Thread for tracking Michae Cadry's 11/9/2017 prophecy

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Dear musterion,

Guess who? I am starting to think that perhaps Nov. 9, 2017 might be too early for the Great Earthquake and Great Flood there in California. So there you have it. Does that mean I am a false prophet if it happens later in November, or December, or even as late as January?? Won't you soil your pants anyway when it does happen extremely soon?? Will it make so very much of a difference to you? Will it make me a liar and a Devil Worshiper?!! I am not worried about it at all. God will do what He will do. I am only the messenger. I can't wait to see what happens. It is just like waiting for Christmas!! Yippee!

Being The Best Trumpet Blower That I Can Possibly Be!

In other words, GOD never revealed to you that Nov. 9, 2017 would be the day of a great earthquake in California.


New member
The Lord tells me it shall be a 9.0 at the least. Is that good enough for you?? Also, the earthquake shall take place within three months.

Guess who? I am starting to think that perhaps Nov. 9, 2017 might be too early for the Great Earthquake and Great Flood there in California.

The Lord told you but now you are starting to think differently. You don't see anything wrong with this?


In other words, GOD never revealed to you that Nov. 9, 2017 would be the day of a great earthquake in California.

Dear Tambora,

Of course God never revealed to me that it would be on Nov. 9th, or any special day. I just said it shall be within 3 mos. to give Musterion a general time that it would happen. The Lord God Did Not tell me WORD FOR WORD what I spoke!! When I wrote it down, I was only estimating. I do know that it would be an Earthquake stronger than any earthquake since man has been on Earth, and that it would happen in Southern California or Phoenix, AZ. As far as I understand, it shall be a 9.0 or stronger on the Richter Scale, but it could be an 8.8 or something. Whatever is OVER the worst earthquake the Earth has ever had.

Again, I was just giving an estimate. I wasn't quoting the Lord word for word at the time, like 9.0 or whatever. When I have done that before about my visions, I have stated what an angel or the Lord told me exactly or so. No, the Lord only told me what I'm telling you here now. I was generalizing at the time, rather than going into every detail about it. This is what really happened to me, to explain it fully. And no, I do not know the day and hour! It will be ROUGHLY Three Months!!! Perhaps Musterion added 90 days to the day I told him and then figured it was Nov. 9th. I don't know or care. I'm giving you as much information now as I can, since you ask me to go into explicit detail!

The Earthquake shall be in Hollywood, L.A. and thereabouts and shall be a GREAT Earthquake. The Earthquake in Phoenix may be EVEN GREATER!! Either ONE, since man has been on Earth. I'm still not sure that I'm explaining this in as much detail as you or I would like. I am trying very hard. It shall happen ROUGHLY within 3 mos. or so, and THAT is my estimate or guess!! Does that give you a better idea now?? I'm trying to give you a time. I don't say everything I write on TOL in detail, unless I have specifically gone into it with MANY WORDS!

It is also true that the Islands shall MELT {fall into the sea} thereabouts. Shall I go into details? I'm not going to. It could be every island or just certain islands!! That is the detail that I will give you. That also probably means Goodbye Hawaii and Puerto Rico, but I assume and I also digress. It is written that the Earth shall Reel TO AND FRO like a drunkard in THAT DAY, and shall be UTTERLY removed out of her place. I am NOT going into detail about that. It is also written that HAIL larger than the weight of a Talent shall fall and that men shall curse God because of it, and that the plague shall be exceedingly GREAT, so it must weigh quite a bit. It all DEPENDS on if the Talent is weighed from ancient times, or sooner times. There is always A LOT involved.

If the Earth is going to be utterly removed out of her place, I would FIGURE that there will be A LOT of Earthquakes besides or to boot! So the Earthquakes in L.A. and Phoenix shall not necessarily be the only ones on Earth. Have I said enough? When these Earthquakes and other plagues happen, roads will be washed out or be blocked by trees, or debris, and help from surrounding areas will not be able to get through to assist with things. Tam, I am only letting you know this, without going into details about it all. It would take me many, many pages, and I can't do that here in a post. I just want you to understand that help will not necessarily come, and that there shall be havoc and confusion, and peoples' hearts failing them for fear of what they see happening on the Earth. I would suppose that the Lord shall leave some houses standing and some fallen. It is ALL up to Him.

