Thread for tracking Michae Cadry's 11/9/2017 prophecy

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Lazy afternoon

A prophet does have to be mistake free to speak by direct inspiration of God.

All false prophets are liars, by definition. God hates lying tongues and all liars will be cast into the Lake of Fire.

You said I was going to hell.

You can struggle with that prophecy of yours.

You will try to make me go to hell just so you will not look bad.



A prophet does have to be mistake free to speak by direct inspiration of God.

All false prophets are liars, by definition. God hates lying tongues and all liars will be cast into the Lake of Fire.

Dear musterion,

C'mon? Jonah was a prophet? He was not mistake-free or he wouldn't have tried to run from God to keep from prophesying to Ninevah, and he spoke by direct inspiration of God. Everyone makes mistakes in their lives. God loves me, mistakes and all. Let HIM judge me Himself!

All liars will be cast into the Lake of Fire, according to you? You have then never ever lied in your lifetime? Thus, you are supposed to go to the same fire, being a liar also, according to your words here.

I am sorry that I got upset with you, and with glorydaz. I was just displeased with you both at times and should have striven to have even more patience. Since we are all Libras, perhaps we are harder on each other or too much alike! What day is Your Birthday? I will be 62 on October 12th.

Do you know that I do Not give a rat's behind if you get your L.A. earthquake on TIME or not, just as long as you DO get the earthquake?! I care much more about the whole Armageddon picture, what is going on around all of us here in the U.S. and in the World! It's getting CRAZY down here, even moreso!! That's what we should be concerned with right now.

Much Love, In Christ,


God's Truth

New member
Dear musterion,

C'mon? Jonah was a prophet? He was not mistake-free or he wouldn't have tried to run from God to keep from prophesying to Ninevah, and he spoke by direct inspiration of God. Everyone makes mistakes in their lives. God loves me, mistakes and all. Let HIM judge me Himself!

All liars will be cast into the Lake of Fire, according to you? You have then never ever lied in your lifetime? Thus, you are supposed to go to the same fire, being a liar also, according to your words here.

I am sorry that I got upset with you, and with glorydaz. I was just displeased with you both at times and should have striven to have even more patience. Since we are all Libras, perhaps we are harder on each other or too much alike! What day is Your Birthday? I will be 62 on October 12th.

Do you know that I do Not give a rat's behind if you get your L.A. earthquake on TIME or not, just as long as you DO get the earthquake?! I care much more about the whole Armageddon picture, what is going on around all of us here in the U.S. and in the World! It's getting CRAZY down here, even moreso!! That's what we should be concerned with right now.

Much Love, In Christ,


What don't you get about telling people the wrong date disqualifies you as a prophet forever?

In addition, speaking of horoscope signs is a sign one is doing wrong.

You are not supposed to be a 'Libra', you are supposed to have the traits of a Christian.

If you were any kind of prophet you would know that.

God's Truth

New member
You said I was going to hell.

You can struggle with that prophecy of yours.

You will try to make me go to hell just so you will not look bad.


You have falsely judged enough people as going to hell that you have so condemned yourself.

Matthew 7:2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

I would say that you both are in danger, just because you both have put it in your own hands to prophecy against so many others, one I know of that is not going to hell.

Lazy afternoon

You have falsely judged enough people as going to hell that you have so condemned yourself.

Matthew 7:2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

I would say that you both are in danger, just because you both have put it in your own hands to prophecy against so many others, one I know of that is not going to hell.

It is not my word but that of Christs and you are on the top of the list, you old bag.

No Christian believes the Son of God is only the Father in a mans body.

You totally reject Gods only begotten son.

You are just an old busy body meddling in the affairs of others, yet you claim to be obedient to God.

What a joke.


Lazy afternoon

Dear musterion,

What do you mean "She?" These 144,000 are all men, not women. See Rev. 14:4KJV.


I read that both men and women can be pure virgins to God.

