I seriously don't know how you Calvinists do this. Inside of one sentence, you say that something is nonsense and then affirm the very thing you just said was nonsense!How so?
Nonsense . . the definition of Just has to do with righteous character of God that only wills and performs good.
The definition of just and the definition of righteous is the same definition, Nang. The two words mean the same thing. In Hebrew, they don't even use two different words.
Hebrew word for Justice
Hebrew word for Righteousness
Does this include predestination?God's justice has nothing to do with any hypotheticals, corrupt man might conjure up.
Does this include punishing people for things when they were not capable of doing otherwise by your god's own decree?
Is Hell a reality, Nang?A reasonable, logical man deals with reality . . not "what ifs."
You believe that God REALLY will send people to Hell for NO REASON other than that it's what God wants to do!!!
So are you saying that what justice is for man is not necessarily justice for God?A faithful man deals with the tangible history of what God has actually accomplished and done, and he worships the divine attributes of God, which includes perfect righteousness and perfect grace as well as justice dispensed upon mankind.
What if a man punished another person for something they had no control over. Let's say a king passes a law that states that all men, past the age of 30, are to be executed if they were born on a Thursday. Would that be just?
How do you know?
I'm doing no such thing!You are attempting to redefine an attribute of God, while blaming such a blasphemous horror on me.
I am directly responding to what you said, Nang!
You DO NOT believe that God is justice, you believe that God is super-just. That is to say that you believe that God is an antecedent to justice, not the other way around. "Just" doesn't describe God, God decrees what justice is. That is specifically what Clark believed (I can quote him if you like) and is what most, if not all of Reformed theology teaches. You simply lack the understanding of your own doctrine and/or the linguistic skill required to articulate it. But I know your doctrine better that you do, your constant insistence to the contrary notwithstanding.
If your doctrine is correct, everything I think, say, believe, type or accuse you of thinking, saying or believing was all predestined, unalterably by your god before I ever existed and every syllable that appears on this website is part of your god's eternal plan and decree such that I could not do otherwise.I will not accept what you want to project upon me, nor will I ever admit to what unbelief and criticisms you harbor against God in your own heart. You will have to answer to God for your doubts and invented scenarios that attempt to put blame upon His holy Person . . not me.
If you have a problem with what I say, take it up with your god.
Really?No, the Calvinist does not believe God could or has a part with any of such sins.
You don't believe that God created billions of creatures and will send them to burn alive forever in Hell for no reason at all (aside from that it pleased him to do so)?
Are you denying that you believe that, Nang?
Clark believed it! Calvin believed it. Every Calvinist you can name believed/believes it!
As for the other two, of course, no one believes that and I wasn't suggesting that you do. I said that IF you did believe that your god had done such things, it wouldn't alter your belief that he is just. The concept of justice would simply we widened sufficiently to allow for the inclusion of such actions on your god's part.
There's no point in denying it, Nang. I've been debating Calvinist for decades and this is always the argument they put forward. Whatever God does, is just because justice does not define God, God defines justice - by decree.
"Christians generally, even uneducated Christians, understand that water, milk, alcohol, and gasoline freeze at different temperatures because God created them that way. God could have made an intoxicating fluid freeze at zero Fahrenheit and he could have made the cow’s product freeze at forty. But he decided otherwise. Therefore behind the act of creation there is an eternal decree. It was God’s eternal purpose to have such liquids, and therefore we can say that the particularities of nature were determined before there was any nature.
Similarly in all other varieties of truth, God must be accounted sovereign. It is his decree that makes one proposition true and another false. Whether the proposition be physical, psychological, moral, or theological, it is God who made it that way. A proposition is true because God thinks it so." - Gordon H. Clark; The Trinity Review, Dec. 1980
Similarly in all other varieties of truth, God must be accounted sovereign. It is his decree that makes one proposition true and another false. Whether the proposition be physical, psychological, moral, or theological, it is God who made it that way. A proposition is true because God thinks it so." - Gordon H. Clark; The Trinity Review, Dec. 1980
According to Calvinism, God is NOT moral (i.e. just/righteous - same thing)! "Just" does not describe (define) God's character but rather the other way around. God is supra-moral, supra-righteous, supra-just.
Interestingly, Clark does not say that God is supra-logic! Rather, he rightly proclaims that Logic is God (John 1). A great many Calvinists wanted to boot him from their ranks for this idea but they failed primarily on the basis of being unable to deny that this is precisely what the first chapter of John explicitly states. Nevertheless, the vast majority of Calvinists place God above logic in the same manner that Clark places Him above every other idea. What he should have realized is that justice and all things moral are nothing but a derivative of Logic. God is morality in the same manner in which He is Logic because Morality is Logic and Logic is Morality. The difference lies only in the application of the same concept.
Who else is going to have sent them there?What you are claiming, is that IF many sinners go to hell, it is God's fault.
And your doctrine specifically teaches that people are not sent to Hell because of what they have done but because God chose to overlook them when he arbitrarily elected those who won't go to Hell.
“God is moved to mercy for no other reason but that he wills to be merciful.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 22, Paragraph 8)
“… predestination to glory is the cause of predestination to grace, rather than the converse.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 22, Paragraph 9)
“Therefore, those whom God passes over, he condemns; and this he does for no other reason than that he wills to exclude them from the inheritance which he predestines for his own children.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christia/n Religion, Book 3, Chapter 23, Paragraph 1)
No, you do not!Calvinists teach it is the fault of the sinner if he is condemned to hell by God.
I can quote these all day long if you like....
“We cannot assign any reason for his bestowing mercy on his people, but just as it so pleases him, neither can we have any reason for his reprobating others but his will.” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 22, Paragraph 11)
If that falling short was something we had chosen to do, this would be an accurate statement but that isn't what you believe. If a man falls short it's because God decreed that he would do so before he ever existed. His fall has been, since eternity past, part of God's unalterable, sovereign plan and the man had no choice but to do that which God had decreed a billion trillion years before time began.And even if God condemned all to hell, it would still be the fault of the sinners . . not God. God would be just to condemn all of us to hell because we have all fallen short of His glory.
“The devil, and the whole train of the ungodly, are in all directions, held in by the hand of God as with a bridle, so that they can neither conceive any mischief, nor plan what they have conceived, nor how muchsoever they may have planned, move a single finger to perpetrate, unless in so far as he permits, nay unless in so far as he commands, that they are not only bound by his fetters but are even forced to do him service” (John Calvin, Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 1, Chapter 17, Paragraph 11)
Meaningless in the Calvinist worldview. God, according to your doctrine, could have accomplished the same by snapping His fingers.But God, through the sacrifice of the life of His Son, saved many from their deserved fate and everlasting death.
I do not find fault with God but with the idiotic, unjust, unwise, unkind, unhealthy, irrational bully idol that you worship.Why do you not focus on His grace, rather than find fault with God for executing justice upon reprobates?
Resting in Him,