toldailytopic: In eternity will TOL will have mattered?

Nathon Detroit

The TOPIC OF THE DAY for January 24th, 2012 10:17 AM

toldailytopic: In eternity will TOL will have mattered?

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The TOPIC OF THE DAY for January 24th, 2012 10:17 AM

toldailytopic: In eternity will TOL will have mattered?

I have NO DOUBT that everyone will be asked at the Pearly Gates how many POTD they received! :D

In reality, I don't know the answer to that question.

The truth of the matter is, I love TOL. The good, the bad, and the ugly...I love it all.

I am a better person for having ridden my horse through its hallowed halls.

I mean that, and I thank everyone for providing an environment in which we can express our beliefs and explore the truth.


Hall of Fame
Being that I am a non Christian and am not really certain whether there is an eternity (afterlife) after death, I can't really say.

However, for the here and now, it matters (well ... to me anyways).


I identify as a Christian
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How much impact TOL has for the eternal is yet to be written. The answer to this question isn't settled or set in stone.

Does TOL matter in eternity? Take a look at this that I found in the Archives.
OK. I am going to say this out loud, as I type it, so you can all see this.

Lord, I come to you a sinner. I ask you now for forgiveness. Please forgive me Jesus. I realise that you love me so much that you died on a Cross to save me from my sins. I repent of everything I have done, and, with your help, I promise to change my life - forever. I accept you into my heart right now as my Saviour.


My eyes mist over every time I read the portions of that thread where LMOHM gives his life over to Christ. The angels in Heaven were dancing for joy that day.

In eternity will TOL have mattered? The answer will have to be yes.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame

toldailytopic: In eternity will TOL will have mattered?

They already have TOL in heaven.
But there every post just says, "I told you so".


If I only pass Shema on to one person...

it would be worth it...

Glory! Shema changes the face of Christianity! To the Shekinah glory of God!

You heard it here first, folks.

Shema will shake up your world.

Nathon Detroit

I'm fairly certain there will be TOL in heaven and in hell. The only difference will be the members that post there. :D


New member
I'm fairly certain there will be TOL in heaven and in hell. The only difference will be the members that post there. :D

Didn't Jesus say something along the lines of, "I say to you that for every idle thread men may post, they will give account of it in the day of judgment"?


New member
Because of TOL, many people are being exposed to ideas that they are not being taught anywhere else. For some this only proves their beliefs are right, but others are finding their beliefs challenged and are spending more time studying to make sure their beliefs are right.

Some people are choosing to change what they believe, but others still think they have no choice in what they believe.

Everything shared and discussed on TOL matters in eternity since these things can change beliefs and it is only in believing on Jesus that a man will be saved.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
In eternity will TOL will have mattered?

Yes, because as I recently noted in the 15 year thread I've witnessed a few people come to Christ in part thanks to interactions here.

Luke 15:7


TOL Subscriber
In eternity will TOL will have mattered?

Yes, because as I recently noted in the 15 year thread I've witnessed a few people come to Christ in part thanks to interactions here.

Luke 15:7

I agree with Town. Absolutely this place has influenced folk and brought some to the throne. Praise the Lord!!