Lets not confuse the Kingdom of God with the local church order of assembly.

Gal 3:27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
Gal 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
Gal 3:29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.



Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Dear musterion,

C'mon? Jonah was a prophet? He was not mistake-free or he wouldn't have tried to run from God to keep from prophesying to Ninevah, and he spoke by direct inspiration of God.
We'll know shortly if LA has a mass revival of repentance to evade their destruction.
I don't think the earthquake or the mass repentance is going to happen before your deadline.
So, the Jonah reference isn't going to get you out of this one.

God's Truth

New member
It is not my word but that of Christs and you are on the top of the list, you old bag.

No Christian believes the Son of God is only the Father in a mans body.

You totally reject Gods only begotten son.

You are just an old busy body meddling in the affairs of others, yet you claim to be obedient to God.

What a joke.


More false prophecies from you, and hypocrisy. I'm not an old bag and you, as well as others reply to posts here. Find a different familiar spirit?


Well-known member
It is not my word but that of Christs and you are on the top of the list, you old bag.

No Christian believes the Son of God is only the Father in a mans body.

You totally reject Gods only begotten son.

You are just an old busy body meddling in the affairs of others, yet you claim to be obedient to God.

What a joke.


UH OH....the rusted out pot calling the kettle black. What is this world coming to?


Well-known member
We'll know shortly if LA has a mass revival of repentance to evade their destruction.
I don't think the earthquake or the mass repentance is going to happen before your deadline.
So, the Jonah reference isn't going to get you out of this one.

Can Michael be compared to disobedient Jonah on this? He's not marching through the streets of L.A. warning people of the destruction to come upon them in 30 days lest they repent. So how much love does Michael actually have for L.A.? Michael is the only one who believes they're going to die in a month, but how will they hear if no one preaches?


What don't you get about telling people the wrong date disqualifies you as a prophet forever?

In addition, speaking of horoscope signs is a sign one is doing wrong.

You are not supposed to be a 'Libra', you are supposed to have the traits of a Christian.

If you were any kind of prophet you would know that.

Dear God's Truth,

You don't even KNOW God's TRUTH!! If I display 'traits' that please God, then that is very good. And I abhor astrologists, the same as psychics, fortunetellers, and magicians. I simply meant, by saying 'Libras,' that I had the same birthday as someone in late September and into the month of October.

Half of you here need a real attitude adjustment. You are like the blind leading the blind. You call yourselves Christians or religious, and you say that you know God and Christ, when you haven't got a clue! Don't you know that God gives you more than one chance to get things right?! He LOVES His Children and you, and WORKS WITH YOU!! So a man cannot always quit all of his sins in one day! That's how it is. Do you think that you tell your little son or daughter, don't play in the street, and they don't sometimes do it accidentally again? But they do learn and good for them. Forgive them 70 times 7.

Also, you don't seem to get the following through your thick heads, for all of you to whom this pertains! If I don't get an earthquake in southern CA, OR Phoenix, AZ, and that it is the greatest earthquake since man has been on Earth by Nov. 9th, it's okay, because I don't care about the date as much as the fact that I tell you it will happen and be the greatest ever! I saw a Great Earthquake happen in Southern CA after I saw all of the Great Brush Fires burning, and that is what I base my words on. I also believe Phoenix will have an earthquake. I don't know which one will be Greater. That's the best I can do. Can you do better?? Do you get it, or is their a wax buildup in your ears and eyes?! Get some Lemon Pledge, why don't you? I know what I SAW in the vision I had. I don't know every last detail. You don't like it, too bad!

I have scattered the power of the holy people here, because many of you here say you are holy, and yet you are FAR FROM IT!! And NO, I don't mean ALL of you!! You misunderstand my words so often! Why don't you go and read Daniel 12:7KJV? I think that I will never come back here again, and leave you all here to your own devices. If I come back, it will be to talk to some of my friends here, and I probably won't even get to do that.

