Thread for tracking Michae Cadry's 11/9/2017 prophecy

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I do not trust predictions like this. Or knowledge from God or prophecy. I believe that God can tell a person something, yes. But, I highly doubt these words.

I observe the Jewish Calendar. It is Revi'i, 8-19. It is evening and night in this evening and morning or night and day calendar day.

Is this about following a particular person's words even if there is a development in what they say? I do not want to speak against someone though the time frame for what you have apparently recorded is almost up. Just be aware of what you are doing or accepting as true. Is there any reason not to trust this person, without speaking negatively about him? We should not speak negatively about someone else. What do we do with false prophets if this is prophecy, false prophecy? How is something like this dealt with? The time is not up, apparently. And I am asking about it and wondering about it.




Well-known member
Silly wrong divider playing with a eternal mystery beyond observation to carnal eyes, proclaiming time will manifest the kingdom that always existed, still just a spiritual babe Galatians 4:1, 2Cor 3:6 is the only division Paul taught from the allegorical scriptures that Rome perverted into secular history you suckle on like all traditional christians drink from 1Cor 3:2, Luke 17:20-21 the basics you can't discern.

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