The Trinity

The Trinity

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God's Truth

New member
Pops didn't say that I did, and he's not sticking up for anyone, why do you think he's sticking up for me?

He treated 'our' discussion as minuscule. It is not minuscule to you, is it? It certainly is not to me when I take the time to explain it to you so carefully.

What is minuscule is when YOU keep going on about it after being shown the truth many times.

We do not ever say Jesus was a walking dead person and that he was dead before sacrificing his body on the cross.


Well-known member
He treated 'our' discussion as minuscule. It is not minuscule to you, is it? It certainly is not to me when I take the time to explain it to you so carefully.

What is minuscule when YOU keep going on about it after being shown the truth many times.

We do not ever says Jesus was a walking dead person and that he was dead before sacrificing his body on the cross.

Shown the truth? I'm speaking the truth, Jesus was dead, he was dead to the rudiments of the world, dead to sin, completely dead to the flesh. So he was dead, yet alive in God, he had more life than anyone ever, full of the power of the Spirit. In the fullness of God bodily.

But you can't seem to see what I mean at all. And you are changing what I'm saying to mean something that I'm not saying in any way whatsoever!

There's no point in going on!

God's Truth

New member
Shown the truth? I'm speaking the truth, Jesus was dead, he was dead to the rudiments of the world, dead to sin, completely dead to the flesh. So he was dead, yet alive in God, he had more life than anyone ever, full of the power of the Spirit. In the fullness of God bodily.

But you can't seem to see what I mean at all. And you are changing what I'm saying to mean something that I'm not saying in any way whatsoever!

There's no point in going on!

When you are tempted to keep speaking untruths about me not understanding, read again our posts to each other about it.

Keep rereading and forget about posting the same untruths repeatedly.


Well-known member
When you are tempted to keep speaking untruths about me not understanding, read again our posts to each other about it.

Keep rereading and forget about posting the same untruths repeatedly.
Ok you can't see what I mean, there's no point in going on and on.

I'm off to make my husband's tea.

God's Truth

New member
Ok you can't see what I mean, there's no point in going on and on.

I'm off to make my husband's tea.

I really don't care about the snide remarks about you making your husband tea.

I also don't know how many times I have to tell you that I know exactly what you mean but I still don't agree.


New member
NEVER said what you are asserting I said. You have a comprehension thingy going on.



Are you saying, exactly, the same as, gt, that a UNbeliever can OBEY God BEFORE God has saved them? (Notice it is a question and not an assertion, just in case.)
I'm saying a non believer can, through the will of GOD, find that they are in a deprived dead state. I'm saying that any can find themselves in a state of humble need. I'm saying that any can hope on the Lord GOD regardless of if they know HIM, or just of HIM.

now; what does that have to do with a supposed believer continuing in knowing sin while haughtily proclaiming their own eternal safety and bliss, and even conscious though, memories and the same body they dwell in now, in knowing sin?

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New member
I said nothing about YOUR faith.

If you are a Christian, the Holy Spirit will tell you when you are going the wrong way and He will turn you around.

Man, you comprehension thingy is really off.
Soooo..... you didn't say that GOD hadn't directed me, causing me to forsake what I had and follow Him?

You didn't say that pagans too give of what they love(you may have said have opposed to love)?

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New member
Which you do.

Example of a comprehension thingy being off.

The ONLY 'worry' I have is if I ever stop looking at Jesus Christ and His finished/completed work on the Cross of Calvary, which gives me His Life.

When did you take the place of God, popsthebuilder, to assert that another person has no conscience?
So you focus your attention on a cross and the death of the Son of GOD at all times?

How does that lead you to salvation? How does that affect your person? What happened when the Holy Spirit indwelled in you? How is it that scripture says not to sin if you are indeed faithful, but you say to continue, feel free to consume, devour, destroy, obsess, lord over, discriminate or whatever else your black heart desires and you'll be safe as long as you believe in a cross and focus your attention on the sacred blood of our beloved Christ and Lord, and his presumed death. Focus not on the foundation, not to stand firm in it, but just to observe on the side, and misdirect.

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New member
The FINISHED foundation is Jesus Christ and His finished/completed work on the Cross of Calvary. This is Christianity 101.

Any person building their construction on anything else but Jesus Christ and His Work, and all you construct is constructed on sinking sand.

