toldailytopic: Theistic evolution: best arguments for, or against.

The Barbarian

I've never believed in life ex-nihilo, Barbarian.

But the fact remains. The guy is a YE creationist, and he's asserting "life ex nihilo." Just what you claim YECs don't do.

No amount of dancing is going to change that. If you were to say "well, some YE creationists don't accept "life ex nihilo", then you wouldn't have anyone questioning your honesty.

But denial isn't doing you any good.

The Oxford Engish dictionary has an entry for it:
ex nihilo
Pronunciation: /ˈeks ˈnē(h)əlō, ˈnī(h)əlō/
out of nothing: the fashioning of life ex nihilo by God

Ex Nihilo is Latin for "out of nothing." The Bible teaches that God spoke and created life "Ex Nihilo."

It's just a false doctrine preached by YECs.

One Eyed Jack

New member
But the fact remains.

No, Barbarian. You posted a link that refuted your own claim.

The guy is a YE creationist, and he's asserting "life ex nihilo." Just what you claim YECs don't do.

That's not what he's saying Barbarian. Go back and read the link. It's a quiz. You referenced a true-false question. The answer is false. Whoever made this quiz is claiming that life ex-nihilo is false, not true.

You failed. Try again, or give it up. But remember -- blogs don't count.

Ex Nihilo is Latin for "out of nothing." The Bible teaches that God spoke and created life "Ex Nihilo."

It's just a false doctrine preached by YECs.

First of all, this a link to a Christian ministry, not a YEC organization. Secondly, you conveniently left out rest of the quote.

As a young adult you may feel like your purpose in life means "nothing," but God is ready to speak to you, and create new life "Ex Nihilo."

Isn't that called quote-mining? I can think of a few other things to call it, as well.

The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
But the fact remains.

No, Barbarian. You posted a link that refuted your own claim.

Stamping your foot and insisting isn't going to help you. I showed you a number of sites, in which YECs assert life ex nihilo. Don't blame me, deal with them.

The guy is a YE creationist, and he's asserting "life ex nihilo." Just what you claim YECs don't do.

That's not what he's saying Barbarian. Go back and read the link. It's a quiz.

If so, what about the others?

One is an Oxford dictionary entry defining the doctrine. And two are from YE creationists asserting life ex nihilo. Precisely what you denied.

Ex Nihilo is Latin for "out of nothing." The Bible teaches that God spoke and created life "Ex Nihilo."

You failed. Try again, or give it up.

I don't think denial will help, Jack. If you want to claim that you don't believe it, that's one thing. But I've shown you that other YECs do believe it, and proclaim it on the net. Why is so hard for you to admit it? You don't have to believe it that way. If you don't want to go the full YEC way, it doesn't hurt anything. I'll be happy to agree that some of you don't believe in life ex nihilo. And if you really don't, then you're no more in conflict with scripture than theistic evolution is.

Learn from it.

And remember -- blogs don't count.

If they have a statement from a YE blogger, they do. Remember, it's what YECs believe.


New member
You failed. Try again, or give it up. But remember -- blogs don't count.

First of all, this a link to a Christian ministry, not a YEC organization. Secondly, you conveniently left out rest of the quote.

Barbarian is just Googling and pasting links in order to save face. He can't cite any YEC organization or Historical reference that supports his position. All the citations seem to off the cuff or uniformed remarks about Ex-nihilo creation.

One Eyed Jack

New member
One is an Oxford dictionary entry defining the doctrine.

Is the Oxford dictionary published by Young Earth Creationists?

And one is a YE creationist asserting life ex nihilo.

I've told you -- blogs don't count. And whoever made that quiz was asserting no such thing.

Ex Nihilo is Latin for "out of nothing." The Bible teaches that God spoke and created life "Ex Nihilo."

You haven't given any evidence at all that this is a YEC organization. And by leaving off the rest of the quote, you're presenting their message out of context. That's called equivocation, Barbarian. You should know better than that.

I don't think denial will help, Jack. If you want to claim that you don't believe it, that's one thing. But I've shown you that other YECs do believe it, and proclaim it on the net.

I've come across YECs who believe God put fossils in the ground to test our faith. That's not something many YECs believe, but a few have some crackpot ideas like that. You're trying to present them as mainstream, and that's dishonest.