I loved this TOL website, and loved some people here very much also. Now, I cannot stand the FUNDIES on here, and those who think they KNOW IT ALL!! So you've spoiled it all for me. I must go! Fight amongst yourselves instead. Don't drag me down with you!!

Despite It All, Much Love, In Jesus Christ,

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To All,

I will try to be even more clear here and explain things even better. I know that one of these two witnesses and prophets shall die in Phoenix, AZ. I know that one of them is me. You don't believe me, tough! After that happens, there will be a great earthquake in Phoenix, or somewhere, possibly Southern CA. I don't know if I can say SPECIFICALLY Hollywood/L.A. or not and I don't know WHICH earthquake will be the Greatest!

But I do KNOW that I had a Great Vision about California, and possibly hone it down to Hollywood, CA. I saw in the vision Great Brush Fires burning, from lightning striking the dry brush, and the angel said that that it shall be utterly burned with fire. I don't know if that means just L.A./Hollywood or the entire state of California. That wasn't quite made clear to me in the vision. Everything is not always included, do you get it?

After the brush fires, I heard the Lord say, "Come out of her {California}, my people, that you do not receive of her plagues, which shall come in ONE DAY: death, famine and mourning!" Then I saw a GREAT EARTHQUAKE there in what I perceived to be Hollywood/L.A. or perhaps it was ALL of California. I'm doing my best!

And I heard that, where the earthquake happened, it shall be thrown down with great violence and shall not be found any more!! And I saw land being covered by a great amount of water. It could be that the land fell into the ocean, or that there was a huge flood there. All I know is that I saw Hollywood/L.A. {or all of California} have Great Brush Fires, and a Great Earthquake, and then a Great Flood!! Now, mark my words, that will ALL happen soon, just as I've tried to tell you here. All three things shall happen. But it may be done over a bit of time.

You see, God DOES work in mysterious ways, and though I saw these things happen quickly in the great vision that I had, that doesn't mean that the fires, earthquake, and flood all happened in ONE day!! So, please, quit draining me and asking me for dates and all. You will see it happen!! Is that enough for you thirsty bloodsuckers {some of you}?!

I tell you what I saw. I'm sorry to get angry or whatever. It is a mild anger or upset that I feel. But I am tired of people giving me guff about my Great Vision!! So there you have it! I have had MANY THINGS happen to me and I have only shared ONE vision with you, and it has taken all of this to explain it to you! When you see a vision, it all happens Fast. But that doesn't mean it happens quite that fast in actuality. I just figure that you will Never understand me or my visions.

I had another vision about two tornadoes in the Eastern U.S. and one was white and one was black, and there were perhaps other black tornadoes also, but only one white one happened. And they ran for a path of 200 miles, which is 1,600 furlongs. There are 8 furlongs in one mile. And this is also foretold of in Rev. 14:14KJV, and I was told that it happened from Brandenburg, Kentucky northwards through Xenia, Ohio. I have told it to you. It is perhaps a bit vague, but it is what I saw, it is real, and it is what I share with you all as I witnessed it in the vision, and that's why I am called a Witness who will come and Prophecy!! I tell you {Prophecy Of} what I have Witnessed {Seen or Heard} that which was Of God. Do you understand now?

I have had so very many things happen to me from angel visits, visits from the Lord, visions, signs, etc. The first sign that God ever sent for me was when I worked at ABC-TV in Manhattan. God told me that He would send 7 inches of snow upon the New York Daily News Building, which was the home of the NY Daily News, a newspaper, whom I had written to telling them of some of my experiences which came from God.

The snow was to prove that God was Actually with me and it came, and scared one reporter out of his wits. And he called me on the phone and asked what I wanted, and I said, a 3-hour interview. I got the interview, but in the end, he said that false prophets would come and do signs and wonders too, so the sign of snow from God was All for Nothing!! People just like to call True Prophets: False Prophets. They have done it from the Very BEGINNING to most ALL of the Prophets!!

