toldaily topic: Should Sara Palin run for office in 2012?

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Should she run? yes
Should she win? yes
Should Obama win, instead? yes
Did I just contradict myself? yes
Should you care? yes
Should I stop asking questions for now? yes

And this, my friends, is why everyone needs access to quality health care. :plain:


New member
Hall of Fame
Thank you!

(Now can you explain what I mean to me, please?) :chuckle:

It's like the scene in White Christmas where Bing and Danny honor General Waverly and the 151st Division.

I want to get the feelings I have when I watch that scene when I hear the future President of the United States speak.

Good, honest, decent, down-to-earth people are...well, good, honest, decent, down-to-earth people.

The salt of the earth, so to speak.

The ranchers and farmers and hunters and fisherman and steel workers and on and on and on.

I do understand this sentiment and having a down-to-earth person as President, or any elected office, could be a nice change of pace, but not Palin. Down-to-earth is nice if you have other stuff to back it up. She doesn't have anything else, in my opinion. I'd prefer someone like Ron Paul, who I view as down-to-earth and competent at the same time.


Honestly, 300 million people in the USA and she is the best that the R-people can come up with?

Granted, Sarah Palin wasn't born in Kenya and didn't have the important job of hustling food stamps as a community organizer on the southside of Chicago (qualifications for a democratic president if there ever was one), but she definitely is a marverick, and doesn't play "the good ole boys game" per se.

The Barbarian

McCain wasn't born in America, and he was allowed to run. Just saying. Obama was born in America, but one parent was not an American citizen. The law allows both to run for president.


New member
Granted, Sarah Palin wasn't born in Kenya and didn't have the important job of hustling food stamps as a community organizer on the southside of Chicago (qualifications for a democratic president if there ever was one), but she definitely is a marverick, and doesn't play "the good ole boys game" per se.

Nope, she plays the good ole Amurican game---lets make some $.

I think a Palin Jindal ticket would be a hoot


New member
Hall of Fame
Honestly, 300 million people in the USA and she is the best that the R-people can come up with?

No, she's not. She does, however, have an undeniable visceral appeal. That doesn't stop the fact that she's dull and, from many accounts, a downright unpleasant woman with a deep-seated mean streak and savage sense of entitlement.
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