Thanks Tons, And My Prayers Are With You When It All Happens!!



NOTE: I just did some checking and the strongest earthquake ever on Earth was a 9.5 on the Richter Scale. So that now means that the Earthquake the Lord was speaking about will be greater than 9.5. So see, I am doing my best to tell you what will happen. Amen.


Eclectic Theosophist
Dear freelight,

My intent was not to hurt your feelings, but instead to be sure that you have an ongoing and close relationship with Jesus and God. That is about all that I care about, for I know that, if so, I will see you in Heaven. I am hopeful. But it is up to you. I cannot do it for you. Try to imagine that Jesus is really there and then, connect with Him as a Savior and Brother, Teacher, and King. All of the words that He left behind are intricately important for us so as to learn our way to God and to understanding & loving Him.

I am trusting that our good friendship can weather the words we speak to each other. I think it can and I know that we both try to explain our feelings and learning to each other expressly. The very best to you on your stairway and path to Heaven. I wish this to everyone here on TOL, but foremost, to you, for I have known you for so long, and feel that you deserve to be with Him and God forever and ever. Some here at TOL already have a very close relationship with Jesus and God. I wish it for you, too!

Sincerely, In Christ,


Blessings Michael,

There are no worries, where 'God' is the ever-present, omni-present, all-pervading reality :)

Nothing can exist outside of the Infinite ONE, and that universal unity at the HEART of LOVE :)

God's Truth

New member
Blessings Michael,

There are no worries, where 'God' is the ever-present, omni-present, all-pervading reality :)

Nothing can exist outside of the Infinite ONE, and that universal unity at the HEART of LOVE :)

You are outside of God's love if you do not obey Him.

God's Truth

New member

If one is filled, permeated and inspired by love, surely he will do love's bidding. Since 'God' is love, love is the law, the sustaining, life-giving principle.

God tells us what to do and how to think to have love.

You go against Him.

You put a surfing smiley to go against what the written Word says, yet a surfer isn't surfing when they are getting tossed around by waves.


Dear All,

I have already said that I made an error back then to others when I made my previous foible. Look back and see the fact that I have. Have your fun for now?! Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. So I'm not perfect. You don't have to believe anything I have to say. Just see what time brings. Isn't it 'weird' that I prophecy of Great wildfires burning in California YEARS before it happens, and then a GREAT Earthquake, and a GREAT Flood, in my book, "What Your Eyes Have Not Seen?" You have seen the tremendous fires, now wait for the Earthquake and the Flood. See if I've been lying.

I don't really care if you believe me or not, to be honest. What in the world do I care if only you few people don't believe me, when I have tons of friends and family that do? They are closer to me and know that I am telling the truth. That's probably because I get to talk with them in person and on the phone, and can go into more detail about things. They also know of other experiences that I've had that HAVE COME TRUE!!

Oh well, pick your own poison: don't believe me and wait until it happens, or be warned beforehand and be ready, including warning any family or friends that you have in CA. It's totally up to you, especially if you LIVE THERE!! Get Out Now!!

I suppose none of you have made a mistake or two in your lifetimes. Yes, you will say how can I make a mistake prophesying? Well, you go ahead and have your own vision and see how much detail you can give about it. You only see so much in the vision. All of the other details are not necessarily given. I can now tell you that the Earthquake in CA or Phoenix shall be greater than 9.5. That's because I did a little checking. So that narrows down my vision's details a bit more. Remember that I was saying 9.0 before.

Yes, it may be longer from now than I thought it would be, but I do darn well my best! You go through it and you try to do better. Try walking in a man's shoes before you say how much better you could do the job!! You notice that when the Lord told Jonah to warn the city of Nineveh, God did not tell Jonah which DAY He would destroy Nineveh, or HOW. He just said He'd do it if they didn't get their act together. You didn't see the people there pummeling Jonah with these crazy questions. The ONLY reason that I gave musterion an estimate of things was because he PRESSED ME FOR IT EXCEEDINGLY! He knows it. Just like he keeps TAUNTING me now. That's what he did before.

