The Trinity

The Trinity

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God's Truth

New member
We are all our spirit. Our body is alive because of our spirit inside of us. Our flesh affects our spirit. our spirit grows with our flesh and changes by what we do with our flesh. When we die, our flesh is dead and our spirit lives on. When one is saved we receive the Holy Spirit to make our own spirit grow more spiritual. When one rejects the Christ, his or her spirit lives only to please their flesh with sin, and the spirit is diminished and hell bound.

We are all flesh and spirit. Some people who only want to live to please their flesh, they cannot please God and they reject God who says not to live to please their flesh. What pleases the flesh? What pleases the flesh is fornication, adultery, stealing, lying, alcoholism, drugs, etc.

What pleases God and makes the spirit stronger and is opposed to those things.

The people who are more spiritual minded in life, they hear the gospel and want to be saved.

Those who love only to please their flesh cannot submit to God's way.

They are not thirsty for the Truth.

There are many false religions and doctrines for those who do want more out of this life. They try to come to God but are ensnared by the devil to believe in false religions and doctrines.

Satan comes and masquerades as an angel of light.

Who are these getting fooled and why?

People are getting fooled by not obeying what the Way says to do.

I have found in the Bible that there is just one scripture, if all would believe and obey, could stop false religions and false doctrine from even beginning. Thank You God, Father in heaven, for Your Powerful Word, Jesus Christ. Amen.
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God's Truth

New member
I don't say they are "people" at all. You're the one who keeps saying "people".

Truly, talking to you is like talking to a brick wall. :think:

You say "them"......... "Them" what? What are "them"? What form do these "them" take?

You say the Father is not the Spirit but a Person. What person does not have their own spirit? You say the Son has a man's spirit, but it is never spoken of anymore and only the Holy Spirit is spoken of and is a proxy Spirit for the Father and the Son.

That is a false doctrine and it cannot be supported by scripture.

God's Truth

New member
I don't say they are "people" at all. You're the one who keeps saying "people".

Truly, talking to you is like talking to a brick wall. :think:

You say "them"......... "Them" what? What are "them"? What form do these "them" take?

What you say is strange, unnatural, and untruthful.

You say the Father is a Person, and He is, a Person without flesh. The scriptures say He is a Spirit and Jesus Christ's flesh is His flesh.


Well-known member
I'm glad you were able to make the inference somewhat correctly, though. Moving on.
:think: It seemed to have had to have been one or the other. Some, as you probably can imagine, ask, but don't really want an answer, just giving vindictives from their staunch positions. It winds up just being fighting on a triune board. I have to wonder if they are just contentious and not really here for any other reason. I do, unfortunately, question their spirituality in our Lord Jesus Christ because of it. I'm pleased you are the other guy from that and assumed you were not of the former. I've seen you treat discussion as if truth is more important than posturizing our respective beliefs. :e4e:

I would agree that those passages show, without a doubt, that the Word, and man and heaven and all there of and there from is all of GOD alone. That in no way way makes all things GOD. there is a word for that but it isn't Christian. I think it's pantheistic.
But Panentheism,is. Ephesians 4:6 Colossians 1:17
What? That doesn't make very good sense to me. The word "of" denotes division. A peice of a whole, and if what you are saying is right then the culmination of creation put together would equal GOD. Thqt is very wrong on many levels, but the simplest to convey is that for such to be true then that would mean that the fullness of GOD was expended in the creation of existence.
Not Pantheism, Panentheism.

Moving on. Oh yeah....i apologize for the exceptional amount of scripture, but it is indeed pertinent to your point and needed to maintain context in my opinion.
I think that is fair for expectation. If you are ever worried about it, put {spoiler] in front of the verses listed and [/spoiler} after replacing { and } for [ and ].

