toldailytopic: Is drinking alcohol a sin?

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The Dark Knight
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You made my point.
Paul actually wrote that at least one of those was not a sin, and in more general terms the other one wasn't either [out of the two remaining.] And based on that generalization the consumption of blood falls into the category of not being a sin.


New member
I was brought up in a really conservative Southern Baptist home by parents who never drank nor even kept alcohol in the house (no wine for cooking, etc.) At the same time, the topic was rarely discussed probably because neither I nor my siblings ever had the desire to drink... That, and my uncle was alcoholic and died of liver cancer at a young age. I guess unfortunate events like that trump the need to have discussions about it being right or wrong...

Now I enjoy a nice beverage from time to time. Brown ales and whiskey tend to be my flavors of choice. I do not think of it a sin to drink in moderation. (Although I was raised in an environment that led me to assume alcohol = bad.) As some have already mentioned, I agree that the Bible seems to be clear that drunkenness is sinful. And as far as I can tell, moderate drinking is acceptable.

I will say that I am thankful for being raised in a home where there was no access to alcohol. In early childhood, I might have been confused about the issue if I had witnessed my folks drinking. I personally don't plan on keeping alcohol around the house if someday I am blessed with having children.

Additionally, it's my opinion that drinking alcohol as a minor is not only sinful, it is irresponsible. And I would think that it is even more irresponsible for a parent to allow their child to drink, even if it is in the privacy of the home. Ultimately, children need to be raised to be responsible for themselves. And I think teaching by example is the best way to do that.


Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Not that I give my 3 year old alcohol, but why is it wrong for parents to let a 15 year old drink white wine at Thanksgiving? I never did that one etiher, but have seen it, and I don't see anything wrong with it. Or with kids shooting guns.


Well-known member
I have heard some folks say that was just grape juice. What do you think of that assertion?

I think their assertion misses the fact that the wine Jesus offered on Passover had to be alcoholic in order to be free from yeast, which was forbidden on Passover.

And to answer the OP question: No; but it is a sin to spill alcohol. :D


New member
Hall of Fame
Not that I give my 3 year old alcohol, but why is it wrong for parents to let a 15 year old drink white wine at Thanksgiving? I never did that one etiher, but have seen it, and I don't see anything wrong with it. Or with kids shooting guns.
Hopefully not at the same time. :chuckle:


Well-known member
No, but getting drink is a bad thing (a sin).

Getting drunk is not a sin; being a drunkard is a sin, according to scriptures.

That said, as Ghost pointed out, whatever is not of faith is sin. It has to do with what comes out of the person, not what goes into the person.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
I have heard some folks say that was just grape juice. What do you think of that assertion?

The people who think that, seem to have no idea why it was traditional to serve the good stuff first, but all drinkers know the answer.

John 2:9 When the master of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and did not know where it came from (but the servants who had drawn the water knew), the master of the feast called the bridegroom. 10 And he said to him, “Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine, and when the guests have well drunk, then the inferior. You have kept the good wine until now!”


New member
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It's the same word used in this verse "Do not be drunk with wine". It's a little hard to be drunk with grape juice.

john w

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"And from thence they went to Beer: that is the well whereof the LORD spake unto Moses, Gather the people together, and I will give them water." Numbers 21:16

End of thread.


Well-known member
I really do not have a clue what that means.

It means that one does the thing without doubt that he can do the thing. For instance, if I think I may be sinning by eating pork but eat it anyway, that is not eating by faith. Paul implies that such doubt damns one.

Make sense?


New member
By who's standards?

Since sinning is a biblical thing, it would obviously be by God's.

Can't believe you didn't get that?

It doesn't pertain to you, nothing is a sin to you.

It means that one does the thing without doubt that he can do the thing. For instance, if I think I may be sinning by eating pork but eat it anyway, that is not eating by faith. Paul implies that such doubt damns one.

Make sense?

I think I get it. So if I don't think smoking cigarettes is a sin, it's not, if it's questionable to me, it is?


Well-known member
I think I get it. So if I don't think smoking cigarettes is a sin, it's not, if it's questionable to me, it is?

Basically, you are correct. It has to do more with your state of mind than with your behavior.

But do me a favor: read this post (click the link); I think it may clear up any ambiguity.
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