Hopefully, you will turn your comprehension thingy on today.
How can you remotely justify your words against what I speak of when what I speak of is the foundation of faith in Jesus Christ, and Him setting of said foundation for the sake of the believer? How is it that actually following the Way, to you is going against It, when what I speak of is reiterated all throughout scripture? You blatantly speak against it yet don't seem to see it.

Does that ring any bells?

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New member
If you are IN Christ, being that He and His Work is a FINISHED/COMPLETED house, then all you bring AFTER He has welcomed you into HIS FINISHED/COMPLETED house is of no consequence to Him.

What YOU do AFTER He has saved you, is of consequence TO YOU, but not to Him.
Who ever ever said or insinuated that it was of any consequence to GOD whatsoever? Not me for sure.

You continue lying about me.

It is telling.

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New member
Would you like to enumerate them (not a question).

In case you missed it, popsthebuilder, due to YOUR lack of comprehension; the response was an attempt at sarcasm.

Do you believe in Father, Son, Holy Spirit? I am assuming you do, then you believe in the Trinity/Trinity of GOD (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).

Anybody has a problem with GOD (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) go take it up with the Trinity/Triune GOD (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).

Because you want me to take my eyes away from the ONLY hope there is — Jesus Christ and His finished/completed work on the Cross of Calvary, and, I am sorry, I cannot oblige you.

When you can come down from your horse and work from the foundation which is Jesus Christ and His finished/completed work on the Cross of Calvary, then you will see that YOUR words are not a waste of YOUR time.
News flash friendo;

I do not deny the trinity and do focus of the work of the Christ which was and is the teachings, example, and selfless sacrifice He made willingly, and too, the resurrection we are to hope and believe in.

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New member
If your belief is Jesus Christ and His finished/completed work on the Cross of Calvary you ought to live by that belief.

Wow! I say that the ONLY hope any person has is Jesus Christ and His finished/completed work on the Cross of Calvary, and you accuse me of having a seared conscience. Wow, indeed, popsthebuilder.

Philippians 1:6 KJV
(6) Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

Just noting that there might be a different in understanding between what was "finished" and what was just begun.


New member
Why do people want to make it so mysterious, when it says to keep it simple. Jesus said the Father is the only true God. Jesus said that we have the very same God and the very same Father that He does. Paul backed Jesus up with for us there is only one God the Father.

2 Cor 11:3
3 But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

John 17:1-3
1 Jesus spoke these words, lifted up His eyes to heaven, and said: "Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may glorify You,
2 "as You have given Him authority over all flesh, that He should give eternal life to as many as You have given Him.
3 "And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.

John 20:17
17 Jesus said to her, "Do not cling to Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father; but go to My brethren and say to them, 'I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God.'"

1 Cor 8:5-7
5 For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as there are many gods and many lords),
6 yet for us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we for Him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and through whom we live.
7 However, there is not in everyone that knowledge; for some, with consciousness of the idol, until now eat it as a thing offered to an idol; and their conscience, being weak, is defiled.
[MENTION=474]Squeaky[/MENTION], if you will come to the "Are there saints in heaven" thread we've branched into that topic there as well. The Trinity board is mainly for fighting and bickering and calling each other names now.


New member
Don't forget, marhig, that you say Jesus was dead before he went on the cross.
Dead to sin; tempted at all points as we too are, but unlike us, never persuaded to sin by the inclinations of the flesh; as in dead to sin.

You know we'll what she means yet intentially misrepresent her words with the hopes of defaming her character.

Your insidious deception seems to be rooted in your very being.

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New member
Popsthebuilder, you need to know when to stand up for one and not the other. It is not clear when you try to stifle truth for the sake of not offending marhig.
I agree with both points. She needed to clarify, and did, and stated such.

The clarification wouldn't have been needed if referring to Jesus as dead, as opposed to dead to sin. Showing that you too are right.

Needless division just isn't my thing.

You were both right, but she might ougjt to consider not referring to Christ as dead, or the physical Jesus as dead prior to crucifixion.

I hope that clarifies any confusion I may have inadvertently caused or added to.

peace, and thank you for bringing it to my attention.

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New member
I'm saying a non believer can, through the will of GOD, find that they are in a deprived dead state. I'm saying that any can find themselves in a state of humble need. I'm saying that any can hope on the Lord GOD regardless of if they know HIM, or just of HIM.

now; what does that have to do with a supposed believer continuing in knowing sin while haughtily proclaiming their own eternal safety and bliss, and even conscious though, memories and the same body they dwell in now, in knowing sin?

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I have no idea what you are going on about now.