The Preterist punk is so obsessed, such a habitual liar, he can't think straight...Observe, either a demon possessed pawn of satan, so obsessed with satisfying the devil/his obsession, that he lies, more than he cries/blinks, or is on haseesh-no other option. Observe, the continued deception........The law ended at the cross.
The OC ended in 70AD.
No catch, just you guys being ignorant of scripture.
The OC included the law....The OC ended in AD 70...The law ended at the cross..The feasts are part of the law...
Thus, the OC, which included the law, did not end until AD 70, and yet, the law was nailed to the cross, according to this demon infested Preterist punk.
No scripture asserts that the law ended at the cross, you muttering idiot. despite your secular humanizing the reason it did. The law, which included the feasts, as you, on record, agree, continued after the cross, and the law has not been abolished, "ended," as you satanically assert, as it still serves purposes today, 2 of which being:
-so the lost can know what sin is, so that the can be convicted, and thus...
-be led to the Lord Jesus Christ, the law being the "schoolmaster."
You've been shown the verses, that Paul wrote, discussing the purpose of the law, including the above, but your daddy the devil keeps telling you to deny it, and just spam, "Darby....You are confused...Bullingher.........Darby..."
Deceiving Preterist punk-most of TOL sees through your con job/scam.