toldailytopic: If the government requires that you register your existing hand gun an


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame

toldailytopic: If the government requires that you register your existing hand gun and get fingerprinted will you comply?

No, I will not.

Requires that grandfathered weapons be registered under the National Firearms Act, to include:
- Background check of owner and any transferee;
- Type and serial number of the firearm;
- Positive identification, including photograph and fingerprint;
- Certification from local law enforcement of identity and that possession would not violate State or local law; and
- Dedicated funding for ATF to implement registration
I would be willing to do what it took to protect me in the event my possessions are stolen, especially if they are subsequently used in the commission of a crime. Beyond that, no.

Well, it keeps the law-abiding on the straight and narrow!
Because law abiding people are the ones who need that...[/sarcasm]

All attorney's are finger printed anyway.

:p Actually, it's part of the Bar process. Once you pass it and are an attorney you're considered trustworthy. :eek:
SO that's what they mean when they say, "Justice is blind."


Though they desperately tried to get the police to respond, even asking “Where were you when we needed you?” police would not show up for another 24 hours.

Yep - saw this the other day.

A lot of racist comments to wade through, but this jumped out:

As a further joke all the Hollywood liberals who lived in the hills above Koreatown feared for their lives and brought down some of their big cars to block certain streets which led up to their homes. It was alright to destroy other property but NOT THEIRS. The Koreans had it right. Shoot first at the rioters and deal with the consequences later. watts is still not really rebuilt and many liberals cannot figure out why!!

Christ's Word

New member
yes people have the right to say no, but through the ballot box.

People who take up arms to fight a democratic government are not called 'true Americans', they are called terrorists and they are the people the police have sworn to defend america against.

Because of the nature of your political system and the 2nd amendment to the constitution and the gun lobby. Gun control laws passed federally will need very strong public support and will most definitely be the will of most of the people.

This is exactly why we kicked idiots like you out of our country years ago. You miss a major point in American History, because you are not an American. Americans have a long history of using lethal force, justified by the courts when defending their God given rights that are enumerated in the Bill of Rights. If you don't recognize that because you are a stupid liberal, you are about to get a big wake up call, as are a bunch of other liberals. Just how many British regulars died while their leaders learned this lesson? Get a clue, before things get bad.