The Barbarian

I would never present YECs as mainstream. They are a small offshoot of Christianity, and don't represent the norm at all.

But as you see, the YEC doctrine of life ex nihilo is still advocated by YECs. Apprently not all of you. But it's easy enough to find on the net, isn''t it?

some other dude

New member
barbie, you have a whole bunch of YEC's right here.

Instead of telling them what some other people on the internet think, why don't you ask them what they think?

The Barbarian

barbie, you have a whole bunch of YEC's right here.

I notice they went from not wanting to talk about it, to denying they ever believed it. Which is fine with me. If they wan't to dissent from that part of it, more power to them.

Instead of telling them what some other people on the internet think

Well, the argument seemed to be that YECs don't think like that. Clearly, some of them think so strongly enough to put it on the web for others.

some other dude

New member
I notice they went from not wanting to talk about it

That may be your take on it.

I saw it as more of a kind gesture to ignore the befuddled old guy who doesn't have a clue what he's raving about. :idunno:

, to denying they ever believed it.

Well, they'd be in a position to know better than you. :idunno:

Well, the argument seemed to be that YECs don't think like that. Clearly, some of them think so strongly enough to put it on the web for others.

Go argue with them. :idunno:


New member
The plants would have died within a week if the sun was not there.
The plants would not have been there at all, since they would have had no leaves or anything else. Plants do not exist in the first place without the Sun. Unless you want to add another miracle to your explanation.
As for the other light that existed before day 3, it was not as strong as that of the sun, otherwise there was no need for the sun. If it was as strong as the sun, the plants would have burnt to a crisp on day 4 when the sun was created.
But since it was always about as strong as it is now, we would not have plants today then; they would have burned to a crisp.
It would take a power source close to that of the sun to create light strong enough for plants to stay alive like the electrical light sources that keep them alive indoors today. You doubt me? take the area that a electric lamp shine on and multiply it until you reach the surface area that the sun reaches today. That is how much power you need from your other light source on days 1 through 3. Plants can survive for 24 hours without sunlight anyway, so the talk of another day 3 light source is moot.

Where did that original "light" from days 1-3 go? It's not there anymore, evidently. What did God do with it?

Did God create the light (or "let" it be), and then plants, and then coalesced the light into the Sun within a few days of creating the plants? I guess you could say that, nonsense though it obviously is.

Maybe that's why the second version of the story is different. So you believe one story, and not the other. It ain't easy being a literalist YE believer. And in your case, it takes a certain degree of intelligence to be stupid. A common situation among Americans today, especially Republicans like you.


New member
Sorry -- not acceptable. Anybody can make a blog.

You know I don't believe that, nor does any other YEC around here. Who do you think you're fooling, Barbarian?

You're the one who posted a link that flatly refuted your own claim. I just pointed it out. You'd think your training as a teacher would have alerted you to the fact that the answers were right beside the questions.

If god did not create these things ex nihilo, then something must have existed before the first day, even though it is called "In the beginning" (you know, the first words of the Bible, I'm sure ya remember...)


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Aw c'mon.

Be nice to the befuddled old duffer.

He tries so hard.
No, I think it is clear now that Barbarian's dishonesty trumps his ailing mind. His ailing mind led him to post a YEC with the correct answer as support for his red herring. But instead of showing a little humility and retracting his nonsense challenge, he's chosen to work overtime at putting as many posts as possible between him and his mistake.



New member
Hall of Fame
If they have a statement from a YE blogger, they do. Remember, it's what YECs believe.

So if i quote a blog from someone who is a stark crazy loon that happens to believe in old earth evolution theory, then i can claim you all believe that???????

And you have a scientific mind with logic like that??????

One Eyed Jack

New member
So if i quote a blog from someone who is a stark crazy loon that happens to believe in old earth evolution theory, then i can claim you all believe that???????

And you have a scientific mind with logic like that??????

I'm sure we could find some evolutionary blog by an atheist who denies the existence of God. Then we could ridicule The Barbarian for not fully embracing the evolutionary mindset.

But then again, I think I'd feel pretty sleazy adopting that sort of tactic. I've gotta live with myself, after all.