So, I'm all wrong about everything?? Go ahead then, your lives are your own, so you're all on your own! I'm sorry that I even tried to warn any of you. What skin is it off of my back? Some of you are only like people who stoneth the prophets, just like they tried to stone the harlot, though she had made mistakes in her life. Jesus said NOT to stone her. Time will show reason to you, or at least, to some of you, for not letting a guy screw up once or twice.

I still see some good apples here hanging on the trees! I guess that I can't expect you to believe me if I've made a previous mistake, so whatever. Mark my words: Armageddon is coming to a HEAD, and after that, the Lord Jesus will return. I'm not saying where, or that I know which day or hour that He will. That is known ONLY by God. But I can warn you of my visions and you can see the signs around you, can't you? You don't??!

Sincerely, With Concern For All Of You, And God's Love In My Heart,

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Well-known member
Everyone makes mistakes sometimes.

God doesn't. Nor do His prophets.

So I'm not perfect.

Because you're no prophet.

You don't have to believe anything I have to say.

A true prophet would never say that because you'd know this isn't about YOU.

That's what you still don't get -- this is not about you, it's about what you say about the God who cannot lie. You've made Him out to be a liar before and you're doing it again now.

But for you this is ALL about Mikey getting attention by being controversial. You love it. You couldn't care less about how you're smearing God every time you lie in His name.

I don't really care if you believe me or not, to be honest.

Then quit posting your idiotic blasphemy.

8 days will prove how godless you are.

God's Truth

New member
Dear All,

I have already said that I made an error back then to others when I made my previous foible. Look back and see the fact that I have. Have your fun for now?! Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. So I'm not perfect. You don't have to believe anything I have to say. Just see what time brings. Isn't it 'weird' that I prophecy of Great wildfires burning in California YEARS before it happens, and then a GREAT Earthquake, and a GREAT Flood, in my book, "What Your Eyes Have Not Seen?" You have seen the tremendous fires, now wait for the Earthquake and the Flood. See if I've been lying.

I don't really care if you believe me or not, to be honest. What in the world do I care if only you few people don't believe me, when I have tons of friends and family that do? They are closer to me and know that I am telling the truth. That's probably because I get to talk with them in person and on the phone, and can go into more detail about things. They also know of other experiences that I've had that HAVE COME TRUE!!

Oh well, pick your own poison: don't believe me and wait until it happens, or be warned beforehand and be ready, including warning any family or friends that you have in CA. It's totally up to you, especially if you LIVE THERE!! Get Out Now!!

I suppose none of you have made a mistake or two in your lifetimes. Yes, you will say how can I make a mistake prophesying? Well, you go ahead and have your own vision and see how much detail you can give about it. You only see so much in the vision. All of the other details are not necessarily given. I can now tell you that the Earthquake in CA or Phoenix shall be greater than 9.5. That's because I did a little checking. So that narrows down my vision's details a bit more. Remember that I was saying 9.0 before.

Yes, it may be longer from now than I thought it would be, but I do darn well my best! You go through it and you try to do better. Try walking in a man's shoes before you say how much better you could do the job!! You notice that when the Lord told Jonah to warn the city of Nineveh, God did not tell Jonah which DAY He would destroy Nineveh, or HOW. He just said He'd do it if they didn't get their act together. You didn't see the people there pummeling Jonah with these crazy questions. The ONLY reason that I gave musterion an estimate of things was because he PRESSED ME FOR IT EXCEEDINGLY! He knows it. Just like he keeps TAUNTING me now. That's what he did before.

So, I'm all wrong about everything?? Go ahead then, your lives are your own, so you're all on your own! I'm sorry that I even tried to warn any of you. What skin is it off of my back? Some of you are only like people who stoneth the prophets, just like they tried to stone the harlot, though she had made mistakes in her life. Jesus said NOT to stone her. Time will show reason to you, or at least, to some of you, for not letting a guy screw up once or twice.

I still see some good apples here hanging on the trees! I guess that I can't expect you to believe me if I've made a previous mistake, so whatever. Mark my words: Armageddon is coming to a HEAD, and after that, the Lord Jesus will return. I'm not saying where, or that I know which day or hour that He will. That is known ONLY by God. But I can warn you of my visions and you can see the signs around you, can't you? You don't??!