And also; thank you for the change in demeanour, it will be at very least, reciprocated.
As I said, I like you. Demeanor is the difference between a challenge to something as well as answering questions. I think I was more addressing the material between us, if you will. However, as I've said, I have liked you from the day you arrived on TOL. However that plays out, I believe our best gift to each other is to speak what we know to be true and examine ourselves after to be sure what we believe is true, holds up. For me, that is the greatest gift to one another on TOL. It helps us be made and molded by scriptures (and the reason I'm glad for your scriptures in length). -Lon

John 10: 1. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. 2. But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. 3. To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out. 4. And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. 5. And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers. 7. Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. 9. I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. 10. The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. 11. I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. 12. But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep. 13. The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep. 14. I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. 15. As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep. 16. And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. 17. Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. 18. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father. 24. Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him, How long dost thou make us to doubt? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly. 25. Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Father's name, they bear witness of me. 26. But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you. 27. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: 29. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. 30. I and my Father are one. 33. The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God. 34. Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? 35. If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; 36. Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God? 37. If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not. 38. But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him.

There is no mental Gymnastics needed to grasp that Jesus being one with GOD is due to his following GOD.
I disagree. I believe that it IS mental gymnastics. Moments before, John 10:33 It was CLEAR to the Pharisees that Jesus claimed to be God. Mental gymnastics, as far as I understand scripture, is missing that. Somehow, very clearly, Jesus communicated He was God. Imho, you missed it. John 14:7

That doesn't mean he followed himself.
Modalism. As I've said, I agree with about half of what an Arian says, about half of what a modalist says. Triune could be partly understood as being "1/2 Unitarian/Modal -ism."
Him being the door and the way and the Shepard to and for GOD isn't the same as Him literally being wholly GOD as flesh.
:nono: Which is why I only agree with about half of what you believe. John 1:3 1 Timothy 1:3 then 1 John 4:2 "came in the flesh." Words mean something. If we don't acknowledge those words, we are no longer being molded by scripture, but molding scripture to OUR expectations. There is NO WAY I could be triune if scripture didn't mold me as such. It is NOT intuitive. God isn't a man nor does He think like a man. Numbers 23:19

-- Thank you, btw, for looking up and reading and studying scriptures with me on all this, of course it should not be something to 'thank' because it is the soul of a man who belongs to God, to know his/her God, but yet, it is refreshing to see a love for Him and His scriptures! Thus, I thank you for refreshing my soul with such. In Him.

That doesn't mean the Spirit didn't wholly fill the Temple of GOD though, to the glory of GOD.
Did you ever contemplate that the Lord Jesus Christ has authority over that Spirit? John 20:22
Is a word spoken and of? Is begotten formed and created?
When it comes to the Lord Jesus Christ, if we 'assume' we are wrong. He was/is unique. Imho, this is speculative surmising.

What tramples the words ascribed to blessed Isaiah and John is that some want to equate man to GOD due to tradition and seeming lack of discernment and/ or comprehension due to said tradition brought about by the conjecture or outright deception of others.
We are wholly in disagreement. I am Trinitarian because it is the ONLY position that makes scriptural sense. Like I said, scripturally, I agree with about half of your scriptural ideas, specifically, because they are scriptural. The problem is, I/we see half of what you believe as scripturally untenable. All any other would have to do, is PROVE from scripture we Trinitarians are wrong. To date? :nono: Even you are on about 'tradition.' It is a scapegoat, a rabbit trail, a nothing. I don't care about tradition OTHER than if it aligns with scripture. "Tradition" then, is a strawman and really a waste of time and breath. SHOW scripture and see if someone agrees. You already know where we don't in this thread. Any discussion BUT scripture is a red-herring and a waste of time in most cases (clarification discussion is often helpful).
perceivable truths; but that in no way makes the begotten Son co[-]etetnal with the invisible Creator GOD.
I gave scriptures to contemplate otherwise. see John 16:28 among many others. To me, it does not look scripturally tenable that the Lord Jesus Christ is a 'created' being. His flesh was made, but to think the Creator is a creature is never expressed. Why you'd believe it, then, MUST be extra-biblical extrapolation. There is no other possibility. No scripture says the Lord Jesus Christ was created. I further believe the ONLY place you could have gained such an idea is from a heretic. Imho, it CAN'T come from scripture.

