Oh I think the World was flat an existence only seen as far as the middle east when that prophecy was released!
The prophecy has little gumption, being as if God didn't think civilisation would reach the level of Knowledge an science?
Go to a primitive tribe in Africa,
teach them advanced spiritual truth; to the extent that they can comprehend it.
explain to them that they were "chosen" due to their superior, latent genetic make up; most likely to survive and establish an advanced culture.
Leave them alone to "evolve" for 1500 years; periodically upgrade the message and their calling using the "poets" within the tribe.
What would become of that message that you left them?
Then send a twentieth century renaissance man to them, alone,with a message that would challenge the theology they had "evolved'.
Jesus wasn't the Jewish Messiah, the problem wasn't Jesus, the problem was how that concept, and the Jews that developed it, evolved in the Hebrew consciousness, a nationalistic egotism.
Jewish converts to Jesus' religion, then the Christian religion established by Paul "FORCED" Jesus into the seat of David, into the Jewish concept of a redeemer for the nation of Israel.
When Jesus comes, it will be for a "visit".
This world won't end till the sun eats it.