing a lot of people.

Capital criminals should be executed upon conviction regardless of their age.
What about lower case killers?

That way, people will learn that murder is bad and it won't happen.
Cause that's really at the heart of it. People just don't realize how bad murder is...:thumb:

Or if it does, it will be shocking.
Nothing worse than the old, boring, pedestrian murders. :thumb:

Tomorrow? Could take a while. :eek:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I know a lot of people have strong opinions about the Kavanaugh hearings and I'm not going to begin to tell you how to think or what conclusion to reach. I do hope that whatever decision you come to it will be rooted in your best understanding of the facts and information presented to you within the time allotted for the process.

And when you reach that conclusion I hope you take a moment to write out your thoughts, evidencing your individual and unique perspective on it, with attention paid to the particulars that led you to believe as you do...then I want you to highlight and backspace that, post a picture of a cat playing piano, or a little girl riding her first pony, or a favorite recipe, maybe another selfie. Anything, really, except that.

Or anything about politics. Unless, of course, it's a cat in a voting booth. :think: That would be sweet.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Eeset wrote in the chatbox: football is the religion of Alabama.

But that's only really true if you're a 7th Day Adventist.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
There are two types of cupcake eaters. The first sort takes it as they find it and eats it as it sits, in or out of the cup. The second rips half the cake off and makes a sandwich out of it.

I'm the second sort.

Guys rarely buy cupcakes. Women mostly buy cupcakes and guys eat them. Because they're really just fussy doughnuts.

You might hear a guy say, "I could go for a doughnut about now."

Or, "I could go for a burger about now."

Or, "You know, a cold beer would be good about now."

But you'll never hear a man say, "You know what I really want, right this minute? A cupcake."

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
:think: Mullings...

Now that I think about it more, this hearing has done wonders for at least one segment of the population: BYU students with hopes for a career in the judiciary.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
NFL mullings :think:

The Bills were so bad Sunday I thought for a moment I was watching a Super Bowl...if you're too young to get that it's your problem...and get out of my yard! :mmph:

What has two arms and two legs but might as well not have?
Ryan Fitzpatrick.

On the plus side, there were no roughing the passer penalties called during any of the warm-ups.

If you caught the Tampa Bay game you did better than their receivers.

Watching Dallas and Detroit play was like Thanksgiving day, but without all the gratitude.

And I'm 43-19 against the line going into tonight's game...but I don't believe in betting. So that right there's almost as funny as a Cardinals PSL...

Oh all right, for the casual viewer that's buying the right to own season tickets.