So, I don't give everyone signs because an evil generation asks for a sign, and there shall be none, except us two prophets dying and coming back to life in our bodies after 3 and 1/2 days!! You don't believe it, too bad!! It will happen! I'm tired of unbelievers!! Okay, I guess I'd best get going, because I could tell you all of my secrets and experiences, and where does it get me when you will just call me a False Prophet after all of my work trying to write to you and explain it all to you?!! Satan makes you think and call me a false prophet, that's all. The REAL Prophets, Satan tells people to call False Prophets, but the actual False Prophets that come from Satan, get believed by people and the followers end up getting poisoned to death by Kool-Aid, or kill themselves waiting for some extraterrestrial aliens, or whatever.

I am tired of it all. You will see it all unfold as Armageddon continues it's path into reality. God will show you all in the end that He was with me, so I have very little to fear from any of you, and I KNOW that. After the End Times, there will still be people left on Earth, from all that I understand. If I'm wrong about it by some chance, then time and God will show that, too! What is it to you what God decides to actually cause to come to pass. Will you strive with your Maker all the time? You have the audacity to call me a False Prophet, so you will do anything that the devil entices you to do. It is that simple.

I love you even though you don't realize it. Bye, children!! Don't forget that God will not desert you as long as you don't desert Him. Keep your faith always!! It is not a misplaced function! You will learn that God is without doubt the One in charge, regardless of What the devil says. Be Strong and FAITHFUL/LOYAL, and He shall give you beautiful things!! No matter what Satan says to you, don't believe it! Every time he speaks to you, ignore him. He is a lying, conniving, scheming, man-soul. He is evil and a master at deception. Don't stay deceived by him. Learn and grow. You will go through many experiences. They happen to refine your spirit and soul into that which is more precious than diamonds or gold. This happens so that you will be immune to anything the devil says to you, and you can remain in Heaven without falling from it at any time. Best to learn what you need to know beforehand instead!!

NONE of you that have chatted with me have EVER been visited by the Holy Spirit/Ghost, yet many of you CLAIM to have had such. I tell you this: it is an indescribable, rare, unique and Great Experience, and it has certain traits or characteristics. None of you have ever explained to me how it felt to be visited by the Holy Ghost and, if it happened to you, you would explain the marvel of it. So, since you can't explain to me how it felt when you were visited, I don't believe it ever happened. Rather, I KNOW it didn't. You haven't even been baptized by the Holy Ghost and you think you have; but it comes only to certain sons and daughters, so don't despair. You may experience it yet some day.

The meek shall inherit the Earth. I'm also just 'wondering' if Jesus will only be seen by the U.S.A. when He returns. Perhaps China and Russia will not see Him. This thing I am not sure of. It does not mean that all of the rest that I've said here is false, because it is not. I am just letting it be known that God will surprise us with everything that happens! And the Earth will undergo upheaval and the continents, or even the poles, will possibly shift. It is written that the Earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be utterly removed from her place in that day. Perhaps there will be only the continents of Gog and Magog in the future. I don't have ALL of the answers. I'm not God. He has Trump Cards to play all of the time. He is one smart cookie, to say the least. God is Unfathomable and Omnipotent and Jesus, Too!! Well, that does it from me. I know what I've said here to you will help see you through the hellish times that you may go through in your future.

Tons Of Love During The Times That Come,

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Can Michael be compared to disobedient Jonah on this? He's not marching through the streets of L.A. warning people of the destruction to come upon them in 30 days lest they repent. So how much love does Michael actually have for L.A.? Michael is the only one who believes they're going to die in a month, but how will they hear if no one preaches?

Dear musterion,

I'm not marching in the streets of L.A. because I've already tried warning Jerry Brown, who was their ex-governor. I wrote to him. I have warned them on Facebook and Twitter. I have also warned L.A. in my book, "What Your Eyes Have Not Seen." And in many other ways also. Read my book. You have no idea of all that I have done. You can read my book for FREE online. I have made it possible to go to:
Go there and then left-click on the words, 'Book Copy.' Then click on the words, 'SKU-text2.pdf' It will bring you to my book.