John 1:1 John 17:5 Psalm 90:2 Colossians 1:16-18 Hebrews 7:3;13:8

Philippians 2:6-7 1 Timothy 3:16 John 1:1,14 2 Corinthians 13:3,4

Philippians 2:7 Matthew 20:28 2 Corinthians 8:9

Matthew 10:18 John 10:11 Matthew 28:18 Philippians 2:7

Colossians 1:19; 2:9 John 3:35; 16:15; 17:10

sorry if a scrambled mess; I'm trying to get used to adjustments made on app, and also just finally realized how to quote people....sorta (or not). I hope it worked. (but it didn't)
I appreciate the attempt!

Quick help tutorial of the way "I" do it:

I highlight sentences I want to respond to and hit the "Quote" button above (the dialogue balloon

I delete any sentence I don't want to respond to.

Next, I respond between the quote marks.

Finally, I copy the first quote: [QUOTE=Lon;# and paste it over all of the [QUOTE}'s :e4e: -Lon


New member
:think: It seemed to have had to have been one or the other. Some, as you probably can imagine, ask, but don't really want an answer, just giving vindictives from their staunch positions. It winds up just being fighting on a triune board. I have to wonder if they are just contentious and not really here for any other reason. I do, unfortunately, question their spirituality in our Lord Jesus Christ because of it. I'm pleased you are the other guy from that and assumed you were not of the former. I've seen you treat discussion as if truth is more important than posturizing our respective beliefs. :e4e:

But Panentheism,is. Ephesians 4:6 Colossians 1:17
Not Pantheism, Panentheism.

I think that is fair for expectation. If you are ever worried about it, put {spoiler] in front of the verses listed and [/spoiler} after replacing { and } for [ and ].

As I said, I like you. Demeanor is the difference between a challenge to something as well as answering questions. I think I was more addressing the material between us, if you will. However, as I've said, I have liked you from the day you arrived on TOL. However that plays out, I believe our best gift to each other is to speak what we know to be true and examine ourselves after to be sure what we believe is true, holds up. For me, that is the greatest gift to one another on TOL. It helps us be made and molded by scriptures (and the reason I'm glad for your scriptures in length). -Lon

I disagree. I believe that it IS mental gymnastics. Moments before, John 10:33 It was CLEAR to the Pharisees that Jesus claimed to be God. Mental gymnastics, as far as I understand scripture, is missing that. Somehow, very clearly, Jesus communicated He was God. Imho, you missed it. John 14:7

Modalism. As I've said, I agree with about half of what an Arian says, about half of what a modalist says. Triune could be partly understood as being "1/2 Unitarian/Modal -ism."
:nono: Which is why I only agree with about half of what you believe. John 1:3 1 Timothy 1:3 then 1 John 4:2 "came in the flesh." Words mean something. If we don't acknowledge those words, we are no longer being molded by scripture, but molding scripture to OUR expectations. There is NO WAY I could be triune if scripture didn't mold me as such. It is NOT intuitive. God isn't a man nor does He think like a man. Numbers 23:19

-- Thank you, btw, for looking up and reading and studying scriptures with me on all this, of course it should not be something to 'thank' because it is the soul of a man who belongs to God, to know his/her God, but yet, it is refreshing to see a love for Him and His scriptures! Thus, I thank you for refreshing my soul with such. In Him.

Did you ever contemplate that the Lord Jesus Christ has authority over that Spirit? John 20:22

When it comes to the Lord Jesus Christ, if we 'assume' we are wrong. He was/is unique. Imho, this is speculative surmising.

We are wholly in disagreement. I am Trinitarian because it is the ONLY position that makes scriptural sense. Like I said, scripturally, I agree with about half of your scriptural ideas, specifically, because they are scriptural. The problem is, I/we see half of what you believe as scripturally untenable. All any other would have to do, is PROVE from scripture we Trinitarians are wrong. To date? :nono: Even you are on about 'tradition.' It is a scapegoat, a rabbit trail, a nothing. I don't care about tradition OTHER than if it aligns with scripture. "Tradition" then, is a strawman and really a waste of time and breath. SHOW scripture and see if someone agrees. You already know where we don't in this thread. Any discussion BUT scripture is a red-herring and a waste of time in most cases (clarification discussion is often helpful).