Sincerely, With Concern For All Of You, And God's Love In My Heart,


Save yourself and repent.

Acts 2:40 With many other words he testified, and he urged them, “Be saved from this corrupt generation.” 41 Those who embraced his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to the believers that day.


God doesn't. Nor do His prophets.

Because you're no prophet.

A true prophet would never say that because you'd know this isn't about YOU.

That's what you still don't get -- this is not about you, it's about what you say about the God who cannot lie. You've made Him out to be a liar before and you're doing it again now.

But for you this is ALL about Mikey getting attention by being controversial. You love it. You couldn't care less about how you're smearing God every time you lie in His name.

Then quit posting your idiotic blasphemy.

8 days will prove how godless you are.

Dear musterion,

I said 'Everyone makes mistakes sometimes.' And you said, 'God doesn't. Neither DOES His prophets.' But you are wrong! Not that God does make mistakes. But sometimes His prophets DO!! Do you recall Jonah, one of God's prophets? How he decided to run from God instead of speaking to Nineveh? Well, Earth to musterion, Jonah made a MISTAKE!! So you are VERY WRONG about prophets of God not making mistakes. Does that make you a liar, or just a person who made a mistake about what God's prophets do?

Didn't Moses make a mistake too? That was the reason he wasn't allowed to go into the Promised Land. Did you forget? It was because Moses got a bit too proud and acted like it was HE WHO made the water come out from the rock by some power HE MIGHT HAVE HAD, when it was God Who did it!! Did Moses make a mistake too? Yes, he did, and he was a prophet also! Do you think him or Jonah were trying to 'smear God's Name?' Leave me the hell alone, musterion. You don't know WHAT you're talking about and you don't know MUCH AT ALL about GOD!! Nor HIS PROPHETS! You just know how to be HOLIER-THAN-THOU!! That's exactly what you know how to be! Get off of your high horse, and those of you here with you. You don't know the GOD I KNOW At All!! I do know HIM, but you evidently don't know Him WELL ENOUGH, yet!!

I never said I was Jesus. I MAKE MISTAKES!! Even Jesus got upset with the money changers and overturned their tables, so don't be surprised that I'm upset. Now, I also said, 'So, I'm not perfect.' And you said, 'Because you're no prophet.' Oh, but Musterion, I am indeed a prophet, and you will see God PROVE ME definitely soon enough!! You just THINK that I am No Prophet.

Don't give me that 8 days will prove how Godless I am. I already told you how I felt about that. It may be longer than 8 days and it may not be. I've already told you that umpteen times, but you keep on persisting your idiotic chant. God will bring things to pass when He is good and ready. I've learned that now and it's about time that you learned it too! So quit trying to impose your sentence on me. You already tried railroading me into something I didn't want to say in the first place, and I let you do it before, but NO MORE. I made a mistake roughly 2 years ago, but I've already apologized for that for 2 years now, and I am tired of saying I am sorry. I made a mistake, but I won't make it again. You will see what I've said COME TO PASS. There were no HISTORICAL FIRES burning before when I made my first mistake.

I am not seeking to be Controversial or an attention-grabber. I would just as soon live my life out as a humble, shy, server of God and Jesus. If I wanted limelight, I would have been all over the newspapers a long time ago!! I AM SHY!! I know all of the things that Satan will say to you to try to cause you all to not believe me. Vipers lurk in the most unseemly places, now don't they?

You would think that you'd be happy to know that the time of the Lord is at hand! That means that Jesus' 2nd Coming is thus, sooner, and no, I don't know the day and hour. But no, you act like you don't want to leave the Earth to go and be with Him and Our Father. I came to you all here with good news and you have turned it into a dread or something. You've been fighting with me over it since Day One!!

As time shortly progresses, you will see the End Times and more come to fruition. Remember that I told you all so. I could tell you even more to convince you, but I am not yet at liberty to talk about it. If that changes, I will let you know. Otherwise, you can go it ALONE, as you wish. And don't call me Godless. God IS with me!

With Sincerity And Concern,

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