The first two pages are blank because they are for autographs and/or reader's notes. The third page has my Book Title on it. There are 87 pages to read and they are all small pages and easy to read indeed. Use your up and down arrow cursor keys to navigate the pages. Read it on your computer screen or download it onto paper, if you like. It mentions some of the great experiences I've had in my life and my visions, angelic visits, etc.

How will they hear if no one preaches? What do you think I've been doing for years?? They've been warned by the scientists also. They just shrug it off and continue to live there. Of course, I love them and God Loves Them. But, those who die escape the evil and rough times to come! I am not POSITIVE that they will die in '30 days' and I also don't know if they will ALL die! Some won't. They might be in a plane traveling somewhere and miss the Earthquake altogether! There are many variances and your scope of sight is too narrow.

You are going to find it all out like everyone else. You can post here anything you like. It won't change what God decides to do. If He does it 40 days from now instead of 30, you will still be in shock at what comes to pass. And you will remember that I told it to you beforehand. I'm done with this, musterion.

Your Brother, In Jesus Christ, Our Precious And Excellent Savior,



Well-known member
Your verbose postings betray a lack of confidence, and delusion.

I can't wait to see how you exonerate yourself and blame God when nothing happens in 30 days.

God's Truth

New member
Dear God's Truth,

You don't even KNOW God's TRUTH!! If I display 'traits' that please God, then that is very good. And I abhor astrologists, the same as psychics, fortunetellers, and magicians. I simply meant, by saying 'Libras,' that I had the same birthday as someone in late September and into the month of October.

Half of you here need a real attitude adjustment. You are like the blind leading the blind. You call yourselves Christians or religious, and you say that you know God and Christ, when you haven't got a clue! Don't you know that God gives you more than one chance to get things right?! He LOVES His Children and you, and WORKS WITH YOU!! So a man cannot always quit all of his sins in one day! That's how it is. Do you think that you tell your little son or daughter, don't play in the street, and they don't sometimes do it accidentally again? But they do learn and good for them. Forgive them 70 times 7.

Also, you don't seem to get the following through your thick heads, for all of you to whom this pertains! If I don't get an earthquake in southern CA, OR Phoenix, AZ, and that it is the greatest earthquake since man has been on Earth by Nov. 9th, it's okay, because I don't care about the date as much as the fact that I tell you it will happen and be the greatest ever! I saw a Great Earthquake happen in Southern CA after I saw all of the Great Brush Fires burning, and that is what I base my words on. I also believe Phoenix will have an earthquake. I don't know which one will be Greater. That's the best I can do. Can you do better?? Do you get it, or is their a wax buildup in your ears and eyes?! Get some Lemon Pledge, why don't you? I know what I SAW in the vision I had. I don't know every last detail. You don't like it, too bad!

I have scattered the power of the holy people here, because many of you here say you are holy, and yet you are FAR FROM IT!! And NO, I don't mean ALL of you!! You misunderstand my words so often! Why don't you go and read Daniel 12:7KJV? I think that I will never come back here again, and leave you all here to your own devices. If I come back, it will be to talk to some of my friends here, and I probably won't even get to do that.

I loved this TOL website, and loved some people here very much also. Now, I cannot stand the FUNDIES on here, and those who think they KNOW IT ALL!! So you've spoiled it all for me. I must go! Fight amongst yourselves instead. Don't drag me down with you!!

Despite It All, Much Love, In Jesus Christ,


You are a bad person.

False Prophet

New member


i have an update! jesus is coming back on oct 15 instead! the san andreas fault is going to let loose with a big fissure, and california is going into the sea with a great crash; then will jesus appear in the sky, and everyone will take off for heaven in the rapture


take that for a false prophet :chuckle:
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