I gave scriptures to contemplate otherwise. see John 16:28 among many others. To me, it does not look scripturally tenable that the Lord Jesus Christ is a 'created' being. His flesh was made, but to think the Creator is a creature is never expressed. Why you'd believe it, then, MUST be extra-biblical extrapolation. There is no other possibility. No scripture says the Lord Jesus Christ was created. I further believe the ONLY place you could have gained such an idea is from a heretic. Imho, it CAN'T come from scripture.

I appreciate the attempt!

Quick help tutorial of the way "I" do it:

I highlight sentences I want to respond to and hit the "Quote" button above (the dialogue balloon

I delete any sentence I don't want to respond to.

Next, I respond between the quote marks.

Finally, I copy the first quote:
Lon;# and paste it over all of the [QUOTE}'s :e4e: -Lon[/QUOTE said:
I must be quick, and may not be afforded the time to respond fully until next weekend.

I will respond to the things we seem to be wholly opposite on as bluntly as possible.

I agree wholly about self examination; be it active or retrospective. Beautiful, most significant point.

One with GOD is a spiritual state. An utter negation of self and the wants of self. If one sets aside their wants or themselves from all processes of thought and action then they are left focusing on the Spirit and the conscience. Doing such could be said to be at One with God. All is of GOD, and the potential to realize such lies within each of us. How much more so would this potential have been present for the Christ of GOD; the firstborn? Which, by the way, brings me to another point? Born, begotten, is to be formed. You say Jesus was the exception, but scripture says flatly that He is the firstborn; which is indeed the first to be formed, which too is per scripture as as all was formed by GOD through his Word which too emanated from GOD, making it not literally synonymous with the literal utter fullness of GOD, let alone while manifest in the flesh.

I see people who believe that Jesus was literally the utter fullness of GOD while temporal man. One question comes to mind that none have ever answered except to say because GOD loves us, which, though true; is no answer to the actual question. I really must go for now, but the question.... please answer it; and know I mean no disrespect to GOD or Lord.

Why would GOD send GOD to be a blood sacrifice to GOD?

how is that related to saving grace or the gospel?


Well-known member
I must be quick, and may not be afforded the time to respond fully until next weekend.

I will respond to the things we seem to be wholly opposite on as bluntly as possible.

I agree wholly about self examination; be it active or retrospective. Beautiful, most significant point.
2 Corinthians 13:5 Proverbs 27:17

One with GOD is a spiritual state. An utter negation of self and the wants of self.
For you and I, yes. For the Son, more than that, He says that. John 5:23 The Pharisees understood that. John 10:33

If one sets aside their wants or themselves from all processes of thought and action then they are left focusing on the Spirit and the conscience. Doing such could be said to be at One with God.
Too speculative again. We Trinitarian Fundamentalists truly believe if scripture doesn't say it implicitly, we need to be very careful. I almost always try to give you a scripture, by example, that says exactly what I'm saying. If it isn't exact, I'm making it up. We don't know everything, scripture isn't all we 'could' know, just what we need to know. Because of that, I'm emphatic that scriptures need to be closely adhered to without a lot of speculation. Whenever I speculate or am at odds with the majority of Christians, I try to say it as such. The difference?
You seem to proceed 'as if' you are right (perhaps more a commentary on Modalists and Unitarians than you).

I proceed 'as if' I could be wrong, realizing that going against the majority of people shown to be trying (at least) to follow God, means "I" have to be more reflective and contemplative, possibly entertain that I am wrong.

All is of GOD, and the potential to realize such lies within each of us. How much more so would this potential have been present for the Christ of GOD; the firstborn? Which, by the way, brings me to another point?
Again speculative reasoning and rumination. Scripture HAS to say it, else we are just thinking out loud, or worse, saying it as if it were fact or truth. It simply assumes the verses implicit about the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ apply as well to you and I, etc.

Born, begotten, is to be formed. You say Jesus was the exception, but scripture says flatly that He is the firstborn; which is indeed the first to be formed, which too is per scripture as as all was formed by GOD through his Word which too emanated from GOD, making it not literally synonymous with the literal utter fullness of GOD, let alone while manifest in the flesh.
YET, He says He had glory (pre-existent by necessity of scriptural revelation) with the Father BEFORE creation. Again, I love the scripture you use, but I KNOW the scriptures go further and CANNOT contradict one another this way. In reality, I often think Trinitarians have just read and retained more scriptures than our counterparts. At least, that is the way it seems to me. John 17:5 See also John 3:16. It isn't 'creation' like all the rest. The Lord Jesus Christ is called "ONLY" begotten. It cannot add up the way Unitarians add it up, though.

I see people who believe that Jesus was literally the utter fullness of GOD while temporal man. One question comes to mind that none have ever answered except to say because GOD loves us, which, though true; is no answer to the actual question. I really must go for now, but the question.... please answer it; and know I mean no disrespect to GOD or Lord.

Why would GOD send GOD to be a blood sacrifice to GOD?
I've asked that a few different ways myself. It is, I think, to show the extent of His Love and a desire, not to dispose of us, but redeem us. If it were you or I? We'd have scrapped the lot, including Noah, and started over or just forgotten the whole thing. It is a good question, but at times, we are rightly, as creations, at the mercies of His disclosures and some of it is clearly 'because I said so.' I hated that answer as a child. I have an innate desire to know. At the same time, I've learned humility. As much as I want to know everything, I am not God. I'm finite AND I MUST accept that though God gave me this mind to be ever learning, it'll always be finite. John 21:25

how is that related to saving grace or the gospel?
Simply that whether we understand the why, the sacrifice was real and a genuine expression of Love? Perhaps love is the only thing that could/can save us :think: The nature of the "Only Begotten" isn't a necessary conundrum, rather that John 3:16 says that God so loved, that He gave.

While I understand your frustration (I think) it isn't the point for me. Rather, 'our' redemption was the point. I realize we have theology built around the righteous demand of consequences for sin, but John 3:16 puts the focus on God's love for fallen man. It changes the focus back on us and 'our' need.

Lazy afternoon

Use scriptures behind each of your increasingly convoluted statements to even have a Trinitarian be able to follow such thinking. It is foreign to anyone who reads John 1:1 as we do. "...was with AND was God. See, we see the Lord Jesus Christ as somehow both, because that is what it says. You do too, you simply, in your mind, made 'word' quadrinity where the "Word" is with God and was God THEN the Word becomes Jesus. You guys really don't think things through. You settle for simpleton answers that when pressed, don't make sense. Look at it! It is a mess. ONLY the triune view embraces all scriptures and then endeavors to go no further. The RC calls it a mystery. All we Trinitarians believe somehow God is One, yet Father, Son, Spirit are/is Him. The 'are/is' will often confuse in one trying to explain, as is evident in this thread, but it is because when a Modalist presses us, we look Unitarian, and when a Unitarian presses us, it looks modal. If you understand that, you'll understand why we say you are both 'half' right. Try to realize we agree with about half of what you are saying but rejecting anything beyond scriptural revelation. "Figuring it out" on your own is a nono. That is what lands you in cult heresy corners.

You have said here that I am of a cult in heresy, yet you go crying to the moderators if I should suggest anything of you.

You are a hypocrite Lon.


You had the moderator remove me from posting on your thread (for no infringement of the rules) after you had thanked me for posting there.

What sort of person are you?


Lazy afternoon

Please show us where scripture says that God "united" with a man to become Jesus.

I did not say that.

God raised up His son through His overshadowing Mary by the His Holy Spirit, and through the ministry of Gods living word to Him, after which the Holy Spirit entered into Him and began Gods ministry through Him.

After which Jesus went to the cross in His own faith in His Father.

By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God,and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world. - 1 John 4:2-3

For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. - 2 John 1:7

You are antichrist.

Notice that I did not go crying to the moderators over your saying that.



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Gold Subscriber
I did not say that.

Yes you did, Lazy, anyone can read your post and see that that is exactly what you said:

However God came down from Heaven to unite with a man at His baptism who God raised up by His word

Don't try to deny it.

God raised up His son through His overshadowing Mary by the His Holy Spirit, and through the ministry of Gods living word to Him, after which the Holy Spirit entered into Him and began God's/ministry through Him,

Why is it that you and Keypurr say the Holy Spirit entered Jesus? Scripture clearly states that the dove of the Holy Spirit landed on Jesus. It does not say the dove entered Him.